Computer Science And Engineering
Ph.D. Research Projects for Computer Science and Engineering:
- Advanced Urban Public Transportation System as Principal Investigator
- Spectral Discrimination and Separability Analysis of Crops and Weeds Using Deep Learning Techniques
- Land-Cover Classification of Polarimetric SAR Image/Data for Agricultural and Urban Region
- Compact Circularly Polarised Microstrip antenna for IoT Applications
- Improving speech quality and intelligibility in digital hearing aids
- CyberHealth-A Novel Framework for Secure Medical Cyber Physical Systems with Reduced Overhead
- Multi-modal design of an Intelligent Transportation System
ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT OF Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering department is intended to cover the entire spectrum of computer, networking and latest technologies of software and hardware architecture. The students will be exposed to courses on computer algorithm, computer systems and artificial intelligence. This program would enable a computer engineer to seamlessly integrate innovations in designing and augmenting the capability of hardware and software. Our Computer Science and Engineering program will enable students to gain practical training at Industrial houses and collaborative organizations of PDEU.
The Program is being presented in such a way that graduate attributes would encompass professional skills, life skills and community engagement. The first year B.Tech. curriculum is common for all the branches. From second year onwards, subjects focusing on Computer Science and Engineering discipline will be introduced. The course structure is based on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). A student will have choice to study from the basket of courses core as well as elective, disciplined centered such as Computer Algorithm, Computer Programming, Computer Graphics, Computer Architecture, Computer Systems, device Electronics, Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Network, etc. and Generic Courses from the field of humanities, science, management, electrical, mechanical, civil, chemical, petroleum, etc.
Vision Statement :
To contribute to the society by imparting transformative education and producing globally competent professionals having multidisciplinary skills and core values to do futuristic research & innovations.
Mission Statement :
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at SOT, PDEU will be constantly energizing to attain high-impact research and to be trained about the latest developments in the continually creating field of Computer Science and Engineering. The department will guarantee that students graduate know the essentials of Computer Science and Engineering. We will be an astounding department as measured by the:
- To accord high quality education in the continually evolving domain of Computer Engineering by offering state-of-the-art undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral programmes.
- To address the problems of societal importance by contributing through the talent we nurture and research we do:
- To collaborate with industry and academia around the world to strengthen the education and multidisciplinary research ecosystem.
- To develop human talent to its fullest extent so that intellectually competent and imaginatively exceptional leaders can emerge in a range of computer professions.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering is a new program under School of Technology at PDEU which got instantiated in year 2016 with initial intake of 60 students. The department is headed by Prof. Tajinder Pal Singh. The Department is established to cater the need of teaching and research in Computer Science and Engineering. The Department is crafted with computer laboratories to carry out innovative research in computer domain. The Department has 5 highly experienced faculty members, among them four faculties are Ph.D. holders and for one faculty doctoral defense is awaited.
Head of Department
Dr. Shakti Mishra
Associate Professor and Head
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Areas of Interest: Distributed Computing, ML in Renewable Energy, Explainable & Reproducible AI
Brief Profile: Dr. Shakti Mishra has completed her Ph.D in the area of Distributed Computing from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology in June 2012. Her area of interest includes Cloud Computing, Distributed Computing, Machine learning and Linked Data. She has published many papers in referred journals, book chapters and International Conferences. She has incubated "Indian Banking Community Cloud" as Principal Investigator during her tenure at IDRBT Hyderabad.
International Relations
The University has collaboration with universities of International repute such as University of Saskatchewan (Canada), University of Tulsa, University of Oklahoma, University of Houston, Ontario (Canada), American Jewish Committee, Texas A & M University (USA), Georgia Tech University, University of Regina (Canada), Georgia Tech Research Corporation.
Department will collaborate with Industries for syllabus framing, train the students in various domain, faculty training and so on. In addition, students of final year can do their project work in Industries.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
School of Technology,Pandit Deendayal Energy University
Raisan, Gandhinagar-382007.
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering
- Semester I-II
- Proposed Course Structure of B.Tech. Sem III-VIII
- Semester III
- Semester IV
- Semester V
- Semester VI
- Semester VII
- Semester VIII
M.Tech Computer Science and Engineering
Program Outcome
B.Tech. (Computer Engg.)
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
PEO-1. To prepare graduates who will be successful professionals in industry, government, academia, research, entrepreneurial pursuit and consulting firms
PEO-2. To prepare graduates who will make technical contribution to the design, development and production of computing systems
PEO-3. To prepare graduates who will get engage in lifelong learning with leadership qualities, professional ethics and soft skills to fulfill their goals
PEO-4. To prepare graduates who will adapt state of the art development in the field of computer engineering
Program Outcomes (POs)
PO-1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO-2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO-3. Design / development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO-4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO-5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO-6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO-7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO-8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO-9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO-10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO-11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO-12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
PSO-1. Develop computer engineering solutions for specific needs in different domains applying the knowledge in the areas of programming, algorithms, hardware-interface, system software, computer graphics, web design, networking and advanced computing.
PSO-2. Analyze and test computer software designed for diverse needs.
PSO-3. Pursue higher education, entrepreneurial ventures and research.
M.Tech. (Computer Engg. (Data Science))
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
PEO-1. Graduate will have successful professional career as innovators, entrepreneurs, and business professionals who will be able to adapt to an ever-changing world and its demands for computational and data analytic skills.
PEO-2. Graduate will undertake research work or pursue higher studies by acquiring in depth knowledge in data science and allied fields.
Program Outcomes (as per NBA-PG SAR Guidelines)
PO-1. An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve practical problems.
PO-2. An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.
PO-3. Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.
PO-4. Students should be able to analyse and relate critically to different sources of information, datasets and data processes; and apply these to structure and formulate data-driven reasoning.
PO-5. Students should be able to apply modern data science methods to the solution of real world business problems, communicate findings, and effectively present results using data visualization techniques for societal benefits.
PO-6. Recognize and analyse ethical issues in business related to intellectual property, data security, integrity, and privacy.
M.Tech. (Computer Engg. (Cyber Security))
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
PEO-1. Graduate will be successfully recognized as superiors for their problem solving capabilities and professional skills in the field of Cyber Security.
PEO-2. Graduate pursue higher studies or research career by acquiring in depth knowledge in cyber security and allied fields.
Program Outcomes (POs)
PO-1. An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve practical problems.
PO-2. An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.
PO-3. Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.
PO-4. Design and Innovate computing systems addressing diverse needs in the domain of cyber security.
PO-5. Analyze the requirements of cyber security and design operational strategies and policies.
PO-6. Use cyber security solutions to analyze ethical, legal and social implications to solve real world problems.
Department has developed a number of sector relevant engineering laboratories which are well equipped to facilitate the pedagogic and research programs. The practical classes are well integrated into the curriculum, but the school encourages even more extensive use of these facilities to nurture a research led environment. The labs are being continuously upgraded with new equipment, to strengthen the research work of the students who rely extensively on experiments to validate their work.
In Computer Programming Laboratory many of the subjects of the CE and ICT branch requires implementing programs in various programming languages and tools. For the hands on experience for the same one computer system for each student is provided. The lab will be used in laboratory sessions of the CE/ICT courses such as Artificial Intelligence, Data & File Structures, Object Oriented Concepts & Programming, Database Management Systems, etc. All machines are equipped with dual Operating systems (Linux and Windows 10 Pro)
In Computer Programming Laboratory many of the subjects of the CE and ICT branch requires implementing programs in various programming languages and tools. For the hands on experience for the same one computer system for each student is provided. The lab will be used in laboratory sessions of the CE/ICT courses such as Information Security,Operating Systems, Data & File Structures, Object Oriented Concepts & Programming,Database Management Systems, etc. All machines are equipped with dual Operating systems (Linux and Windows 10 Pro)
The laboratory is equipped with a set of computers and interconnecting devices to enable hands on experiments related to the network topology setup and service configuration e.g. DHCP, DNS, FTP, etc.. For the programming of network applications, C, C++, Java, python 2.7 are installed on the Ubuntu 16.04 operating systems. In addition to these, the open source software likes Wireshark, TCP Dump, packet tracer, Network Simulator NS-2/3 are available for practicing fundamentals of the courses. All machines are equipped with dual Operating systems (Linux and Windows 10 Pro)
ICT Lab is established to handle the laboratories related to the subjects of Analog & Digital Electronics and Communication Systems. The aim of this laboratory is to provide a series of systematic and fundamental training to ICT students so that they feel comfortable in using some of basic equipment such as DC power supply, Digital Multi-Meter, Function Generator, various types of Oscilloscopes etc. In this laboratory, several series of experiments related to Basic Electronics, Analog Circuits, Digital Circuits, Analog Communication and Digital Communication are carried out using various state of the art trainer kits. Also, the laboratory has the facility of soldering - desoldering station using which the students mount components on PCB. Also, the laboratory has the facility to test electronic components and PCB connections. The laboratory is also equipped with high end computers to do circuit simulation exercises using open source circuit simulation software. The students use these softwares to test the designed circuits before going for final fabrication using hardware. Also, all the PCs are installed with latest version of MATLAB-SIMULINK and toolboxes to carryout research in circuit simulation, communication system analysis and design, optimization of antenna performance etc.
- Analog & Digital Electronics
- Measuring Instruments
- C.R.O.
- Digital Multimeter
- Function generator
- Regulated DC Power supply
- Programmable soldering- desoldering station
- Different Boards to study different Diode, Transistor & Amplifier characteristics
- Different Circuits boards for Filters &Multivibrators based on OPAMP
- Bread Board
- Digital Circuit Trainer boards
- Sequential circuit trainer
- IC tester
- Measuring Instruments
- Communications Engineering
- Measuring Instruments
- Arbitrary waveform generator
- Spectrum Analyser
- Analog Communication System Trainer
- Digital Communication System Trainers
- All type of Modulation & Demodulation System Trainer
- All type of Transmitter & Receiver Trainer
- FDM and TDM Multiplexing and De-multiplexing Trainer
- Companding law trainer
- GMSK trainer
- Measuring Instruments
- RF Engineering
- Microwave workbench based on Reflex Klystron
- Microwave workbench based on Gunnn diode
- Microcontroller based Antenna trainer kit
- Microcontroller based Radar trainer kit
- MIC Trainer kit
- CST Microwave studio 2019
- PCB drilling machine
This lab is used by CE/ICT courses such as Signals & Systems, Embedded Systems, and Digital Signal Processing etc.
In this laboratory, several series of experiments related to Signals & Systems, Digital Signal Processing and Embedded Systems are carried out using various state of the art trainer kits. Also, the laboratory has the facility of soldering - desoldering station using which the students mount components on PCB. The laboratory is also equipped with high end computers to do micro controller programing exercises using open source software. The students use these software’s to test the programs before going for final implementation on hardware kits. Also, all the PCs are installed with latest version of MATLAB-SIMULINK and toolboxes to carryout research in signal processing.All machines are equipped with dual Operating systems (Linux and Windows 10 Pro)
Major equipment’s are:
- Trainer kits for Micro controllers
- Sensors and Communication Modules
- Boards for Embedded system design
- Boards for Digital Signal Processing
- Digital Multimeter
- Desktop computers
- Design & Simulation Software
- CodeComposer Studio
- ATMEL Studio
- SciLab
- Matlab 2018a
This lab is designed to impart training about wireless sensor network simulation. It has required software to
- Script for transmission between mobile nodes
- Script for sensor nodes with different parameters
- Script for UDP and CBR traffic in WSN nodes
- Script for TCP and CBR traffic in WSN nodes
IoT lab is recently developed with cutting edge resources. Students learn prototyping using Wi-Fi development board, Arduino/Python programming, raspberry pi, integrating various sensors to the IoT platform using MQTT and HTTP protocol. The IoT provides Real-Time exposure to the future technology.
AI-ML Lab is established to handle the laboratories related to the subjects of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Pattern Recognition. The aim of the lab is to explore and understand artificial intelligence, including machine learning, deep learning, numerical optimization, and natural language processing and to perform research on their applicability in various domains.
High Performance computing lab is set up for achieving high performance, which does not come at the cost of software quality, maintainability, and extensibility. This lab relies on enabling more and better science across many scientific domains. The aim is to educate students about the advancement in the state of the art in engineering. This will further equip students to conduct research in several areas, including optimizing compilers, performance modelling and optimization, parallel algorithms, and software engineering.
Data Analytics lab is established to handle laboratories related to subjects of Data Mining and Big Data Analytics. This lab supports researchers to work on analytical models and provide innovative solutions driven by AI algorithms. Students learn to perform the following experiments in the lab
- To draw and explain Hadoop Architecture and Ecosystem with the help of a case study
- To implement file management tasks in Hadoop System (HDFS)
- To run a basic Word Count MapReduce program to understand MapReduce Paradigm
- To Run apache spark applications using Scala.
- Data analytics using Apache Spark on different dataset
Security & Computing lab aims to train students in the field of cyber security, block chain technology and quantum computing. The lab is efficiently designed to enable students to practise and understand the advance level cryptographic algorithms along with developing an understanding of the importance and principal of network security. The lab courses are design to train the students about Intrusion Detection Tools like Snort. This motivates them to learn intrusion prevention techniques for security enhancements.
Projects/ Seminars
Report of Workshop on “Multisim - logisim” held 23/02/2019 at Pandit Deendayal Energy University in association CSI Student Branch
Workshop is organized by Dr. Gangaprasad pandey , Dr. Jigar Shah Dr.Mazad Zaveri. Logisim is an educational tool for designing and simulating digital logic circuits. With its simple toolbar interface and simulation of circuits as you build them, it is simple enough to facilitate learning the most basic concepts related to logic circuits. With the capacity to build larger circuits from smaller subcircuits, and to draw bundles of wires with a single mouse drag, Logisim can be used (and is used) to design and simulate entire CPUs for educational purposes. . Multisim is a powerful schematic capture and simulation environment that engineers, students, and professors can use to simulate electronic circuits and prototype Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs).
The summary of topic covered is as follows:
DAY – 1 (Friday) - Software
- Introduction to MULTISIM
- Digital Circuit design using MULTISIM
- Introduction to LOGISIM
- Computer Organization Introduction using LOGISIM
- Simple Processor Design using LOGISIM
DAY – 2 (Saturday) - Hardware
- Analog Circuit Design using MULTISIM
- Implementation of Electronic components in MULTISIM
- PCB Design using ULTIBOARD
- PCB style & double layer PCB
- Fabrication of PCB
This workshop was coordinated by Dr. Ganga prasad pandey and was well received. Students took the benefit of this event and expanded their learning horizons.
Report of Industry connect of CSE and ICT Department held on 08/02/2019 at PDEU in association with CSI-AC
An Industry connect program of CSE and ICT Department was conducted on 8th February, 2019 at CLT-1- PDEU, in association with Computer Society on India-Ahmedabad Chapter, GESIA, Gujarat Innovation Society (GIS) and Innovation and Incubation Center-PDEU. Total 55 industries were contacted by the department and 38 delegates (CEO/Founder/representatives) represented total 22 industries in this event.
Program started with the welcome speech by Dr. T. P. Singh (Director, SOT) and focused on T shaped Learning (more span of knowledge and deep knowledge in a particular field), followed by Key note address by Mr. Sunil Shah (chairman, Gujarat Innovation Society) he focused on importance of innovation. He also said that one must think keeping the nation at the centre and took the oath from all the members for involving themselves in executing at least one innovation by them. Mr. Bharat Patel (Joint Secretary, GESIA and founder of Yudiz Solutions Pvt. Ltd.) requested faculty member that “It’s not the time that we teach; it’s the time that students learn”. Both the members motivated the gathering towards innovation. Departmental overview was given by Dr. Mehul Raval (Professor, ICT). Dr. Samir Patel thanked all the supporting bodies and showed the video of PDEU. Students of CSE and ICT presented their posters during this event.
Eminent industry guests were invited to strengthen Institution’s vision of bridging the industry-academia gap. This Industry Connect touched upon topics like the roles & opportunities available in the industry, the skills & knowledge required the challenges & gap, the scope for adding more value and substance to the curriculum. The inverted T model was recommended where studentsshould be introduced to broader disciplines but encouraged to skill in the specialization of their choice.
Vote of thanks was given by Dr. Samir Patel and at the end requested members to join for networking high tea.
Students of the department presented their posters (12 Posters). This event was coordinated by Dr. Samir B. Patel (Assistant Professor, SOT, Computer Engineering, PDEU and chairman CSI-AC)
Report of Expert talk on “RF and Microwave Education – Current and Future Trends” held on 07/12/2018 at Pandit Deendayal Energy University in association with PDEU CSI-Student Branch
The expert talk on RF and Microwave Education – Current and Future Trends was conducted by a distinguished speaker Dr. Siban K. Koul, (Fellow IEEE, Chairman, Astra Microwave Products Limited, Professor, Centre for Applied Research in Electronics, IIT Delhi) on Friday, 07th December 2018. The event was specially organized for the students of Computer Engineering and Information and Communication Technology. The program started with welcome speech and felicitation. Prof. Siban Koul started his talk with interaction with students. He expressed his concern about teaching of mathematical engineering subjects. He talked about scope of RF field where students may be placed. He emphasized on getting expertise of the subject. In his own company Astra Microwave Products he needs approximately 140 RF engineers. He also narrated of benefits of opening a student chapter of IEEE MTT society. He empathized on how to teach any subject. Dr. Kaul emphasized on improving skills of students by learning with hands on experiments using physical components. Dr. Siban introduced RF and Microwave Education as the future of advanced communication.
Dr. Rajeev Jyoti (Deputy Director, SAC, ISRO Ahmedabad) extended the help to students for project and training. The expert talk concluded with the intended motive to inspire the students to pursue and look into the possibilities of RF and Microwave technology. Event was coordinated by Dr. Ganga Prasad Pandey and around 45 students and 8 faculty members took advantage of this event.
An expert talk on “Working of Systems used by Telecom Service Providers” was conducted on 29/11/2018 from 2 pm to 4 pm for the ICT 4thSem students.
Mr.DipakChhantbar, Sub Divisional Engineer (National Internet Backbone) from BSNL, Bharuch has delivered a two hour talk. He has shown working of components like DSLAM, cables, fibre optics, switches etc. to the students. Also, he has discussed how the components are interconnected and functions of each component is telecommunication systems. He has discussed how telephone exchanges are communicating with subscribers and with other telephone exchanges. It was a great knowledge gaining experience for the students.
Report of Expert talk on “Blockchain Technology” held on 30/10/2018 at Pandit Deendayal Energy University in association with PDEU CSI-Student Branch:
The expert talk on Blockchain Technology was conducted by a distinguished speaker Dr. Sanjay Chaudhary, Professor and Associate Dean of Ahmedabad University, on Monday, 30th October 2018. The event was specially organized for the students of all the batches of Computer Engineering and Information and Communication Technology. Dr. Sanjay Chaudhary introduced Blockchain as the future of technology. The varying application of Blockchain from Bitcoin to Financial Services in Business, was discussed which filled the crowd with interest and curiosity. Blockchain is the new buzz word and holds great opportunity for people pursuing computers and allied fields. It is a decentralized, distributed and public digital ledger that is used to record transactions across many computers, so that, the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the consensus of the network. This permanent record keeping makes Blockchain as the leading technology in future. Speaker brought this aspect into Knowledge of the students.
Speaker also covered the topics of Crypto currency, Bitcoin, Etherium, Blockchain application in the field of IoT, Banking, financial services, insurance, supply chain, smart contracts etc. He mentioned Blockchain as the the most disruptive technology. Along with covering the technical aspects of Blockchain, Dr. Sanjay Chaudhary also brought into the interest of the crowd various facts relating to Blockchain. He mentioned Blockchain is the fastest growing technology. He also mentioned facts such as United Arab Emirates is the first country which has planned to adopt Blockchain entirely in all Banking services. During the sessions second half, software used for implementing Blockchain were introduced. Software such as Ledger, Hyper Ledger Fabric, etc. were implemented and a demo was illustrated. It became very clear that giant Tech. companies and nations are looking towards this technology as their core business product and service. The expert talk concluded with the intended motive to inspire the students to pursue and look into the possibilities of Blockchain. Event was coordinated by Dr. Samir B. Patel and around 450 students took advantage of the talk.
Report of Expert talk on “Data Privacy” held on 13/08/2018 at Pandit Deendayal Energy University organized by PDEU CSI-Student Branch
The expert talk on Data Privacy was conducted by a distinguished speaker Dr. Korra Sathya Babu (Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela) on Monday, 13th August 2018. A wide range of topics were covered starting from the need for data privacy and what does data privacy mean.
Students were made aware of the HIPPA Act (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) in the states as a case study to understand the importance of data security and usability in this era of E-Governance.
Aspects of biometric industry and genetic privacy were covered. Big data is the new buzz word and holds great opportunity for people pursuing computers and allied fields. The expert talk viewed the impact Big data would have on our future. The speaker covered about laws such as RTI, which at times require sensitive, in such scenarios data publishing follows certain algorithms and norms to protect the content and everyone.
Data publishing generally follows the 3 key components:
- Quasi identifiers
- K-Anonymity
- Theory of generalization
In the latter part of the expert talk a glimpse of certain famous algorithms was taken into consideration. Algorithms mentioned were: Sweeney’s Algorithm, Sovaratis Algorithm and Improved Greedy Algorithm.
The expert talk concluded with the intended motive to inspire the students to pursue and look into the possibilities of Data privacy. Vote of thanks was given by the coordinator Dr. Samir B. Patel and approximately 240 students took the benefit of this event.
Report of Workshop on “NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING” held on 11/8/2018 and 12/8/2018 at Pandit Deendayal Energy University in association with CSI-Ahmedabad Chapter:
The enriching two-day workshop on “Natural Language Processing” was organized at Pandit Deendayal Energy University in association with CSI-Ahmedabad chapter on 11th August, 2018 and 12th August, 2018. Students and Faculties from all over Gujarat got the privilege to attend the workshop which gave insight and elevated their knowledge in the field of Natural Language Processing. Dr. T. P. Singh (Director, SOT) gave the welcome speech and Dr. Samir B. Patel invited the expert Dr. Korra Sathya Babu (Assistant professor at National Institute of Technology, Rourkela). This event was coordinated by Dr. Samir B. Patel (Assistant Professor, CSE-PDEU) and Mr. Santosh Kumar Bharti (CSE-Department) The work done by student organizing body of CSI at PDEU was commendable for micro-level coordination of the entire event.
On the first day, knowledge pertaining to introduction and stages of Natural Language Processing was discussed. During the session’s second half, students were familiarized with POS Tagging and HMM. This was followed by hands on lab exercise.
On the second day, students were introduced to Sentimental Analysis and a brainstorming about its possible application and utilities were undertaken. A session on Information Retrieval was initiated based on previous session exercises. It was concluded that sound foundation on any high level language like python along with the basic knowledge of Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics is mandatory for understanding and learning Natural Language Processing. Dr. Samir Patel and Mr. Santosh Kumar Bharti, conducted the lab sessions for the workshop.
On the second day, students were introduced to Sentimental Analysis and a brainstorming about its possible application and utilities were undertaken. A session on Information Retrieval was initiated based on previous session exercises. It was concluded that sound foundation on any high level language like python along with the basic knowledge of Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics is mandatory for understanding and learning Natural Language Processing. Dr. Samir Patel and Mr. Santosh Kumar Bharti, conducted the lab sessions for the workshop.
Report of Expert Talk on “Advanced Challenges in VLSI Technology and Design” held on 23/03/2018 by PDEU CSI-Student Branch:
The expert talk on “Advanced Challenges in VLSI Technology and Design” was organized by Computer Society of India student branch at Pandit Deendayal Energy University on 23rd March, 2018. The Computer Engineering Sophomores got the privilege to attend the expert talk which elevated their knowledge on the course Computer Organization and Programming (COP). The student members of CSI at PDEU coordinated the entire event. A welcome speech by the Dr. Manish Chaturvedi (Assistant Professor in Pandit Deendayal Energy University) marked the beginning of the event. The event continued further with an articulate and rhetorical lecture by the expert Mr. Pranav Joshi, from E-Infochip, who addressed the students giving an overview of VLSI Technology and Design.
Mr Pranav Joshi started with the discussion on the decreasing size and increasing complexity of IC Chips in the last decade. Later he explained the VLSI Design Flow. The first step of VLSI Design Flow is identification of idea, followed by diving deep into the specifications and then building the design architecture. Vigorous RTL Coding takes place after the completion of design architecture. The Code is then verified and hence RTL Verification becomes the next step of VLSI Design Flow. Synthesis of IC chip takes place by sending it in Foundry after being verified successfully. An interactive questionnaire was conducted after the event to help understand the concept better. Also Mr Pranav Joshi took an extra effort to explain the current industry demand and how to prepare ourselves fit for the industry. The Expert talk concluded with the vote of thanks by Dr. Jigar Shah (Assistant Professor at SOT, PDEU) and honouring of the chief guest with a token of appreciation by Dr. Ganga Prasad Pandey (Assistant Professor at SOT, PDEU and Student Coordinator CSI-PDEU). A total of 160 students and faculty members took the benefit of this event.
ACM Week held during 2-4 February 2018:
ACM Chapter organized an event called ACM Week during 2-4 Feb, 2018. The workshop on Java Programming, Android application development, .Net programming, Technical Quiz, Debate, Code war, etc. were organized during the three days. The events were able to attract students community and more than 60 participants were registered for the event.
Two days workshop on “WEB DEVELOPMENT” held during 20/01/2018 and 21/01/2018 by at PDEU in association with CSI-Ahmedabad Chapter :
On the first day, knowledge pertaining to design principles and various aspects of web development and its brief history was discussed. During the session’s second half, students were familiarized with HTML and CSS. This was followed by hands on exercise. Students were recommended to learn from “ “. On the second day, students were introduced to JavaScript basics and a brainstorming about its application, utilities and disadvantages were under taken. A session of peer learning was initiated based on previous session exercises. It was concluded that sound foundation on data structures is mandatory for understanding and learning complex languages and Web Development. The event concluded on 21st January 2018. Participants were awarded their participation certificates at the end of the event. Around 60 students participated in the event.
Expert Lecture by Dr. Ganesh Bagler on 19th Jan 2018 on “Discovery of the molecular essence of the Indian cuisine through data analytics” in association with CSI-Student Branch PDEU:
Dr. Ganesh Bagler (Center for Computational Biology, IIIT-Delhi, New Delhi 110020) Cooking is central to the identity of Homo sapiens. Starting with a seemingly simple question, ‘Why do we eat what we eat?’, data-driven research conducted from our lab have led to the serendipitous discovery of ‘contrasting food pairing’ in Indian cuisine. Our studies have also revealed ‘culinary fingerprints’ of regional cuisines and role of spice as the molecular fulcrum of Indian recipes. Apart from answering one question, our research has opened up many more questions that are leading us into divergent frontiers of food, nutrition, and health: models for the evolution of recipes, molecular basis of ingredient flavors, emergence of the flavor in a recipe, algorithms for novel recipe generation, food-disease associations, the therapeutic potential of phytochemicals and strategies for leveraging food as medicine, among others. Through the construction of relevant data resources and hypothesis-driven investigations of food, our data-driven explorations of food have opened a whole new paradigm for food data analytics and show the potential for leveraging food for better health as well as nutrition. 82 students and faculty members took the benefit of this event.
Expert Talk on “Query Processing and Query Optimization” held on 24th November 2017:
The expert talk on “Query Processing and Query Optimization” was organized by Computer Society of India student branch at Pandit Deendayal Energy University in association with CSI-Ahmedabad chapter on 28th October, 2017. The Computer Engineering Sophomores got the privilege to attend the expert talk which elevated their knowledge on the course Database Management System (DBMS). The student members of CSI at PDEU coordinated the entire event. A welcome speech by the DBMS Course Mentor, Dr. Nishant Doshi (Assistant Professor in Pandit Deendayal Energy University) marked the beginning of the event. The event continued further with an articulate and rhetorical lecture by the expert, Mr. Nitul Mehta (Director at Agile Cube Technologies and Co-founder of KROSSWALL) , who addressed the students regarding the importance optimization of queries in the industry. The Expert talk concluded with the vote of thanks by Dr. Samir Patel (Assistant Professor at SOT, PDEU and Vice-Chairman CSI-AC) and honouring of the chief guest with a token of appreciation by Dr. T.P. Singh (Head of Department of Computer Science).
One day seminar on “Fundamentals of IoT” on 28th October 2017 at PDEU in association with CSI-AC :
IoT seminar was arranged and Mr. Bharat Patel, Mr. Niraj Shah (Co-founder of Arihant Satiate and Treasurer of CSI), which made this event very informative and interesting. Theory session along with amazing videos related to IoT were shown, which helped in understanding the topic in depth. Various concepts beginning from basics of IoT to increasing demand of IoT and possible future applications were covered during his talk. Seminar concluded with the discussion on various mini projects which could be taken up by students under the guidance of Mentor for tinkering lab. Doubt solving session was arranged at the end. The seminar ended with an vote of thanks by Dr. Ganga Prasad Pandey, Assistant Professor, ICT and Student Branch Coordinator, CSI Student Branch PDEU. Total 100 participants took the advantage of this event.
One Day Workshop on Cyber Security, 27th April 2017:
Computer Engineering and ICT Department organized an event on Cyber Security, Mr. Viral Parmar(Founder and CEO of ComExpo Cyber Security) He, discussed the increasing threat to the data stored online and the increasing demand of Cyber Security. Various Cyber Laws related to Cyber Crime, introduction on Ethical Hacking and various scopes in it. Awareness of various methods for Website Hacking, were taught in the session. Later discussion on Reverse Engineering was done. Introduced the concept of Dark Web, Deep Web and Martial Web. How to hide your IP address using Tor Browser and the concept behind it were also discussed. Total 98 participants took the benefit of this event.
One day workshop on Sensors and Actuators for IoT (Internet of Things) Applications held on 24 March 2017:
Mr. Nishant Singh from ARK TECHNOSYS (ROBOKART WORKSHOPS), Mumbai has conducted this hands-on workshop. In this workshop the concepts related to working of sensors and actuators were explained. Also, interfacing of sensors and actuators to microcontroller board and its basic programming in embedded C were also conveyed to students by hands on experiments. This workshop was arranged to have awareness among 2nd Semester students regarding IoT and role of sensors and actuators in IoT Applications. It was an enriching experience for the students to have hands on exposure to basics of sensors, actuators, interfacing and IoT Applications. 56 students of second semester ICT, CE and Electrical Engg. had participated in this workshop.
- Minutes of BoS meeting held on 10th March 2017
- Minutes of BoS meeting held on 11th May 2018
- Minutes of BoS meeting held on 1st May 2019
- Minutes of BoS meeting held on 10th June 2020
Projects / Internships
- Students Project details 2021
- Students undertaking Industry Orientation 2021
- Students undertaking Industrial Training 2021
- Students Civic and Social Services Internship 2021
Student Publications
Papers presented in Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Symposia
1 | Prayushi | Real time Adaptive Traffic Control System : A hybrid Approach | B.Tech | Feb 2019 |
2 | Kartik Patel | FM Broadcast Audio Signal Analysis using time frequency distribution function | B.Tech | March 2019 |
Research Focus
In the digital era of 21st century, where updating of knowledge is of utmost importance, in academia, it requires to keep oneself updated with latest trends and innovations.
Department will make its continuous efforts to align the R&D focus within domains not limited to Artificial Intelligence, Computer Networks & Communications, Information Security, Data Mining, Cyber Trust and Security, Communication Technologies, Information Coding, Antenna, VLSI, etc. Department will also cater the need of research based on the well-equipped laboratories.
Research Projects
Project Name: A device that sets the light according to the mood of the user and gives a monthly health report to improvise on mental health
Investigator: Dr. Reema Patel and Dr. Nishant Doshi
Abstract: After waking up in the morning or after a long day at work, the first place we go to is a bathroom. We either freshen up or relax in there. Due to the hustling life and hectic schedules, stress levels are increasing day by day and the happiness index is going down. A smart bathing light provide a solution to all of this and doesn’t consume more time. Before going for a bath the user is asked to select how his mood is, and when he will enter the bathroom the lightings will brighten his mood up. Once he freshens up, before exiting the software he will get a fact or a quote to motivate him. After every 30 days, the user will get a health report stating all the moods he went through in the month and it also gives solutions to overcome their health issues, if any. There is an alternate option available to change the lighting through voice recognition. These lights bring us one step closer to digitalization and can also be implemented in smart homes.
Funding Agency: ORSP, PDEU
Duration: 1 Year
Cost: 0.95 Lakhs
Project Name: Temperature control, Data Collection and Distribution System
Investigator: Dr. Samir B. Patel and Dr. Santosh Bharti
Abstract: In current electric energy statistics, the largest power is consumed by heating and cooling air conditioners, which are widely used in residential and commercial buildings. Hence, reducing the energy consumption of air conditioners is vitally important for improving power utilization efficiency in global energy perspective. To save electricity consumption of air conditioners, this paper proposes an Internet of Things (IoT)-based smart controlling system. Components of the finished project 1. Raspberry Pi (I used this one) 2. Power Switch (or just a relay) 3. USB wifi for raspberry pi 4. A micro SD card (if you are using RPi B+, otherwise check your specs) 5. Digital temperature sensor 6. Micro USB charger for the raspberry pi + wall adapter 7. 4.7K resistor 8. Jumper wires, both male and female 9. Prototype Paper PCB (DIY circuit board) 10. Your computer Tools 1. Soldering iron and solder 2. A very very skinny Phillips head screwdriver 3. A hot glue gun For testing/setup only 1. A breadboard 2. An LED 3. A monitor, keyboard, and ethernet cable (for setting up the pi) Testing Hardware Requirements • Arduino Uno • ESP8266-01 • DHT11 • AMS1117-3.3V • 9V battery Software Requirements • Arduino IDE.
Funding Agency: ORSP, PDEU
Duration: 1 Year
Cost: 1.01 Lakhs
Project Name: Intelligent Parking system
Investigator: Dr. R. Jothi
Abstract: An automated mechanism is designed for helping car-owners/drivers to locate and navigate to available parking slots in their locality. The real-time data is transferred from sensors (placed in the parking areas strategically) to dedicated applications installed in the handheld devices of users. In addition, the smart parking management setup can also help individuals to book parking slots in advance, by automating payments. The objective of deploying smart parking systems is straightforward enough – to reduce the driving time required to find parking spaces, and to make optimal use of available parking slots.
Funding Agency: ORSP, PDEU
Duration: 1 Year
Cost: 0.54 Lakhs
Project Name: Advanced Urban Public Transportation System
Investigator: Dr Manish Chaturvedi
Abstract: The project aims to design an ICT based solution to supplement the public transportation facility in urban areas. The proposed location tracker would be able to track all the buses (including GPS-less buses) in real time. The trip planning module will use this information to compute and suggest optimal trip plan for the querying commuters. The commuters will interact with the system using a mobile application. The other modes of interactions, e.g. through web interface, public announcement radios, and USSD based interface for basic phones would be feasible. The historical data of bus occupancy and mobility traces will be processed to suggest bus schedule and provision to the bus service operators. Finally, the project aims to compute the road network parameters such as presence of traffic lights at junctions, average movement speed and road quality (presence of potholes), using the collected mobility traces of the buses.
Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India
Duration: 3 Years (2017-2020)
Cost: Rs 21 Lakhs Approx.
Project Name: Spectral Discrimination and Separability Analysis of Crops and Weeds Using Deep Learning Techniques
Investigator: Dr. Samir B. Patel (Co-PI)
Abstract: Classification of hyperspectral data is very challenging and mapping of land cover is one of its applications. The state of art implementation includes various land cover classification techniques, but still, uncertainty exists in labeling various clusters to their own classes without using any a priori information. Hence, we propose the development of Hyperspectral image/data classification techniques which can serve as a valuable tool in agriculture and urban development. The application of herbicide to weeds at an early stage plays a vital role in the management of field crops, both monetarily and ecologically. We propose the use of hierarchical inference over deep learning models to encode multiple levels of abstraction for classification of AVIRIS hyperspectral data for discrimination of crops and weeds in the field. The goal is to improve the classification accuracy to guide in the process of selective application of herbicide to weeds.
Funding Agency: ISRO
Duration: 2 years
Cost: 10 Lakhs
Project Name: Land-Cover Classification of Polarimetric SAR Image/Data for Agricultural and Urban Region
Investigator :Dr. Samir B. Patel (PI)
Abstract: Thematic mapping and more specifically PolSAR image/data classification are one of the most common applications of remote sensing. Precise classification of the PolSAR images/data is a challenging task. This has been an active research area for the last three decades. Land cover maps obtained from the classification of remote sensing data are frequently used to express economic, demographic and environmental issues at different levels. Mapping land-cover of the agriculture-urban fringe in a timely and accurate manner is thus of great importance. Hence, we propose the development of SAR image/data classification techniques which can serve as a valuable tool in agriculture and urban development.
Funding Agency: ISRO
Duration: 2 years
Cost: 14 Lakhs
Project Name: SESAU An improved approach of secure smart university
Investigator :Dr. Nishant Doshi
Abstract: Every industry in the world is going to equip with smart devices. Healthcare industry enhanced their services by equipped with various wearable devices. Transport industry going to developed customer satisfaction and security with the intelligent transport system. Agriculture industry equipped with smart farming sensors and gateways to improve irrigation system and farm monitoring sensors. But very few researchers have focused to develop the smart university in the country which will surely help a student to create interest in technology. Learn the latest equipment, study protocols and prepare prototypes. In this project, we are going to do the research on various modules for the smart university, available microcontrollers, communication protocols, and Mobile application development. As an outcome of this project, we expect to design and implement robust architecture for the smart university. For the initial setup, we will focus on the smart classroom.
Funding Agency:PDEU ORSP
Duration: 1 year
Cost: 1.4 Lakhs
Mr. Nilesh Pande
Laboratory Assistant
Mr. Shailesh Shakaria
Laboratory Assistant
Mr. Chirag Nayak
Laboratory Assistant
Ms. Komal Singh
Laboratory Assistant
Course | Intake |
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (4 years) | 240 |
M.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (2 Years) | 24 |
M.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (2 Years) | 24 |
List of Ph.D Students
Name of Student | Name of Supervisor | Research Area |
Ms. Hemani Indravadan Parikh | Dr. Samir Patel | Machine Learning in Remote Sensing |
Mr. Chintan Jayprakash Patel | Dr. Nishant Doshi | IoT Security |
Mr. Harsh Parimal Mehta | Dr. Nishant Doshi | Natural Language Processing |
Mr. Pruthvish Rajesh Rajput | Dr. Manish Chaturvedi | Sensor Network IoT |
Ms. Chaitali Vipeshbhai Mehta | Dr. Manish Chaturvedi | Electric Vehicle |
CSI (Computer Society of India)
PDEU CSI-Student Branch got inaugurated on 02/09/2017 under the umbrella of CSI-Ahmedabad Chapter and Dr. Ganga Prasad Pandey, Assistant Professor, ICT Department is designated to be First Student Branch Coordinator (SBC). CSI-Ahmedabad Chapter started functioning during 1969 and today it has grown in the area of research and innovation by organizing seminars, conferences, public talks on different subjects, student awareness programs and many more.
CSI Ahmedabad Chapter has received “Best Chapter Award” under region III consecutively since the last seven years, The chapter has constantly tries to improve its performance by organizing various technical and social activities. Today, the Ahmedabad Chapter has more than 500 life members, institutional members and 20 Student Branches with more than 1500 student members Computer Society of India is the recognized Association for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) professionals, attracting a large and active membership from all levels of the industry. A member of the Computer Society of India is the public voice of the ICT profession and the guardian of the professional ethics and standards in the ICT industry. We also work closely with other Industry associations, government bodies and academia to ensure that the benefits of IT advancement ultimately percolate down to every citizen of India.
The mission of the CSI is to facilitate research, knowledge sharing, learning and career enhancement for all categories of IT professionals, while simultaneously inspiring and nurturing new entrants into the industry and helping them to integrate into the IT community. The CSI is also working closely with other industry associations, government bodies and academia to ensure that the benefits of IT advancement ultimately percolate down to every single citizen of India.
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) :
- ACM PDEU Student Chapter provide unique opportunities for networking, mentoring and bonding over common interests in the domain of Computer Science. They provide support both within the student community and to local communities outside the institution. The ACM student members are eligible for the following set of member benefits:
- Complimentary Subscription to Communications - Chapter Members are eligible for a three-month complimentary electronic subscription to ACM’s flagship publication Communications of the ACM.
- receipt of ACM’s Popular E-Newsletters - TechNews, the latest news in computing, 3x weekly; CareerNews, the latest career and industry news, bi-monthly; and MemberNet, all about ACM people and events monthly.
- A full-year electronic subscription to XRDS, ACM's Student Magazine
- ACM Student Quick Takes (SQT) a quarterly email newsletter with each issue highlighting ACM activities, programs, and offerings of interest.
- More details are available at the ACM.ORG
PDEU has access to Oracle's exclusive web support portal which provides secure, real-time access to critical and timely information. There are various institutional membership benefits.
- Curricula centered on object-oriented programming (Java), database, Oracle Cloud, and emerging technologies including artificial intelligence and machine learning, big data, and more
- The Oracle Academy Cloud Program, which provides access to Oracle Cloud Free Tier for teaching and learning
- Oracle Academy Education Bytes — modular learning resources that include hands-on labs, projects and challenges, and videos and presentations, with answer guides and lab solutions. Students can use many of these as self-directed learning.
- Oracle Academy Application Express (APEX) workspaces for educators and students to work in the Oracle Database Cloud, plus technical support
- Access to the Career Center in the Oracle Academy Member Hub for educators and learners to peruse free career-based learning content modules
- Oracle software licenses for teaching and not-for-profit academic research use, plus technical support
- Workshops in a Box to introduce computing to students
- Access to My Oracle Support, software updates, and patches for software licensed through Oracle Academy
- Free professional development for educators
- Support for curriculum and membership
- 50% discount on Oracle Press eBooks
- 25% discount on Oracle Certification Exam vouchers
- Eligibility to participate in Oracle Academy Advisory Groups
- Listing in the Directory of Institutional Members
- Eligibility to be featured in a Member Success story
- Access to Member eBadge for use
- Access to Oracle Academy logos for member use and pdf poster downloads for classroom
Date | Event Name |
17-18/04/2021 | Social Network Analysis with Hands on Approach |
27-28/03/2021 | A Two days workshop on “Block Chain with Hands-on Approach” |
20-21/03/2021 | A workshop on “A Hands-on Training on the Basics of Core Java and its Applications” |
13/03/2021 | Webinar on “A Complete Road Map To Crack Job with Dream Employer like Google, Facebook and Amazon” |
26-27/02/2021 | Workshop on “Hands-On Practices with Data Mining Tool - (Tool Name: Rapid Miner)” |
24-25/01/2021 | Workshop on “Python for Data Science” |
27-28/11/2020 | Workshop on “Advanced Trends in Web Technology” |
22-23/09/2020 | Two Days Workshop on “Natural Language Processing” |
26/03/2020 | Hi-Tech Cyber Crime Investigation |
08/02/2020 | Basics of Python Programming |
03/02/2020 | Role of Technology (Focussing on Artificial Intelligence) and skills |
Encode Club
As there is shift in hiring process, more and more companies are using competitive coding as means of hiring talented coders. So Encode with a view of making students experience the world of competitive coding hosts coding contest twice a year with cash prizes. Students are first made aware of how to approach such contests, what expectations do the recruiters have from them and how they can improve their chances of getting selected in such a process.
The Club’s main objective would be to support Programming as an initiative to empower logical skills as well as object oriented skills.
- To provide a platform for the Computer Science and related branches of engineering for their extra-curricular interests and orient them to industry through guest lectures and seminars
- To support and encourage the common interest of the members in amateur programming and coding.
- To improve the skills and knowledge of the members in all areas of amateur programming through sharing of information in lectures, seminars, demonstrations and other related group activities including workshops and competitions.
- To provide opportunities for students who want to learn higher level programming through mentorship and hands-on instruction.
- Harnessing the collective power of the coding community in PDEU to grow Computer Science education in PDEU.
- Demonstrating the use of Programming and Software applications in the respective course curriculum of the students in PDEU.
- Value creativity and use programming as a tool of expression.
Google Developers Group
Encouraging community coding is one of the main goals of Encode, due to which Encode hosts community coding events everywhere. In 2018 Encode had the pleasure to host Google Developers Group meetup in PDEU with the oldest GDG chapter of Gujarat, GDG Gandhinagar. Industry fraternity and experts from open source community were invited to deliver lectures on various topics like Flutter, Cloud, Machine Learning, Web security etc. Enthusiasts from around Gujarat attended the meetup with a footfall of over 200.
Python Workshop
Encode organizes few standard workshops throughout the year of which Python programming is the one which receives highest of footfall. Python being one the most powerful and in demand language, it is essential that students get to know the language and its rich features. The workshop is conducted by senior students in order to encourage peer learning and to create healthy educational environment in the college. From basic python to standard libraries like matpotlib, numpy, opencv etc are taught with hands-on practice and examples in order to spark curiosity among students.
Web Development
Web development is being one of the most important skills required for internships in computer science students, is organized by Encode as a part of peer learning process which Encode follows. The workshop is divided in 2 parts- 1 being front end where students are taught html, css, javascript and front end framework line bootstrap, nodejs etc. As for backend php, mysql, nodejs, mongo-db etc are taught which makes students familiar with existing and state-of-the-art emerging technologies in the web development market.
Campus Recruitment
- Infosys
- Cloud 24*7 Inc.
- Quicko
- Zealousweb
- Silver Touch
- Almashines
- Innovify
- Synoptek
- Evosys
- OpsHub Technologies
- Meditab Software (India) Private Ltd.
- Sophos
- Shipments
- Rapidops
- Federal Bank
- L&T
- WhitePanda
Industrial Orientation
Industrial Visits
As a part of better exposure to industry practices we recommend our students to visit reputed organizations and interact with people to understand the real world problems and prepare themselves accordingly. Students of 4th semester visit different industries and get a better outlook of the practical scenario of the subjects taught to them in classroom. Industries like BISAG, BSNL, Punsari Village, Gujarat Forensic Science University industries and many more are visited every year.
Bhaskarracharya Institute for Space Applications and Geo-informatics (BISAG), Gandhinagar
Bhaskaracharya Institute for Space Applications and Geo-informatics is a State level agency by Government of Gujarat to facilitate to provide services and solutions in implementing map-based Geo-Spatial Information Systems. BISAG’s SATCOM network is a satellite communication network service to provide distant interaction statewide. Currently BISAG is working to implement geo-spatial technologies for the planning and developmental activities pertaining to agriculture, land and water resource management, wasteland development, disaster management, infrastructure and education. There we were made familiar with subjects like Video-Audio network, GIS etc. There were two buildings: The Sustainable Development Building and Software Development Building.
Gujarat Forensic Science University
The Gujarat Forensic Sciences University is the world’s first and only University dedicated to Forensic and allied Sciences which was established with an objective of fulfilling the acute shortage against increasing demand of forensic experts in the country and around the world. It provides hands-on training pertaining to various areas of forensic science, forensic psychology and research and development. It comprises of Institute of Forensic Science, Institute of Behavioral Science, Institute of Research and Development, Institute of Training, Directorate of Forensic Science. They also have international students and collaborations consultancy; provide cyber security training for policeman. In fact, the very first forensic awareness meet of India was held at GFSU.
Regional Telecom Training Centre, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited is an Indian state owned telecommunications company headquartered in New Delhi. RTTC – Regional Telecom Training Centre, Ahmedabad provides training in the field of telecommunication. They have a well-established infrastructure with highly equipped labs, classrooms and advanced teaching aids supported by trainers. It is constantly making endeavors to provide customized as well as tailor-made quality training to the outside agencies in the field of Mobile Communication, Optical Fiber Communication, Computer Networking and IP Addressing, Broadband, WiFi, WiMax etc.
Smart Village Visit at Punsari, Sabarkantha
Punsari Village is considered as a model Indian Village, as said by many famous news channels like the BBC. The purpose of organizing this trip to Punsari was to understand the magnificent growth of the village and to gain some insight from the person who pioneered it, Mr. Himanshu Patel. From the Computer Engineering Perspective, the aim of the trip was to understand how the entire village was Wi-Fi enabled and understand its Networking aspect.
The visit began by first visiting the Gram Panchayat Office where we were addressed by the current Sarpanch of Punsari, Mrs. Sunandaben. We were shown videos pertaining to the achievements of Punsari and what all has changed in this village.
R & D
Published Papers in Journals | ||||
1 | Charmi Jobanputra, Jatna Bavishi, Nishant Doshi | Smart cities-A case study of Porto and Ahmedabad | Scopus | Jan 2019 |
2 | Vishruti Kakkad, Hitarth Shah, Reema Patel, Nishant Doshi | A Comparative study of applications of Game Theory in Cyber Security and Cloud Computing | Scopus | Jan 2019 |
3 | Aditya Khamparia, Deepak Gupta, Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque, Arun Kumar Sangaiah, Rutvij H. Jhaveri | Internet of Health Things-driven Deep Learning System for Detection and Classification of Cervical Cells using Transfer Learning | SCI, SCI Expanded, Scopus | Jan 2020 |
4 | Jhanvi Arora, Utkarsh Pandya, Saloni Shah, Nishant Doshi | Survey-Pollution Monitoring using IoT | SCOPUS | Jan 2019 |
5 | Jigar Shah, Jinal Kothari, Nishant Doshi | A Survey of Smart City infrastructure via Case study on New York | SCOPUS | Jan 2019 |
6 | Shivank Vyas, Vipin Shukla, Nishant Doshi | FMD and Mastitis Disease Detection in Cows Using Internet of Things (IOT) | SCOPUS | Jan 2019 |
7 | Hitarth Shah, Vishruti Kakkad, Reema Patel, Nishant Doshi | A survey on game theoretic approaches for privacy preservation in data mining and network security | SCOPUS | Jan 2019 |
8 | Dharmin Dave, Shalin Parikh, Reema Patel, Nishant Doshi | A Survey on Blockchain Technology and its Proposed Solutions | SCOPUS | Jan 2019 |
9 | Sumeet Sachdev, Joel Macwan, Chintan Patel, Nishant Doshi | Voice-Controlled Autonomous Vehicle Using IoT | SCOPUS | Jan 2019 |
10 | Charmi Jobanputra, Jatna Bavishi, Nishant Doshi | Human Activity Recognition: A Survey | SCOPUS | Jan 2019 |
11 | Fenil Dankhara, Kartik Patel, Nishant Doshi | Analysis of robust weed detection techniques based on the internet of things (IoT) | SCOPUS | Jan 2019 |
12 | Karan Lohia, Yash Jain, Chintan Patel, Nishant Doshi | Open Communication Protocols for Building Automation Systems | SCOPUS | Jan 2019 |
13 | Yash Patel, Nishant Doshi | Social implications of smart cities | SCOPUS | Jan 2019 |
14 | Riya Thakore, Rajkumar Vaghashiya, Chintan Patel, Nishant Doshi | Blockchain-based IoT: A Survey | SCOPUS | Jan 2019 |
15 | Shalin Parikh, Dharmin Dave, Reema Patel, Nishant Doshi | Security and Privacy Issues in Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing | SCOPUS | Jan 2019 |
16 | Sahil Rupani, Nishant Doshi | A Review of Smart Parking Using Internet of Things (IoT) | SCOPUS | Jan 2019 |
17 | Nishant Doshi | Analysis of efficient and privacy-preserving metering protocols for smart grid systems | SCOPUS | Dec 2019 |
18 | Vaghashiya, R., Thakore, R., Patel, C., Doshi, N. | IoT – principles and paradigms | SCOPUS | Dec 2019 |
19 | J Doshi, T Patel, SK Bharti | Smart Farming using IoT, a solution for optimally monitoring farming conditions | SCOPUS | Nov 2019 |
20 | Awatif Alqahtani, Ellis Solaiman, Pankesh Patel, Schahram Dustdar, Rajiv Ranjan | "Service level agreement specification for end-to-end IoT application ecosystems", | SCOPUS | Nov 2019 |
21 | Chhaya, Lipi, Paawan Sharma, Adesh Kumar, and Govind Bhagwatikar | IoT-Based Implementation of Field Area Network Using Smart Grid Communication Infrastructure | Smart Cities, MDPI Publisher | 2018 |
22 | Chhaya, L. K., Paawan Sharma, A. Kumar, and G. Bhagwatikar. | Routing Protocol Optimization of Smart Grid Neighborhood Area Network based on IEEE 802.11 Standard | Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology | 2018 |
23 | Jasim Farooq, Paawan Sharma, Sreerama Kumar R | A BIM-based Detailed Electrical Load Estimation, Costing and Code Checking | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | 2018 |
24 | Lipi Chhaya, Paawan Sharma, Adesh Kumar, Govind Bhagwatikar | Cross Layer Optimization and Simulation of Smart Grid Home Area Network | Modelling and Simulation in Engineering | 2018 |
25 | Adesh Kumar, Paawan Sharma, Mukul Kumar Gupta, Roushan Kumar | Machine Learning Based Resource Utilization and Pre-estimation for Network on Chip (NoC) Communication | Springer, Wireless Personal Communication | 2018 |
26 | Jigarkumar Shah, Ashish Patel | Sensor-Based Activity Recognition in the Context of Ambient Assisted Living Systems: A Review | SCIE indexed | Dec 2018 |
27 | DK Singh, BK Kanaujia, S Dwari, GP Pandey | Multi band multi polarized reconfigurable circularly polarized monopole antenna with simple biasing network | SCIE indexed | Oct 2018 |
28 | Shashi Kant Pandey, Ganga Prasad Pandey and P. M. Sarun | Design of Circularly Polarized Modified Minkowski Fractal Based Antenna for UHF RFID Reader Applications | SCIE indexed | Jan 2018 |
Chapters Published in the Books | ||||
1 | Nishant Doshi, Mayur Oza, Nikita Gorasia | An Enhanced Scheme for PHR on Cloud Servers Using CP-ABE | Feb 2019 | |
2 | Chowdary, Vinay, Vivek Kaundal, Paawan Sharma, and Amit Kumar Mondal. | Implantable Electronics: Integration of Bio-Interfaces, Devices and Sensors | In Medical Big Data and Internet of Medical Things, CRC Publisher | |
3 | Chintan Patel, Nishant Doshi | Industrial Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Overview | 2019 | |
4 | Chintan Patel, Nishant Doshi | Security Challenges in IoT Cyber World | Nov 2018 |
Published Papers in Conference | ||||
1 | Awatif Alqahtani, Ellis Solaiman, Pankesh Patel, Schahram Dustdar, Rajiv Ranjan | SLA-aware Approach for IoT Workflow Activities Placement based on Collaboration between Cloud and Edge | Scopus | Jan 2020 |
2 | Santosh Bharti, KS Babu, SK Mishra | An Improved Approach for Sarcasm Detection Avoiding Null Tweets | Scopus | Dec 2019 |
3 | Chintan Patel, Nishant Doshi | Cryptanalysis of ecc-based key agreement scheme for generic IoT network model | IEEE | July 2019 |
4 | Vikas Thapa, Shiv Capoor, Paawan Sharma, Amit Kumar Mondal | Obstacle avoidance for mobile robot using RGB-D camera | ICISS, IEEE | 2018 |
5 | Prayushi Faldu, Nishant Doshi, Reema Patel | Real Time Adaptive Traffic Control System - A hybrid Approach | ICCCS, IEEE | 2019 |
6 | Nishant Doshi | Analysis of Fuzzy Based Provably Secure Multi-Server Authentication Remote User Authentication Scheme | Springer | 2019 |
7 | Pruthvish Rajput, Manish Chaturvedi, Pankesh Patel | Advanced Urban Public Transportation System for Indian Scenarios | IEEE | Jan 2019 |
8 | Nishant Doshi | Analysis of Attribute-Based Secure Data Sharing with Hidden Policies in Smart Grid | Springer | Oct 2018 |
9 | Nishant Doshi, Chintan Patel | A Novel Approach for Biometric Based Remote User Authentication Scheme using Smart Card | IEEE | September 2018 |
10 | S K Pandey, G. P Pandey and P M Sarun | Gain Enhancement of I-Cross Antenna using Parasitic Fractal for UWB Applications | Conference Proceeding | August 2018 |
11 | Dinesh Kumar Singh ; Ratnesh Dwivedi ; Abhishek Kumar Jain ; Ganga Prasad Pandey | Analysis of Circularly Polarized Rectangular Microstrip Antenna | Conference Proceeding | April 2018 |
12 | Jigarkumar Shah, Ashish Patel | Ambient Assisted Living Systems: The Scope of Research and Development | IEEE | Jan 2018 |
Latest Placements
- Prachi Patel placed in Amazon with 25L CTC
- Pankti Shah placed in Goldman Sachs with 24L CTC
- Vinay Khilwani placed in Google India with 22L CTC
- Pranjal Goyal placed in Groww with 20L CTC
Apart from this, students also did internships with wholesome stipend at Amazon, Browerstack, GoogleIndia, Sharechat, HackerRank, BytelearnEdtech Pvt. Ltd. as well as Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Ongoing collaborations
Department of Computer Science &Engineering has signed MoU with:
- Tata Steel Limited (2022)
- Laboratory for Environment Technology Pvt. Ltd. (Yhonk) (2022)
- University of Cagliari- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2022)
Ongoing collaborations
Department of Computer Science &Engineering has signed MoU with:
- Tata Steel Limited (2022)
- Laboratory for Environment Technology Pvt. Ltd. (Yhonk) (2022)
- University of Cagliari- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2022)