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PDEU aims at a global education. Global Education in the sense of curriculum, teaching as well as teachers. The University aims to make the students industry ready for any corner of the world. For this purpose it invites young professionals from different parts of the world to serve as Teaching Interns to share their knowledge, pedagogy and culture with our students and thereby provide them with an international exposure. This activity proves beneficial to our students as the International Interns connect with them not only on an educational level but on a peer level and an emotional level as well. While the world is moving towards a border less nation ,this step becomes an attempt to fuel the global arena atmosphere.

Ms. Anna Bagrij
Country: Poland
Coming to India and working in PDEU was an amazing experience. For six months I was teaching psychology for both BA and MA students and working on the research. Teaching was an interesting experience for me, mostly the BA group sizes (100 students each) was a challenge and I needed to adjust my teaching style accordingly. For MA, I had only 8 students, so I could have an individual approach and I believe it was beneficial for students. I was really impressed by the number of activities that were happening on the campus. Different student clubs, events, festivals, all this made my stay even more unique. It was a pleasure to see Indians following enthusiastically their tradition and cultural customs. I so much enjoyed seeing people wearing traditional clothes like Kurtis and saris (I thought that is happening only in the films, not in the reality anymore!) I even started to wear Kurtis myself on daily basis! Overall, I find Indians very friendly and helpful; I never faced any dangerous situation, just a lot of politeness and helpfulness. I would want to thank everyone who I met for help and support and especially PDEU for such an amazing opportunity!

Ms. BrunaLuiza AlvesRuas
Country: Brazil
During the six months working as a guest faculty at PDEU, I met people from all over the world and of cultures completely different from mine. I was impressed by the respect that the students treat teachers with and how the subjects are taught in a fluid and dynamic way. In every class, I had the opportunity of working with an excellent infrastructure and laboratory instruments that enriched with knowledge not only the students but also me. During the Revit Software classes, I saw the engineering students’ excellent level of commitment and enthusiasm which was especially gratifying for me. I also have to emphasize the hospitality with which I was received and the way this culture has involved me throughout this experience. The Indian habits, the food and the excitement of this culture are already part of my daily life and I know that this background will continue with me even on my return to Brazil. I am very grateful for this opportunity and I know that PDEU and India will be always one of the most challenging and enriched experience of my life.

Mr. Carlos
I felt thrown in an environment where the potential of the forthcoming generation is tapped and tutored by skilled professionals. PDEU is built on a collective effort aiming to train the best in several fields of expertise and endeavored to hone the individual excellence of its students.

Mr. Mohamed Amine Chabane
Country: Morocco
“Namaste, my name is Mohamed Amine CHABANE, I`m 24 years old and I`m from Morocco. I joined PDEU the 13th of July 2018, for a period of 6 months, as a human resource management guest faculty. My job resided on teaching different HRM`s topics to bachelor students, to give research guidance, training and to organize seminars and workshops. I, also, worked on writing a research paper related to AI and recruitment process in India.
This opportunity was my first experience as a teacher and thanks to the help and the guidance given by my supervisor, Dr. Supriya Pal, and the friendly and supportive attitude of the students I was able to go through different obstacles and challenges. As a faculty member of SLS I was really fascinated, compared to what I experienced as a student in Morocco, by the close relationship between professors, other faculty members and the students that brings a certain dynamic to the educational system, a culture of exchange and positive work environment. This affected me a lot so, I was always trying to understand the students’ needs and continuously seeking for new methods and new materials to enrich my courses.
Working in PDEU gave me the international exposure needed because it offered me the opportunity to meet people from around the world, to discover their backgrounds, to come upon their beliefs and values and to realize and understand the culture differences. It was, also, an amazing opportunity to discover the greatness of India with its cultural, demographic, natural and languages variety. Indian people were very helpful and very kind especially faculty members of PDEU and the students, they gave me the support and the trust needed to fulfil the requirement of my job and to enjoy the experience in its fullest.
At the end, as I always said that being in India was a blessing for me, I learned a lot, I changed a lot, I grew personally and professionally and most importantly is that it gifted me a family that I`m proud to be part of. Thank you PDEU”

Ms. Imen Arfaoui
Country: Tunisia, Africa
“As a guest faculty at PDEU I had the chance to spend six months teaching and handling research in petroleum geology field, which I suppose a very valuable and rewarding experience added to my curriculum. Being in India, exploring a different country, cultures, and people, added to the professional part, made me more confident that I had gone through this challenging experience.
Coming to the academic system, the most common character which I and my colleagues agree with is that the students in PDEU are so smart, despite their young age and lack of experience. They are never afraid or shy to ask questions and show their curiosity toward newest scientific discoveries.
I would like to thank PDEU of hosting me during this semester, the HR officers, which were always there for me and faculties who helped me a lot to integrate and get familiar to the ambience. Also, I would like to thank Dr. Bhawanisingh who guided me and helped me with his precious experience and knowledge to work on new geological aspect. At the end, I cannot forget my colleagues in Earth sciences laboratory who were my family in the Incredible India! ”

Ms. Kristina Stankovic
Country: Serbia
“Another country. Another continent, Another world. Teaching at PDEU was life changing experience. Curriculum is diverse, allowing students to develop in different areas of expertise. Students are supportive and willing to interact. By overcoming our cultural differences we both learned how to look at things from another perspective and gain adaptability to face every situation.”

Ms. Marina Perin
Country: Brazil
“During my time as an international guest faculty at PDEU, I had the chance of meeting people from all around the world, from different cultures and background than mine.
I was impressed by the university infrastructure and the way the classes were taught, because they were very dynamic, and the students were an active part of the classes. Every class was a chance of not only teaching but also learning from them and their life experiences.
During my time at PDEU I had the chance of teaching different subjects to students from different semester, and I was amazed at how much knowledge all of them had, from the juniors to the senior, they would always have some valid point to add to the class.
The respect and how welcoming everyone at the university was, it was also something that amazed me, from the staff, faculty and students. There hasn`t been a day that I haven`t felt home here.
I do personally believe that the University and the faculty are helping the students to unleash their potential and become not only great professionals, but also great people.
Thank you PDEU for the opportunity; the faculty for all the support; and my students for being such an active part of my experience and stay. It’s been an amazing journey! And until we meet again.”

Ms. Oumayma Hdhiri
Country: Tunisia, Africa
“I spent in PDEU 3 months, and the least I could say about it that it was one of the best experiences in my entire life. Not only did PDEU provide me with a very good professional framework, but it also gave me a place that I called "Home" and a group of people whom I called -and will always call "my international family". It is true that adjusting to the unique Indian cultural setting was quite challenging at the begining, but the PDEU family, whether teachers, administrative staff, students and campus workers, made it easier for us to indulge in the pleasures of India: colors, food, celebrations and lots of love. Incredible India it is indeed!”

Yehia Zakaria Gamal Eldin Rashed
Country: Egypt
“I believe that PDEU has an amazing atmosphere for learning as they foster and pay a lot of attention towards having an international atmosphere. Moreover, the courses and activities within campus encourage the students to lead rather than follow. Teaching here was a pleasure where I got to learn a lot of things; the program creates a fun working environment with the students which in turn facilitates the learning for students.”