The Annual Sports Festival of PDPU “PETROCUP” boasts itself as a messenger to spread the aura of sportsmanship, friendliness, competition with a message to “LEARN, PLAY AND WIN”.
Year by year PETROCUP has grown from great heights to greater heights. Keeping the same spirits with the head held high extravaganza PETRO-14 aims to be more enthusiastic, bigger and better, thus, taking it to a new level.
Petro Cup’13 saw participation from 32 various universities / institutes & there were more than 1700 participants and approximately 4,000 footfalls.
The Mega event this year would comprises of:
Registration fees for a team in CR is Rs. 1500; in BB, FB, VB is Rs. 1000; in LT, TT, CA, CH, is Rs. 700 and in AT is 200 per event. PDPU in order to promote sports among girls has exempted fee for girls' teams.
PDPU family cordially invites your esteemed institution to be a part of PETRO CUP '14.
It gives an immense pleasure in inviting you and your teams to this exciting tournament for Students. We look forward to your teams' participation with the best of sportsmen spirit, enthusiasm and zeal for glory. Please acknowledge your participation by registering your teams latest by Monday 20th January, 2014 so that we can make prior arrangements. Please find attached document containing the Rules of the event.
Click here for registration
For more information please contact us at
sports@pdpu.ac.in or below mentioned members of sports committee.
Shrravya Siri +91 966 297 1881
Maheep Rathode +91 756 783 1144
Anu Tripathi +91 997 406 5019
Aman Sharma +91 966 211 6959
Ujjval Chaudhary +91 966 229 9767
Assem Anand +91 769 870 2012
To keep the sports persons active the Office of sports with the help of Sports Committee organizes, the intra university competitions all through out of the year in all the games possible.
The whole student community of PDPU is divided into groups school wise and if required branch wise and teams are called from each group. We have total 17 Groups formed from School pf Petroleum management, School of Petroleum Technology, School of Liberal Studies, School of Technology. Even Faculty & Staff members are invited to take part in these events. A part from this, Office of Sports activities conducts sports events for faculty and staff members separately also.
The list of Intra University Competitions is:
University Chess Tournament (UCT)
Proposed Date / Conducted Date for current Academic Year:-
The event saw an huge participation from 150+ students. After a three day tournament, the winners of UCT are:
1st Position: AmrulKhan Mohorvani – 2nd year (11BPE010) SPT
2nd Position: Parth Mishra – 4th Year- (09BT01139) SPT
3rd Position: Nirmal Madhusoodanan - 2nd year - (11BEEE010) SOT(Electric)
PDPU Carom Tournament (PCT)
Proposed Date / Conducted Date for current Academic Year:
PCT had competitions in 2 categories, singles and doubles. The tournament had more than 160 participants in total, where the tournament went on for 3 days and winners of the tournament