Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University’s 100 acre campus is located in Gandhinagar, which is the capital city of Gujarat and located 23 Km North from a well developed city called Ahmedabad with a population of 8 million people. The city is famous for its remarkable cultural development and social life.
PDPU offers multiple courses ranging from engineering, arts and management along with maximum exposure and opportunities to its students through various national and International exchange programs with best University worldwide. For development of its faculties and staff the University endeavors for various Joint Exchange and Research programs.
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU) has been established by GERMI as a Private University through the State Act enacted on 4th April, 2007. The University offers programs to address the need for trained human resources in the domains of Science, Technology, Management and Humanities. It intends to broaden the opportunities for students and professionals to develop core subject knowledge which are duly complemented by leadership training interventions, thereby helping the students to make a mark in the global arena. This objective is being further addressed through a number of specialized and well-planned undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral programs as well as intensive research projects.
School of Petroleum Management offers M.B.A. and Ph.D., Post Graduate Diploma in Petroleum Management for Executives, and Management Development Programmes focused on Energy & Infrastructure Sector. The School is approved by AICTE.
School of Petroleum Technology offers B.Tech. M.Tech. and Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering. It is academically engaged in creating a high quality talent pool for the hydrocarbon sector across the entire value chain.
School of Technology offers B.Tech. in the fields of Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Industrial, & Chemical Engineering, besides the Ph.D. Program. It also offers M.Tech in Nuclear & Solar Engineering.
School of Liberal Studies offers four year Bachelor programme in the field of Liberal Studies, M.A. in Public Administration/International Relations /Political Science as well as the Ph.D. programs.
Office of Students Activities & Leadership
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University believes in creating a pristine environment blended with modern technologies to enhance the spirit and energy level of all learners and inspire them to optimize their learning efforts. All the non academic activities are mentioned take place at the Office of Student Activities and Leadership which works with a objective of providing all student at university to develop themselves in extra circular activities there by develop leadership qualities. The activities at the OSAL are majorly driven by Student Clubs, Student Chapters of Professional Societies.
All the clubs are proposed by student along with a Faculty mentor, on the approval of the club from OSAL (Office of Students Activities & Leadership), the clubs does various activities all round the year.
The Clubs are grouped under as
OSAL Contact: Dean, Students Affairs (079-23275071)
Office of International Relations (OIR)
Office of International Relations (OIR) oversees and coordinates all international activities of PDPU. It helps to promote relationships between foreign universities, institutions and PDPU. It also promotes exchange programs for students and faculty through Exchange Agreements with partner institutions. OIR officiates as an interface with other internal entities to facilitate the visits of delegations and students coming to PDPU. OIR also invites embassies and consulates of various countries to increase educational and cultural linkages between organizations in the foreign countries and the Institute.
Various programs of Office of International Relations were started with an objective to provide international orientation of educational programs and to explore international cooperation in education and research in association with international universities and industry experts.
OIR Contact: Manager, Office of International Relations (079-23275383)
Office of Research & Sponsorship Program
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs provides, to entire PDPU fraternity, support for the free and responsible conduct of investigative, scholarly and creative activities at Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar. The Office of Research & Sponsored Programs offers support from the initial stages of proposal development to grants management, publication and the transfer of technology. We provide internally funded grants, pre-award and post-award support for externally funded grants and offer education and support information on grant compliance and the responsible conduct of research.
Explore our site and contact us about your ideas and research problems so that we may assist you. We look forward to hearing from you.
ORSP Contact: Manager, Planning & Development (079-23275059)
Training & Placement
The Training and Placement Cell (T&P Cell) facilitates the process of placements for graduates and post-graduate students at the University, besides collaborating with prominent organizations in setting up of internship and training program of students. The placement policies and other related activities are handled by Training & Placement Cell, assisted by Professor In-charge and students’ Placement Committee. Students Committee is closely co-opted in implementing these policy decisions. The process of coordination with recruiters is handled by the T&P Cell. The companies are encouraged to communicate with Manager-Training & Placement for initial discussions and subsequent communication.
Job offers, dates of interviews, selection of candidates etc. are announced through the Training & Placement Office.
The T&P Cell office is well equipped to support all placement procedures including Pre-Placement Talk, interviews and group discussions.
Facilities available at T&P Cell:
Contact T & P : Advisor, T & P (079-23275399)
Center of Continuing Education
At PDPU we have established ‘Center of Continuing Education (CCE)’ with a view to provide a wide range of non-credit, professional and executive continuing education programs, short terms courses to meet the specialized educational needs of individuals and organizations with the underlying philosophy of ‘ Lifelong Learning’.
We also have started Career Development Initiatives.
1. Lifelong learning programs.
2. One stop shop : PDPU students to get Career Orientation Programs at the campus.
3. Continuing Education at an affordable fee.
CCE Contact : Manager, CCE (079-23275277)
Hostel Facility for International Students
The university offers residential facility in the campus.
Access into the Hostel areas is controlled 24 hours Securities. For Girls rooms and their privacy are been taken care of specially.
Furnished Rooms
Rooms in the residence halls vary in shape and size. All are well furnished; some furniture is movable and some furniture is built in. All of the rooms come fully furnished with beds, desks, chairs.
Open Lounges
Each residence hall is provided with ample lounges for kicking back, studying for the next exam, or just relaxing with each other. On ground floor of each hostel has television facility where students can watch it in their leisure time.
Wired Rooms
Each room in all of our halls has two Ethernet ports connected to the campus network and the internet. Students need to bring their own computer of course.
The laundry service is arranged at Hostel. Students can manage with their time schedule. They have to pay as per pricelists.
Fitness Facility
University has its Wellness Center Facility available on charge basis. When living on campus you are more likely to visit these facilities during specified hours
Infrastructure @ PDPU
Wellness Centre
A nutritious diet and a good workout helps students to combat academic stress. PDPU has set up a state of the art wellness centre which offers cardio & weight training equipment and helps students workout under the expert supervision of a certified trainer. The wellness centre can look after the needs of more than 50 students per session and is functional throughout the day.
As part of its wellness initiative, the university also provides an open ground for outdoor games, such as football and cricket and practice courts for basketball, volleyball and badminton.
Cafeteria & Food court
The University has ensured that the students enjoy healthy & nutritious diet charted out by a dietitian, which is wholesome and nutritious. The food court also provides refreshments throughout the day. The cafeteria is attractively laid out and offers students an eco-friendly environment to relax while deliberating on their academic challenges.
Hostel Life
Each Hostel of the University offers a variety of Social and Academic oriented activities that make it possible to learn more not only about you but also about those living in hostel.
Access into the Hostel areas is controlled 24 hours Securities. For Girls rooms and their privacy are been taken care of specially.
Furnished Rooms
Rooms in the residence halls vary in shape and size. All are well furnished; some furniture is movable and some furniture is built in. All of the rooms come fully furnished with beds, desks, chairs.
Open Lounges
Each residence hall is provided with ample lounges for kicking back, studying for the next exam, or just relaxing with each other. On ground floor of each hostel has television facility where students can watch it in their leisure time.
Wired Rooms
Each room in all of our halls has two Ethernet ports connected to the campus network and the internet. Students need to bring their own computer of course.
The laundry service is arranged at Hostel. Students can manage with their time schedule. They have to pay as per pricelists.
Fitness Facility
University has its Wellness Center Facility available on charge basis. When living on campus you are more likely to visit these facilities during specified hours.
Need a roommate?
Roommate Matching
We select a student to share a room with. Later on a student is been given one chance to select own roommate. A student can choose roommate according to personal habits and preferences with similar interest. It is up to students to make contact and enter each others as their roommate preference.
Students who are fond of eating variety of foods can enjoy scrumptious food in their daily menu.
The University has ensured that the students enjoy healthy & nutritious diet charted out by a dietitian, which is wholesome and nutritious. The food court also provides refreshments throughout the day. The cafeteria is attractively laid out and offers students an eco-friendly environment to relax while deliberating on their academic challenges.
Weekly unlimited food menu:(Breakfast/evening snacks)
Hot snack | Boiled Eggs & Egg preparations | Sandwiches | Tea | Coffee.
Weekly unlimited food menu:(Lunch/Dinner)
2 Subzi | Roti / Puri | Rice / Pulao | Dal |
Salad | Curd / Buttermilk | Pickle
On every Wednesday eggcurry is served with lunch
On every Friday chicken curry & sweetmeats are served with lunch
Food Courts:
Timing: 08.00 a.m. to 10.00. p.m
Amul Store | Juice & Shakes Bar | Fast Food Restaurant (Veg. & Nonvege)
Other Facilities
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University believes in creating a pristine environment blended with modern technologies to enhance the spirit and energy level of all learners and inspire them to optimize their learning efforts. All the non academic activities are mentioned take place at the Office of Student Activities and Leadership which works with a objective of providing all student at university to develop themselves in extra circular activities there by develop leadership qualities. The activities at the OSAL are majorly driven by Student Clubs, Student Chapters of Professional Societies.
All the clubs are proposed by student along with a Faculty mentor, on the approval of the club from OSAL, the clubs does various activities all round the year.
The Clubs are grouped under as
Science and Technology
Social and Cultural
All the clubs come together once and organize The Annual Festival of PDPU – Flare
Sports @ PDPU
PDPU Provides State of the art infrastructure for sports. Some of the games & Sports PDPU plays are:-
Chess is the oldest strategy game known to mankind. Created in the first century B.C this is a very popular game in which Indians are currently at the forefront. Two sides battle it out with all their wits to be proclaimed as the winner of what has been come to be known also as the “intelligent person’s” game. The two aforementioned sides, white and black respectively fight what amounts to a simulated battle in the natural course of the game. One of the greatest plus points of chess that it is impossible to cheat in any way. The two sides each with 16 pieces play on an eight by eight 64 square black and white checked board. The objective of the game is to checkmate the opponent by attacking the opponent’s king and leaving it no square to move onto without facing a direct attack.
Carom is one of the most renowned and loved Indian sport of all time. This game engages two to four people at a time and is a test of of a person’s aim. It is all about the skill and accuracy of the shot that determines a person’s worth on the carom board. This game has a widespread base of players from all over the country and is played with an almost standardized set of rules making this one of the most intense competitions out of them all.
Athletics is the cornerstone of most sporting tournaments world-wide. It test all the physical attributes such as strength, speed, stamina, endurance and at a certain level, even determination. The athletics events are many and varied. They can be 100m, 200m or even 400m sprints or relays. They can have hurdles, gymnastics, long jumping, pole vaulting and many others. Perhaps the greatest embodiment of the very spirit of athletics is the marathon race. Invented by the Greeks after their win against Darius on the plains of marathon, they commemorated its re-enactment in the form of the marathon race – The ultimate expression of athleticism.
Volleyball is a six a side two team game. It is an intensely competitive sport. In simplistic terms, the objective of the game is two keep the ball from touching the ground on your side of the court and try to achieve the opposite by hitting the ball into your opponents side of the court. This sport is played primarily by the hands and requires great amounts of stamina and power.
Basketball is the fourth most funded sport in the entire world after baseball, football and cricket. This five-a-side two teamed game is played on a court with a hoop in each end. The main objective is to get the ball to pass through the hoop on your opponent’s side of the court. Basketball also requires a great deal of stamina but also powerful jumping ability. Coupled with the skilful dribbling and various other tricks, not only is this game enjoyable but exciting enough to keep one on the edge of their seats. The game really heats up when the slam dunking begins !
Football is the most popular sport of our day and age. As an Indian living in a cricket crazy country it might be a tad bit difficult to visualize this but football has entire continents crazy about it especially Europe and South America. Football is a fast paced 90 minute eleven a side two teamed game. The objective is to kick the ball into the goal at the opponent’s side of the field. Sounds simple? Well, each team has a goal-keeper who guards the goal and is the only player on the field allowed to touch the ball with their hands. Football fever is fast spreading over India as well with the coming world cup and any sporting tournament with this sport looks to be an exciting event on the whole.
Lawn Tennis
From the courts of Wimbledon to the local sports complex, lawn tennis is one of the most widely followed of sports. It can be either singles or doubles and requires the players to hit a ball over a net with the intent of making their opponent incapable of doing the same.
Table Tennis
Table tennis is a fast paced sport requiring extreme levels of concentration and skill. Though not very exhausting or physically exerting in any way, it is requires a great deal of practise to master this sport and play it at any competitive level.
City & Environment
Gandhinagar, Gujarat’s capital city, rises on the west bank of the Sabarmati River, about 30 km. North East of Ahmedabad, the commercial and cultural heart of Gujarat. Gandhinagar presents a spacious, well-organized look of an architecturally integrated city, with an international airport and railway connectivity. There are wide-open parks, extensive plantations and a large recreational area along the river giving the city a lush green garden city atmosphere.
In recent years, Gandhinagar has emerged as a major educational hub with a number of nationally acclaimed education & research institutes facilitating a spread of undergraduate, post graduate and research programs. It has population of above 21.5 lacs as per 2008 census.
Near By Hospital
Near By Malls & Multiplex
Commuting to Ahmedabad & Gandhinagar from PDPU