Pandit Deendayal Energy University every year organizes an Annual Inter-College Sports Festival – “PETROCUP” it boasts itself as a messenger to spread an aura of sportsmanship, intensity, and competition with a message to “LEARN, PLAY AND WIN”.
With each passing year, Petrocup rises not only in fame but also in intensity. As we prepared to raise the curtains for the 11th edition of Petro Cup this year from 14th February – 18th February, we were honoured to have one of the finest Indian cricketers, wicket keeper - batsman, and a member of the Indian national cricket team – Parthiv Patel, as our chief guest for the Inauguration ceremony on 14th February, 2019. The ceremony was buzzing with a lot of energy where a large crowd was present to kick-start their excitement of the beginning of the sports fest. The event was a grand success which started with lamp lighting, showcase of sportsmen further moved to the prestigious torch run and motivational words by Mr. Parthiv Patel. This event saw participation from more than 75 institutes from all over India with a footfall of 8000 students. We also had international participation from university of Peradeniya Sri lanka and ICCR. There were a total of 18 official sports ranging from Cricket to Basketball to Chess and many more. We also had a couple of informal events like Neon rush, Tug of war, Jersey launch and the Petrocup Carnival.
Indeed, Petrocup 2019 was a huge success with PDEU winning the Petrocup trophy by defeating all the other universities.
The Annual Sports Festival of PDEU – “PETRO CUP” boasts itself as a messenger to spread the aura of sportsmanship, friendliness, competition with a message to “LEARN, PLAY AND WIN”.
PETROCUP, the most awaited sports festival in the region, was a great success this year, with more than 100 colleges and players participating in the event with great enthusiasm and sports spirit. It saw footfall of approximately 8000 people.
The 10th Annual Sports Festival, PETROCUP’18 – Blaze of Glory was organized from 15th February – 19th February 2017 and saw participation from around 100+ prominent institutes from all around India with more than 3000 participants. PDEU had 5 new sports added to the Festival this time, namely, Handball, Yoga, Skating, Ultimate Frisbee and Extreme Gym.
List of Games in PETROCUP’18 –
The Inaugural ceremony marked the opening of PETROCUP’18 on the eve of February 15th. The ceremony started at an amazing note with the ceremonia lightning of the lamp, followed by motivational speeches by Dr, T.P. Singh and Dr. T. Kishan Reddy. The crowd then proceeded towards the sports ground where the inaugural stage was set up. The ceremony comprised of various enthralling performances like Torch Run, Martial Arts and Gymnastics. This was followed by Oath Ceremony which was conducted by Sports Committee Advisor. Later on the Dr. T. Kishan Reddy, Director General, PDEU declared PETROCUP’18 open. The inaugural ceremony was called to an end by reciting Indian National anthem.
The Annual Sports Festival of PDEU – “PETRO CUP” boasts itself as a messenger to spread the aura of sportsmanship, friendliness, competition with a message to “LEARN, PLAY AND WIN”. From the first time in 2009 to the journey till 2017, PETRO CUP is intensifying after each progressive year.
PETROCUP, the most awaited sports festival in the region, was also a great success this year, with more number of colleges and players participating in the event with great enthusiasm and sports spirit.
The 9th Annual Sports Festival, PETROCUP’17 – Blaze of Glory was organized from 16th February – 20th February 2017 and saw participation from around 70 prominent institutes from all around India with more than 3000 participants and 8000 footfalls.
List of Games in PETROCUP’17 –
The Inaugural ceremony marked the opening of PETROCUP’17 on the eve of February 16th. Mr. Yusuf Pathan, all-rounder of Indian Cricket Team and Kolkata Knight Riders filled the shoes of the chief guest. We were privileged to also have Mr. Pinakin Dixit, Senior Vice President, Reliance Industries, Ahmedabad and Shri D. Rajagopalan, IAS, (Retd.), Chairman, Standing Committee, PDEU.
The ceremony started at an amazing note around 4:30 P.M. at the Auditorium, PDEU with the showcase of the PDEU movie and Petrocup’16 After movie. The crowd then proceeded towards the E-block ground where the inaugural stage was set up. The crowd then got an opportunity to witness the chief guest live in action. The ceremony comprised of various enthralling performances like Torch Run, Martial Arts and Gymnastics. This was followed by Oath Ceremony which was conducted by Sports Committee Advisor Sohil Barad.
Later on the Chief Guest Mr. Yusuf Pathan declared the PETROCUP’17 open. The inaugural ceremony was called to an end by the recital of Indian National anthem.
The annual sports fest ‘Petrocup’ of Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar has emerged as one of the very famous emanation of sportsmanship, competition, team work and affability under the notion “Blaze of Glory”, for those who dazzle out of the throng. Since its start in 2009, its voyage till 2016 has been a spectacular one with competition and aura of the fest ever increasing at immeasurable rates.
The 8th Annual Sports Festival Petrocup’16 - Blaze of Glory was organized from 11th – 15th February 2016 and saw participation from around 60 prominent squads of institutes from all around India with more than 3000 participants and 5000 footfalls.
The inaugural ceremony of PETROCUP’16 started at 4:30 P.M. on 11th February’16 at the New Cricket Ground, PDEU. The special guests were Mr. Amit Singh, fast bowler of the former IPL Team Rajasthan Royals and Mr. Dinesh Badmaliya, Chief Badminton Coach, Sports Authority of India (SAI).
PETROCUP’16 was different and extraordinary due to the participation of the students from Royal University, Bhutan.
Dr. Tajendra Pal Singh, Dean, Student Affairs, PDEU encouraged the students with words like "Simple way to win is to outperform yourself ".
The event witnessed ferocious competition where sports enthusiasts vied for top honours in 19 categories for men and women. The squad with the highest points bags the esteemed trophy called “Petrocup”.
List of Games in PETROCUP’16 –
One of biggest breakthroughs for the fest came in 2016 with the participation of an international university; The Royal University of Bhutan took participation this year competing with the Indian universities on the grounds establishing an international affiliation and team work between the cultures.
The Annual event saw rich and diversified participation of universities which included Indian Institute of Management – Ahmedabad, Indian Institute of Technology – Gandhinagar, Indian Institute of Technology-JODHPUR, Gujarat National Law University, Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Nirma University, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Institute of Technology among other 71 universities.
As this year begins, the sports committee is already on the run to make the coming Petrocup even a greater success and this year, we are expecting a contingent from Sri Lanka to take part in Petrocup’17 and take the international recognition of the fest to a further level.
In the past year a week before Petrocup, Pre-Petrocup events were organized to channelize the enthusiasm and energy of the students into the right direction. These events were held just around the eve of the main competitions which helped the sports committee members and the high-on-sports crowd relax and refresh amidst all the work. Also, the Pre-Petrocup events helped in creating a buzz about Petrocup and in putting the campus into a sportive mood ahead of the spectacle that waited.
The events that were held were Dog and the bone, Tug of War, Footloose, Dodge ball and Futsal. The participants reminisced playing these games in their childhood. With everyone in the campus allowed to participate, the events saw healthy attendance and high spirits between the competitors.
Every year as the fest turns towards its end, the sports committee organizes a closing ceremony and honours all those individuals as well as teams who have shown exceptional sportsmanship in their game.
The faculties were called on stage to felicitate the winners with certificates and medals. They were also given gift vouchers provided by the sponsors of Petrocup'16. PDEU was announced the Overall Winner of PetroCup’16.
PetroCup’16 was officially concluded with the hope that PetroCup grows bigger and better every forthcoming year and the blaze of glory burns brighter.
So, everyone tie your seatbelts, grab your hoodies, gather your friends and start supporting your contingent, cheer for your favourites and play hard to get to the top and grab the trophy!
“When you put on that jersey, the name on the front is more important than the name on the back.”
The Annual Sports Festival of PDEU – “PETRO CUP” boasts itself as a messenger to spread the aura of sportsmanship, friendliness, competition with a message to “LEARN, PLAY AND WIN”. From the first time in 2009 to the journey till 2015, PETRO CUP is intensifying after each progressive year.
PETROCUP, the most awaited sports festival in the region, this year also a great success with more number of colleges and players participating in the event with great enthusiasm and sports spirit.
The 7thAnnual Sports Festival, PETROCUP’15 – Blaze of Glory was organized from 05thFebruary – 09thFebruary 2015 saw participation from 60 prominent institutes from all around India with more than 3000 participants and 5000 footfalls.
On the evening of February 5, 2015 the most awaited Sports Fest of PDEU - Petro Cup’15 inaugurated in a grand manner with the inauguration ceremony at E-Block Foyer. The ceremony started with the Petro Cup anthem followed by a report on the achievements, goals and expectations of the saga of Petro-Cup.
The dais was then glorified by Ms. ParulParmar, the Arjuna Award Badminton player, as she shared her words with players and motivated them with her flare. She emphasized on the way a player should be self-motivated and perform to one’s limit on the field. She also encouraged the better participation of girls in sports in present times and appreciated the conceptualization of Petro Cup.
After her, Dr. T.P.Singh - Dean Student Affairs PDEU and Dr. Nigam Dave - Dean SLS PDEU shared their thoughts on how the Petro Cup has evolved since its inception and wished the players with Luck. Later post the Diya Ceremony, Dr. H.B. Raghavendra, Director General of PDEU declared Petrocup open. The ceremony concluded with National Anthem and sets off the flag for enthralling display of team work and skills that we are going to witness on the fields during Petro Cup’15.
List of Games in PETROCUP’15 –
1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
LONG JUMP WOMEN | Taranum Shekh (PARUL) | Aditee Chopra (PDEU) | Moksha Joshi (LDRP) |
LONG JUMP MEN | Abhishek Babu (RJTC) | Parikshit (LDRP) | Devendra Singh (PDEU) |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
HIGH JUMP WOMEN | Taranum Shekh (PARUL) | Shraavya Siri (PDEU) | Bansari Raj (PDEU) |
HIGH JUMP MEN | Anuj Tiwari (GNLU) | Shubham Bajpayee (PDEU) | Dharmit Viroja (PDEU) |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
TRIPLE JUMP WOMEN | Tarannam Shekh (PARUL) | Aditee Chopra (PDEU) | Shraavya Siri (PDEU) |
TRIPLE JUMP MEN | Aditiya Singh (IIT-GN) | Rushabh Vora (LJIET) | Abhishek Babu (RJTC) |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
JAVELIN WOMEN | Shraavya Siri (PDEU) | Sampada G (IIT-GN) | Taruna Yadav (IIT-GN) |
JAVELIN MEN | Anuj Tiwari (GNLU) | Nikunj Patel (PDEU) | Sunit Mondal (GNLU) |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
SHOTPUT WOMEN | Shraavya Siri (PDEU) | Taruna Yadav (IIT-GN) | Shubhra Singh (PDEU) |
SHOTPUT MEN | Pranav Chaudhary (SVBIT) | Aditiya Vaghasiya (PDEU) | Pradeep Diwaker (IIT-GN) |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
DISCUS WOMEN | Taruna Yadav (IIT-GN) | Shreya Rathi (PDEU) | Shraavya Siri (PDEU) |
DISCUS MEN | Pranav Chaudhary (SVBIT) | Pradeep Diwaker (IIT-GN) | Suresh Kumar (PDEU) |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
100 MTR WOMEN | Mandeep Mandala (RJTC) | Tarannum Shekh (PARUL) | Aashna Patel (PDEU) |
100 MTR MEN | Abhisheik Babu (RJTC) | Vivek Mishra (NSIT) | Parikshit (LDRP) |
The Annual Sports Festival of PDEU “PETROCUP” boasts itself as a messenger to spread the aura of sportsmanship, friendliness, competition with a message to “LEARN, PLAY AND WIN”.
Year by year PETROCUP has grown from great heights to greater heights. Keeping the same spirits with the head held high extravaganza PETRO-14 aims to be more enthusiastic, bigger and better, thus, taking it to a new level.
Petro Cup’13 saw participation from 32 various universities / institutes & there were more than 1700 participants and approximately 4,000 footfalls.
The Mega event this year would comprises of:
Registration fees for a team in CR is Rs. 1500; in BB, FB, VB is Rs. 1000; in LT, TT, CA, CH, is Rs. 700 and in AT is 200 per event. PDEU in order to promote sports among girls has exempted fee for girls' teams.
PDEU family cordially invites your esteemed institution to be a part of PETRO CUP '14.
It gives an immense pleasure in inviting you and your teams to this exciting tournament for Students. We look forward to your teams' participation with the best of sportsmen spirit, enthusiasm and zeal for glory. Please acknowledge your participation by registering your teams latest by Monday 20th January, 2014 so that we can make prior arrangements. Please find attached document containing the Rules of the event.
Click here for registration
For more information please contact us at
sports@pdpu.ac.in or below mentioned members of sports committee.
Shrravya Siri +91 966 297 1881
Maheep Rathode +91 756 783 1144
Anu Tripathi +91 997 406 5019
Aman Sharma +91 966 211 6959
Ujjval Chaudhary +91 966 229 9767
Assem Anand +91 769 870 2012
To keep the sports persons active the Office of sports with the help of Sports Committee organizes, the intra university competitions all through out of the year in all the games possible.
The whole student community of PDEU is divided into groups school wise and if required branch wise and teams are called from each group. We have total 17 Groups formed from School pf Petroleum management, School of Petroleum Technology, School of Liberal Studies, School of Technology. Even Faculty & Staff members are invited to take part in these events. A part from this, Office of Sports activities conducts sports events for faculty and staff members separately also.
The list of Intra University Competitions is:
University Chess Tournament (UCT)
Proposed Date / Conducted Date for current Academic Year:-
The event saw an huge participation from 150+ students. After a three day tournament, the winners of UCT are:
1st Position: AmrulKhan Mohorvani – 2nd year (11BPE010) SPT
2nd Position: Parth Mishra – 4th Year- (09BT01139) SPT
3rd Position: Nirmal Madhusoodanan - 2nd year - (11BEEE010) SOT(Electric)
PDEU Carom Tournament (PCT)
Proposed Date / Conducted Date for current Academic Year:
PCT had competitions in 2 categories, singles and doubles. The tournament had more than 160 participants in total, where the tournament went on for 3 days and winners of the tournament