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The Center for Counseling Services is an on-campus center that is dedicated to the emotional health and wellness of the students and staff at PDEU. The center works to raise general awareness of mental health issues, as well as providing individual counseling sessions and group interventions when required.
The Centre is headed by Ms. Arpita Bohra, who has trained in Counseling Psychology from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. She also has UNESCO-CID certification in Creative Arts Therapy.
Frequently Asked Questions
1.) What is counseling? What happens in a session?
Counseling is a process where the counselor helps the client to express, feel, understand and feel comfortable with their emotions, moods, memories and their self. A counselor
does not give advice, instant solutions or tell you to forget it/ move on, but help you observe yourself and to work on creating healthier thoughts, beliefs and choices. Each session varies according to the needs of the person, as does the length of the process and follow up sessions. Sessions are either 30 mins or 45 mins.
2.) Who goes for it? How do I know I need counseling?
You may wish to seek counseling if you are not feeling well and finding it difficult to cope with day to day activities and tasks. Below is a list of issues many people may visit a counselor for.
- Depression (low mood, crying, changes in hunger, sleep and concentration levels)
- Anxiety (sleeplessness, a constant feeling of worry, panic attacks)
- Suicidal thoughts, self-harm, intense bouts of anger.
- Grief- losing a loved one
- Sexual and/or physical abuse
- Conflicts around sexual identity
- Relationship difficulties, with peers or family members
- Stress- no matter how severe or slight, if it is bothering you, it can help to talk to someone about it.
3.) What if I think my friend needs help?
Sit down and share your concerns with your friend clearly, and encourage them to consider speaking to the counselor about it. You may wish to speak to the counselor if it is affecting you. However, you cannot force anyone to seek counseling. It is best to stay empathetic to your friend, and keep making efforts.
4.) I know I’m not going crazy, but I feel low a lot the time. Should I talk to someone?
It can always help to share and express what you are feeling. Talking the counselor does not mean you are “crazy” or that you have a severe mental illness. As humans, we all go through ups and downs- and during a sensitive or a low phase and it can help to speak to someone who is not directly involved with your life.
Below are some helpful links
Watch this to understand Depression better
Watch this to understand Anxiety better
Recognizing and addressing the risk for suicide
Speaking up about sexual abuse
To read more about experiences of disorders, healing and therapy in India- visit The Shrinking Couch.
Stay connected to the Centre for Counseling Services on Facebook.