Over the years, PDEU has been privileged to host some of the best globally renowned dignitaries from various sectors. From Prime Ministers and Consul Generals of various nations, to humanitarians and philanthropists, to entrepreneurs and corporate leaders, PDEU has provided opportunities to the students to meet people from all walks of life. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to get to meet such illustrious dignitaries and learn the art of their trade, and the students of University have had many such experiences.
An expert talk was organized on the topic “Design of Transformers” for Semester-VIII students of Electrical Engineering. In the talk, the topics covered were design consideration for transformers, material classification, Design of Electrical, Electromechanical, Electro-magnetic, magnetic circuit, insulation materials utilized, and modern advancements in the design. Design of cooling system of transformer was also discussed. From this expert lecture students came to know about modern advancement in the design of transformer.
An expert talk was organized on the topic “Project Management” for Semester-VIII students of Electrical Engineering. In the talk, the topics covered are project life cycle, reason behind project failure, team work, project planning and project execution. From this expert lecture students came to know about importance of project planning.
An expert talk was organized on the topic “Implementation of Smart Grid in India - A Bird's View” for Semester-II MTech (Power Systems) students of Electrical Engineering. In the talk, recent scenario in Indian Smart Grid implementation had been presented. All the technical, economical and commercial challenges had been dealt in detail and all the thrust areas were covered in detail. From this expert lecture students came to know about the power distribution reforms and advancement in power grid.
"An expert lecture was delivered by Dr. Urmil Parikh on the topic of "Basics of circuit breaking & recent advancement in Circuit breaker technology." Dr. Parikh has an experience of more than 18 years in the field of switchgear and protection engineering. Dr. Urmil Parikh commenced lecture with energetic yoga practice with students. He shared various aspects of circuit breakers with animated films and videos. He shared lots of practical concepts of circuit breakers with the help of basic terminologies and waveforms.
The major topics that were covered comprises of effect of inductance and capacitance on system, effect of reducing inductive load on system and its relation to CB operation, importance of FACTS device, reactors and capacitors as switchgear components, magnetic and electrical coupling, controlled switching of breakers, breaker circuit simulation, demo of breaker open /close mechanism, hydraulic and numerical spring effect on CB open /close, other details such as ABB competency in design of HVDC breakers for 400kV bipolar HVDC , disturbance records of various cases, etc. He also shared practical challenges facing in his career."
An expert talk was organized on the topic “Testing and Commissioning of GIS equipments” for Semester-VI students of Electrical Engineering. In this lecture, expert talked about testing commission of Gas Insulated substation equipments, technical issues along with maintenance of the testing equipments, and through this lecture students got aware of the practical problems faced while testing and commissioning on site. Along with all this all practical issues are coincided with theory also to have better idea for the students.
An expert talk was organized on the topic “Design of EHV and HV substations” for VIth semester students of Electrical Engineering. In the talk, the topics covered were (i) Types of substation, (ii) AIS substation, (iii) GIS substation From this expert lecture students came to know about designing aspects of substation especially GIS substation.
An expert talk was organized on the topic “synchronous generators” for Semester-IV students of Electrical Engineering. In the talk, the topics covered were synchronization of generator to grid, design of super critical generators, cooling requirements, insulation class of windings, control of synchronous generator, operation of synchronous generator connected to grid & capability curve of synchronous generator. From this expert lecture students came to know about modern advancement in the design of synchronous generator.
An expert talk was organized on the topic “Distribution of Power” for VIth semester students of Electrical Engineering. In the talk, the topics covered were (i) HV distribution, outdoor versus indoor/underground substations, Ring main system, (ii) LV distribution, (iii) Distribution losses (Aggregate Technical & Commercial), measures to reduce ATC, (iv) Losses, Energy efficiency. From this expert lecture students gained working knowledge about the transmission and distribution sector of power utilities.
An expert talk was organized on the topic “Permanent Magnet Brush Less DC (PMBLDC) Motor Drive: Practical Considerations” for Semester-II, M.Tech. (Electrical Engineering) students. The talk started with the discussion on electric drives in present scenario and its significance. Then the basic aspects about the PMBLDC motor ad its merits over classical machines were covered. Then the talk concentrated on the practical aspects and problems faced in real time applications.
An expert talk was organized on the topic “Induction heating and Resonant Converters” for Semester-VIII students of Electrical Engineering. In the talk, the topics covered were operating principle of induction heating, applications of induction heating, importance of frequency of supply, Different types of induction From this expert lecture students came to know about modern advancement in the induction heating and the design of Resonant converter.heating, the components used in the design of converter used for production of high frequency supply followed by a small demonstration of induction heating.
An expert lecture was organized by Electrical Engineering department on 23rd April 2018 targeting 4th semester UG student of the department as a pre-requisite of Industrial Orientation program. The major topics that were covered are Inside structure of Basic Transformer, Electro-Mechanical stress or Force developed inside transformer, effects due to this stress, Practical solutions to those effects, Function of Breather, Use of Smart Breathers, some problems faced while using smart breather, solution to that problem, other details such as Air Bag Transformer, etc. He also shared practical challenges facing in his career.
An expert lecture was conducted by Electrical Engineering Department targeting 4th semester UG student of the department as a pre-requisite of Industrial Orientation program. The major topics that were covered are single line diagram, components on HT and LT side, circuit breakers, fuses, transformer, protection equipment required, rating of the different equipments used. He also shared practical challenges facing in his career.
An expert talk was organized on the topic “Application of DSPs/Micro-controllers in Industry” for Semester-VIII students of Electrical Engineering. In the expert lecture the application of DSPs and Micro-controllers for industrial purpose is been explained. The students are explained about practical implementation of all types of controllers and the way they are implemented.
An expert talk was organized on the topic “Similarity Learning in Content Based Image Retrieval” for Semester-VIII students of Electrical Engineering. In the talk, the expert explained about the Image processing and its retrieval by using digital image processing. The lecture started form a small task like image processing in hospitals and then it went on with analyzing the signal and its analysis and the role of Digital signal processing in retrieving it.
An expert talk was organized on the topic “Vector Control” for Semester-II, M.Tech. (Electrical Engineering) students. The talk started with the discussion on the basics of mathematical modelling of electric motors and its significance. The mathematical modelling of induction motor was covered. The control aspects related to the induction motors, control strategies and their pros and cons were discussed. The analogy of vector control was introduced and the implementation issues were analyzed.
An expert talk was organized on the topic “Recent advances in factory Automation” for Semester-VII Electrical and Semester V Mechanical Engineering students. The talk started with the importance of control systems in Electrical and Mechanical engineering disciplines. Later, components of factory automation were discussed. Control of drives, position control, precise control, and animation was covered by the speaker. Later half was dedicated to design of controller for the factory automation. Both Mechanical and electrical engineering students were benefited from the expert talk.
Starting with a seemingly simple question, ‘Why do we eat what we eat?’, data-driven research conducted from our lab have led to the serendipitous discovery of ‘contrasting food pairing’ in Indian cuisine. Our studies have also revealed ‘culinary fingerprints’ of regional cuisines and role of spice as the molecular fulcrum of Indian recipes. He explained, apart from answering one question, ther research has opened up many more questions that are leading into divergent frontiers of food, nutrition, and health: models for the evolution of recipes, molecular basis of ingredient flavors, emergence of the flavor in a recipe, algorithms for novel recipe generation, food-disease associations, the therapeutic potential of phytochemicals and strategies for leveraging food as medicine, among others. Through the construction of relevant data resources and hypothesis-driven investigations of food, their data-driven explorations of food have opened a whole new paradigm for food data analytics and show the potential for leveraging food for better health as well as nutrition.
On the first day, knowledge pertaining to design principles and various aspects of web development and its brief history was discussed. During the session’s second half, students were familiarized with HTML and CSS. This was followed by hands on exercise. Students were recommended to learn from “w3schools.com“. On the second day, students were introduced to JavaScript basics and a brainstorming about its application, utilities and disadvantages were under taken. A session of peer learning was initiated based on previous session exercises. It was concluded that sound foundation on data structures is mandatory for understanding and learning complex languages and Web Development.
The talk started with an overview of VLSI Technology and addressed how the chip miniaturization happened. The speaker also emphasized on relevance of 7NM technology and how it is going to affect the end user and what are future challenges for VLSI chip designer. A great enthusiasm was seen among the participants to know more about different technologies at present. Mr. Joshi enlighten the students about the future prospect in the field.
Various concepts beginning from basics of IoT to increasing demand of IoT and possible future applications were covered during his talk. Seminar concluded with the discussion on various mini projects which could be taken up by students under the guidance of Mentor for tinkering lab. Doubt solving session was arranged at the end.
Introduced the importance of writing good query in the industry. He explained how the query gets processed in order to understand how to optimize the queries to minimize the cost. An interactive fun activity was conducted to help understand the concept better. Mr. Nitul Mehta also took an extra effort to explain the industry demand and the procedures of selection in a job interview.
The lecture covered the recent trends and tools of infrastructure project management. He shared his experiences with the students about the challenges in these projects
The lecture covered case studies of infrastructure finance including Kalpasar project. The speaker explained the basics of the concept with examples. Students took interest and had a very interactive session.
The lecture covered case studies of the recent practices of contracts management.
The lecture covered elaborate and comprehensive case studies of innovative concrete and steel structures
The lecture covered the concepts of resilient infrastructure. The term “resilient” refers to the ability of such infrastructure systems (including their interconnected ecosystems and social systems) to absorb disturbance and still retain their basic function and structural capacity.
The lecture was about the application of remote sensing and geographical information systems in water resources management
The lecture covered different aspects about the design and management of complex mega infrastructure projects.He brought interesting facts to the notice of students about these projects.
This lecture covered the different elastic behaviours of columns. The speaker gave his insights into the basics of elastic behaviour.
Mr. Ganesh Ram from Ford India Chennai delivered the talk to B. Tech V Semester students. He has demonstrated how to use automation techniques in CAE domain with the use of coding and macros using Altair Hyperworks products. He has shown coding for optimization of tools used which is used by automotive industries particularly in CAE domain.
Prof. Soni has explained the introduction, need and various aspects of design of Material Handling Equipment’s. The Prof gave a glimpse of the use of various techniques of Material Handling equipment’s in small and large scale industry.
Introduction to Inspection and Quality Control, Specifying Limits of Variability, Dimensions and Tolerances, Selection of Gauging Equipment, Gauge Control, Quality Control and Quality Assurance, Statistical Quality Control, Total Quality Management, Six Sigma, Quality Standards
He talked about Introduction to Engineering graphics, use of graphics in industry, its industrial applications, day to day use in research, academia and consumer products. He also discussed use of engineering drafting leading to CAD in Siemens with applications.
The session was organized to bring over all shine in the student’s personality, to be able to form a healthy rapport with anybody of any age bracket and to get a wonderful edge, a razor-sharp yet approachable as well as a warm outlook to life and people. Mr. Kumar addressing the gathering said that Personality Development and Personal Communication are two of the most important facets that any professional must work on. He motivated the students to gain skills in addition to their subject knowledge. He advised the students to face the real world situations appropriately to build their career in a prospective manner.
he explained that welding and joining technologies are fundamental to engineering and manufacturing. He briefly talked about the techniques for metal joining. He focussed on challenges faced by the industry and the opportunities for futher innovative techniques.
It involves waste water management, air pollution control, recycling, waste disposal, radiation protection, industrial hygiene, animal agriculture, environmental sustainability, public health and environmental engineering law. It also includes studies on the environmental impact of proposed construction projects. He very very well qoted the role of young engineers in doing all these.
"Dr. Jain covered the following topics in his lecture: Introduction to Reliance Jamnagar Supersite, Refining Research and Development and Modeling Approaches. He also discussed Case Studies of Fluidized Bed Gasifier and Pressure Drop in Packed Reactor. He gave insight into Industrial Expectations, applications of concepts to various scenario: Process Design/ Operations/ New Development/ Troubleshooting and Techno Commercial Outlook"
The objective of this lecture was to create awareness amongst students regarding the real industrial challenges for chemical engineers and introduces the technical requirement for the fresher’s to grab the best industrial opportunities. He covered several aspects of industrial challenges that mainly faced by the engineers in industries. He also addressed interesting key facts about how to deal and tackle with the industrial challenges.
In his enlightening lecture, Prof. Joshipura covered many topics ranging from general information about the department, personal experiences while consulting to industries, developments in technology, cases on which he consulted etc. Some of the noteworthy contents from the lecture are: The “onion model” of process design. A reactor design in needed before the separation and recycle system can be designed. The concepts of Energy Targets and Thermodynamic Targets related to pinch technology were discussed briefly. The importance of hot and cold composite curves was discussed in deep. The rules of heat exchanger design network were also discussed.
He explained briefly about Industrial Pumps and Compressor to the students. He explained various types of compressors and their designs. He also showed the examples of applications of the pumps and compressors
Lithium-ion battery started its journey nearly 26 years ago from the laboratory and gain tremendous interest within short time period. Currently, Li-ion batteries are the systems of choice for many diverse applications and occupy the highest place in the storage map in comparison to several contenders’ technologies that being presently developed. He shared that in a group research at IIT Bombay, they do work on second generation Li-ion cells that will appear soon with greater hope and safety. In this talk, he first highlighted ongoing research strategies pertaining to these various systems together with the remaining challenges prior to enter into a personal perspective mode. Several new trends and new ideas were discussed, which require much collaborative and integrated work to achieve greater success.
He explained the synthesis and characterization of transition metal nanoparticles, core-shell structure of semiconducting nanomaterials and metal-semiconductor composite materials. Photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic H2 formation and nitro-organic synthesis reaction under visible light (436 nm) irradiation. Transition metal (Fe, Cr, V, W, Mo, Cu) doped TiO2. Synthesis of various size and shape of Au, Ag Cu and CdS etc nanoparticles-nanorods and metal-semiconductor nanojunction orientation and their Photocatalytic properties. Metal oxide based nanofluids were discussed.
The talk was mostly about Al-doped ZnO films as a transparent conductor and then SnS as a solar absorber material and the use of those materials in solar cell.
Irrigation in Indian agriculture sector largely depends on grid power. He discussed in his talk the great potential and prototype implementation of PV power.
Microgrids are increasingly becoming popular where grid power is not available such as in remote Indian villages. Dr. Jani’s talk focussed on exploring the microgrid establishment in those potential areas where agriculture is a large contributor to domestic product.
His talk initially covered the motivation for continued development of manufacturing sector in India. He further covered the journey of ANTS Ceramics in the domain of advanced ceramic manufacturing and heating systems. ANTs has in house developed processes like Slip casting, Gel casting, Vibro casting and Powder Compaction. He discussed technical feasibility of different process in terms of composition formulation and tailor made property variation in Oxide Ceramics. Sintered Machining and Green machining capabilities of ANTS Ceramics were also discussed in detail mentioning different application. ANTs customised solution providing capabilities were shown process wise with examples. Also he discussed technical collaboration feasibility and skill requirements. ANTs will also look for suitable manpower to reach to new height.
Gas Pricing
Importance of management in day to day life as well as in industry
MBA- The Professional Degrees and Its Nuances
FMCG Retailing
FMCG Retailing
Introduction to Infrastructure Sector
Introduction to Power Sector
Present Energy Scenario, Use of modern technologies in Thermal Power Sector, Technology to combat emission from fossil fuel.
Geopolitics and Oil Crisis
IT Consulting
CERA's Journey
Building Relationships for Winning Solutions
(Aadharshila Day Lecture) Role of Technology in Detection and Prevention of Crime
Lean Transformation & Business
Matrox Imaging Library (MIL)
High frequency power factor converters and analog electronics
Right to Quality
Project Management
Man- Machine System
Use of dynamic simulation software (ProSimulator)
Equipment design of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers and Centrifugal Pumps
Advanced Instrumentation
Principles and Applications of High pressure liquid chromatography
Introduction to formulation analysis
Introduction to GLP and GMP
Advanced Flash Chromatography
Water resources scenario in India
Recent advances in control biped robots
Nano / Micro Sized Organic - Inorganic Materials and Their Applications in Defence
Scope of Civil Engineering
Smart City
Innovation and Creativity
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems for Pharmaceutical Industries
Pinch Analysis
Vehicle Dynamics (Basics)
Enhancing Strategies in Cambay Basin
Multi-Stage Hydraulic Fracturing Application in E Hydrocarbon Production
Exploration of Mesozoic Play: Present Status
New Zones in Old Discovered and Producing Wells and Hydraulic Fracturing and Matrix Acidization and Solvent Treatment with Case Histories
Integrated Exploration & Development Approach for Enhancing Oil and Gas Production from Shallow & Deeper Horizon of Cambay Basin, Involving Drilling and Work
Production Enhancement - Workflow and Process
First Horizontal Multistage Fracturing in ONGC - Challenges, Opportunities and Learnings
Production Enhancement through Hydraulic Fracturing Technology
Current emerging issues & Challenges related to Shale Gas Exploration and Production
Current emerging issues & Challenges related to Shale Gas Exploration and Production
Current emerging issues & Challenges related to Shale Gas Exploration and Production
Current emerging issues & Challenges related to Shale Gas Exploration and Production
Management & Development of Shale Gas Resources in India
Management & Development of Shale Gas Resources in India
Management & Development of Shale Gas Resources in India
Policy and Economics Consideration in Shale Gas Projects
Policy and Economics Consideration in Shale Gas Projects
Policy and Economics Consideration in Shale Gas Projects
Refracturing Technology in Horizontal Wells
SPSS Workshop
Mass Communication, Films and Society
Business Communication
Bansuri performance
Psychoanalytic couch: An introduction to the work of Sudhir Kakar
Kathak Performace
Implications of Union Budget 2017
Implications of Union Budget 2017
Can we speak about superstition in India
Being Ethical
India and the United Nations Security Council: The Past, The Present and The Future’.
India and the United Nations Security Council: The Past, The Present and The Future’.
Small and Medium Entreprises
Role of Psychology in Investigation of Criminal Behaviour
Nuclear Safety, Security, & Safeguards in India
Nuclear Safety, Security, & Safeguards in India
Forensic Psychology in India and Careers
Green Education and Sustainable Development at the Backdrop of 9th Annual Boston Green Fest 2016
The growth importance of nuclear energy
Computational studies in material science
Innovation in Solar Energy Solutions For Rural Energy Access
Introduction to the Technique of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Creating Communities & Corporations: Can We Learn for Grassroots Innovators?
Equity markets and history of stock exchange.
Real time working of stock markets
Psychiatry in One hour
Making Deliberative Democracy Successful
"He is an MBA, from Indiana University, USA, a successful business entrepreneur and a creative visionary with expertise ranging from corporate operations to sales & advertising as well as manufacturing spread over more than two decades."
"The session took off from the basics of management and the organizational structure in the corporate sector, moving through the various types of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Along with the presentation various queries and answers from Mr. Behl made the session even more interactive and fruitful for the future managers and entrepreneurs."
"He discussed regarding the pillars of any business model i.e., Quality, Cost effectiveness, Delivery impact and Reverse integration in Power and Gas Industry. He also talked about how everything around us is changing dynamically, and how important it has become to keep up with this pace; and that employees today need to be competent in various areas, and be agile to survive the change."
"The speakers started with an insight into how diverse industries are interconnected, and hence the need for proper infrastructure, and multi-faceted role of the employees. Students had an enriching interaction about the unique sector-specific risks related to project financing, risk assessment and refinancing cashouts, and importance of assessment of management team or manpower before finalising the contracts."
"On this occasion, MoU on ‘Collaborative Research’ was signed between PDEU and NCL (National Chemical Laboratory, Pune) and to memorialize the birth anniversary of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya, Dr. R. A. Mashelkar, FRS, Padma Vibhushan delivered a speech on “Reinventing India as an Innovation Nation.”
He talked about the visible shift at global level from individual contributions to public funded innovations over the past century, and particularly the changing face of STI (Science, Technology and Innovation) in India. He mentioned that ‘Innovation’ is the key to Accelerated Inclusive Growth and Competitiveness."
"He conveyed their belief that ‘Risk can only be transferred, not eliminated.’ They talked about COSO ERM Framework, and mentioned about how important it is to identify and handle the risks, as first two lines of defense, and using audit as the third line of defense. Students also got to know about various verticals of Risk Mitigation and ways of reacting to risks, especially in accordance to the maturity level of the business."
"Prof Modi has been professor at Columbia University since 1986 and has previously led the UN Millennium Project effort on the role of energy and energy services in reaching the Millennium Development Goals.
During the session, Prof. Modi threw light upon the sub African irrigation projects he has been working on, and how in African nations technology-integrated development transformed the ways the electricity is delivered to the lives of the people who did not have access to the very basic energy requirements."
"The session gave quintessential insights on what all administrative, functional and managerial challenges they face while developing these union territories as tourist spots."
"He shared the new techniques which are currently used in Power plant controlling and operation.
Students got the idea about the operation and control of power plants through practical sessions."
"This lecture included everything from basic transformer operation concept to commissioning and testing of transformers. It covered almost every aspect related to transformer theoretically and practically. The presentation explained the whole transformer syllabus to the students. It was an interactive session for students."
"He is training head at Electrotherm India. He related simple power system topics with day to day life. He made this lecture much more interacting with relating simple basic things with real world examples."
"He has 20 years of teaching experience. His interest areas are Electrical Machines, Power Electronics, Microprocessors, Microcomputers Controlled Electric Drives. The motive of the expert talk was to help the students have stronger fundamentals in the field of power electronics."
Mechanical Department
"He explained about the organizational structures, the various departments and their functions at Bosch-Rexroth. He also gave a glimpse of the structure that is established at their facility located at Sanand. Talking about the Lean manufacturing, the speaker believed that it plays the role of an alchemist in the industry. He explained, the structure of Lean can vary according to the type of industry. It is also dependent on the requirement of the time. The soul of Lean Manufacturing lies in reduction of the non-value adding activities in the operations for producing a good or providing a service."
"He thoroughly introduced glass starting with its application, Manufacturing processes, Various compositions, challenges in manufacturing etc. He also told about various properties of glass, such as Transmittance, Refractive Index, viscosity etc. He briefed on manufacturing process of glass starting with raw material, preprocessing, melting, forming, annealing, cutting, post processing, and tempering."
"He gave a glimpse of actual research work done by their company. Moving ahead he started introducing Transformers, its working principle, various parts, their applications etc. He brilliantly explained the role of mechanical engineers in designing, manufacturing and maintenance of transformers."
"He gave the overview of the intricacies involved in the manufacturing of the aerosol cans at Ball Corp."
"With 15 years of experience in diversified fields, he has spent almost a decade in HVAC industry. His critical skill set includes Channel Management, Understanding Customers’ Requirements, Providing Bespoke Solutions, Estimations, Designing HVAC System, On Site Assistance related to Techno Commercial aspects, etc. He presented the practical approach to calculating the heat load required for HVAC application in commercial buildings."
"Dr. Krishnan is L&T Welding Chair Professor at MSU, Baroda. He teaches and guides projects in welding technology and also gives consultancy to L&T companies at Hazira, Ranoli and Powai on welding related issues. He gave an insight into EBW process and the scope of developmental work in this field to the 3rd year mechanical engg students."
Industrial Department
"He distributed students into various teams to understand the buyer’s market and the desired features of a product including quality processes, setting targets and costumer’s requirements were also discussed."
"Mr. Mehta started the lecture with history on Quality as well as the quality mantras of famous gurus were presented. He gave a brief understanding of TQM PDCA, DMAIC Pareto, and FMEA from conceptual level."
"The session was all about the fundamentals of Six Sigma: History, Six Sigma definition, Tools used in define phase, measure phase, quality Phase. Quality and quality control was also discussed."
"Mr. Mehta defined different practices under Lean and different types of Improvements. A small group activity was arranged to understand the construction of Spaghetti diagrams. Each group had to trace the trajectory of a typical student’ day in his campus. Different tools of Lean were discussed. More stress was given on Gemba Kaizen systems."
Civil Department
"Prof Saswat Bandopadhyay delivered about “Understanding the Smart Cities"
"Prof. Sejal Patel delivered about “Genesis and Development of Smart Cities"
"Prof. Rajnikant Patel spoke about the challenges faced by the smart city projects"re discussed. More stress was given on Gemba Kaizen systems."
"Mrs Janki spoke about the case study of GIFT as a smart city"
"The guest lecture was primarily to demonstrate the applications of one of the latest project management tools like “Critical Chain Project Management” applicable to infrastructure projects. This tool would help in minimization of the construction waste and also help in optimization of the resources."
"The software applications primarily deal with the two very popular project management softwares like Microsoft project and Primavera. Both the softwares are very effective tools for project controlling and monitoring primarily for infrastructure projects."
"He briefed about the features and advantages of Ahmedabad Gandhinagar Metro Rail Project. The proposed metro will have majorly elevated structure, ballast-less tracks, air-conditioned coaches, GPS based rail tracking system, train destination indicators & stations with support infrastructure like automated fare collection, parking facilities, etc."
"Key Note speech was delivered by Prof. B. Bhattacharjee. He discussed about the recent advances of concrete technology."
"Mr. Sagar Deshmukh and Dr. Reddy discussed primarily about the issues in road safety and the ways and means to make our roads safe.
Dr. Srinivas discussed about transport modeling."
Nuclear Department
"Prof. Chaitanyamoy Ganguly is an eminent nuclear metallurgist who is well known in India and abroad for his pioneering R&D contributions in developing uranium, plutonium and thorium based nuclear fuels for thermal and fast reactors. Dr Ganguly received the first Indian Nuclear Society Award from the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India in 2001 and was conferred the “Padmashri” in 2002 by the Hon’ble President of India."
"Dr CVS Rao, having vast experience with Fusion Neutronics Laboratory, Institute for Plasma Research (IPR) in Bhat-Gandhinagar, Gujarat, discussed the radiological and nuclear emergencies response and preparedness to deal with unforeseen contingencies. He especially spoke about his experience in the Fusion Neutronics Lab of the IPR. Recounting the establishment of DAE Emergency Response Centre (ERC) in IPR, he told the organisation follows a stringent response strategy with SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) with regular conferences and inspections among 32 DAE-ERCs."
"The goal of the workshop was to enhance awareness among the students and faculty members about the imperatives of nuclear security best practices and building a vibrant nuclear security culture."
Solar Department
"PDEU has signed an MoU with the prestigious institute, Institute of Solar Energy Systems (ISE), Farunhofer, Freiburg, Germany for cooperation on developing product line research facility at the SRDC/DSE"
"Prof. Dr. Michael Neumann Spallart had spent two weeks as visiting Scientist in the Dept. of Solar Energy from CNRS, France visited 500 MW Solar Park, Charanka, Gujarat on February 17, 2016."
"Prof. Maheshwar Sharon, Retired Professor of Chemistry from IIT Bombay and Professor Emeritus CSIR & UGC, is currently heading a Nanotechnology Center as an Adjunct Professor at Birla College, Kalyan, Maharashtra, India." "Dr. Madhuri Sharon is Research Director at Walchand Centre for Research in Nanotechnology & Bionanotechnology, Solapur."
Chemical Department.
"He has served as an advisor to various organizations ranging from Reliance Industries Ltd. to Indian Merchants' Chamber. Dr. Kuchadker played a key role in establishing PDEU and was the founding Director General. He conducted an interactive session on the need of sustainable energy and the need to preserve mother earth."
"Prof. Gandhi obtained his MS degree from the Ohio State University in 1965, and PhD in chemical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley in 1971. Gandhi's research interests are broadly in the areas of Transport phenomena in multi-phase systems, sono-chemical reaction engineering, polymer reaction engineering and polymer processing. He enlightened the students about the various applications of poly urethanes."
"He was a member of several advisory committees and boards including ISRO, UPSC, etc. He is a renowned name in the field of CO2 sequestration Research. Dr. Bandyopadhyay delivered a detailed lecture on various clean coal technologies. Clean coal technology (CCT) encompasses a number of process/technology options to ensure use of coal with reduced or no environmentally harmful emissions from large stationary sources that are primarily responsible for global warming."
"He has an experience of 36 years in industries relating to oil and gas, chemicals and refineries in India and abroad. His talk was focused on project planning. Students were guided on the various stages involved in project execution. The lecture was followed by a short campus visit."
"ASU is considered as one of the imperatives units of most of the chemical engineering plants. Mr. Mangukia explained the process to the students with the help of process flow diagrams. He is currently working on the designing and installing world’s biggest ASU for Reliance Industries Ltd, Jamnagar. "
"Mr. Shekar is a recognized management professional having vast experience in the field of procurement & Supply chain Management for almost three decades. He has worked in leading multinationals like Goodyear Tires, Whirlpool and Bayer. During his talk he described the importance of leadership in life. He emphasized on the fact that hard work is the only route to success by quoting examples of great personalities."
"(HTRI) is a unique industrial research and development consortium, founded in 1962 and stationed at Texas, USA, which serves the thermal process engineering needs of nearly 1,500 Member Companies world-wide.
Mr. Desai provided detailed information about features of HTRI and its use in the process industry. He explained how the software helped in understanding heat exchangers, heat transfer and other thermal process."
"Anil Ambastha has 27 years of experience in various facets of oil and gas reservoir engineering, including applied reservoir simulation, pressure transient analysis, water flooding, and thermal recovery, since his Ph.D. in petroleum engineering from Stanford University. He discussed steps involved in any uncertainty assessment including selection of uncertain parameters and their ranges, practical experimental design methods, appropriate response or tracking functions (or variables), and data analysis techniques."
"The main aim of this session was to give basic knowledge about Piping and Instrumentation diagram / drawing (P&ID) which shows the piping of the process flow together with the installed equipment and instrumentation."
"Mr. Deepak initiated the discussion with his path of becoming a driller. He also talked about various qualifications required to be a driller, the institutes providing courses related to drilling and also one's growth in this domain with work experience."
"Prof. Shah recently retired from OU after serving 22 years as Stephenson Chair Professor and also as the Director of OU’s Well Construction Technology Center. He also highlighted about the controversies created by drilling companies by not disclosing the exact composition of the fracturing fluid, discussed about the various Issues related to radioactivity of the waste water and various methods undertaken by companies for reducing the impact of waste water on environment and health.
Prof. Shah delivered a two day lecture series on "Drilling and Completion" and "Shale gas development". He explained the different type of completions, directional well planning and new technologies associated."
"His interest areas are Physics and Earth Sciences, specifically Oceanography and Climate. Currently working as an Outstanding Scientist at PRL, Ahmedabad; have guided 15 students for Ph.D. and currently guiding 4 more."
"He is President and CEO, Petroleum Services and Association of Canada (PSAC). He provided a deep insight about the Human resources in Canada and their engagement with the petroleum industry in the country. He talked in quite detail about, how companies are finding success, by application of new approaches, to manage the talent."
"The lecture provided a deep insight on the present day regulation that is undertaken by both the government and PNGRB. He has also provided the students with some thoughts like ‘thinking of any process makes the man more successful’."
"He has specialized in Anisotropy, multicomponent algorithms and processing, and most recently “looking for useful information in data that would normally be ignored” i.e. “Forensic Data Processing”. The lecture was mainly focused on the information that is normally ignored from the Seismic Data. There was a discussion on the seismic reflections and how to analyze them through the use of different arrays."
"Brief points covered by Mr. Suresh Kumar were Oil and Gas resource classification, Reserves - Uncertainty, Ultimate Economic Recovery & Cash Flow, US Shale oil resilience, and the opportunities in the present oil and gas scenario."
"Students learnt about different camera angles, shot sizes, various types of cuts, transitions, directorial aspects of a film, role of a cameraman, other crew members and he also showed a lot of exemplary videos showing how the whole shot is first filmed then edited and then put it into the sequence of a storyboard."
"She helped the students in knowing the Radio industry up close by showing the ropes. She began by explaining how media caters to the senses and how radio, in its own way is unique and powerful as it caters to our auditory senses and is one of the oldest tools of mass communication. She then went on to explain the evolution of radio, from the time when it was used as a medium of communication during the World War, to the present time when it is just a medium of entertainment."
"He had a crucial role in the prime ministerial campaign in handling the social media department of the campaign. He and his team were responsible for each and every minute decision making of what will go onto the Internet to make the most out of it. He shared all his good as well as bad experiences during this campaign specifically and also how he managed to penetrate the business of media and communication."
"Shared their views upon the subject, urging the students to introspect the microcosm within the macrocosm and encouraged to appreciate the harmonious co-existence of dualities in nature. The thirst for success and the desire to outdo our counterparts has triggered the rat race which we all have fallen a prey to. Our fragmented society is in a dire need of a healing hand and resolution of difficulties which plague the society."
"Major General (Dr.) GD Bakshi, Combat veteran, former Professor at the National Defense College, Editor-in-Chief of the Defense and Security Alert Magazine, and author initiated the session. He spoke about “Security Challenges in India” focusing specially on internal security. The major challenge would be unemployment."
"The key focus areas of the workshop were Demonstration and practice session on various experiments related to learning, Memory and Perception. Students were given hands on training on psychological experiments and test like - Mirror Tracing, Letter Digit Substitution, Maze Learning, Whole vs. Part method of learning, Color Preference to name a few."
"He has an extensive field experience in the field of communications. The matter of discussion in class revolved mainly around getting basic understanding of film appreciation and production, covering various aspects like Cinematography, editing, lighting, sound, music etc. Apart from theory, he emphasised on practical exercises, specially in camera work."
"The lecture provided a deep insight on the present day regulation that is undertaken by both the government and PNGRB. He has also provided the students with some thoughts like ‘thinking of any process makes the man more successful’."
"The topics that she dealt with included Introduction to the Great War. She also touched upon Shell Shock and other Trauma. Her lecture on women writers look at the War with special reference to Verra Brittain from Testament of Youth (1933). During her visit she experienced the life in Gujarat and also visited many places."
"They talked about an overview of this therapy as a unique form of psychodynamic treatment that facilitates the rapid resolution of a broad spectrum of emotional disorders. Prof. Brod talked about IS-TDP & IS-TSP as an effective as well as efficient psychodynamic treatment. Dr. Nimrat talked about start and scope of IS-TDP in India. She has played a pioneering role in formalizing the field of counselling career guidance in Ahmedabad."
"Mr. Nadim Jafri is an Entrepreneur whose success stories are researched upon even by IIM students. He is known for taking risks and finds them the only way to be successful in an entrepreneurial journey."
"Mr. Iyer talked about the aspect of marketing management with a special focus on print media houses and their marketing strategies. He backed his perspective with cases and real life experiences he has had during his career in the print industry."
"She is in the field of academics since 20 long years. Presently, as a visiting faculty for the subjects – Research Methods and Quantitative Techniques at various institutes. The session began with an overview of research, its methodologies, quantitative techniques, and a brief about SPSS and its application in quantification of research. It was followed by a practical and hence an illustrious lesson on statistical treatment of collected data, in SPSS."