After the triumphant proceedings of the Drilling & Completion Conclave 2012 and Exploration Conclave 2013, this year, the School of Petroleum Technology decided to take the conclave to the next level by organizing Petroleum Conclave 2014. This time horizon was widened by including emerging technologies from Exploration, Production to Gas Processing and Petrochemical sector.
The theme of the conclave was Recent trends in Petroleum Upstream & Downstream Sector - What are the recent trends in the above mentioned important branches of oil and gas sector, what are the impacts of the new technologies in these fields and how to improve the current scenario by the aid of new technologies.
The 3rd Power Sector India Roundtable 2013 was organized by SPM on 30th August 2013 with an objective to provide a platform for information exchange, discussion and comprehensive analysis of business opportunities and critical issues in Power Sector of India. Shri Saurabh Patel Hon’ble Minister, Energy and Petrochemicals, Mines and Minerals, Labour and Employment, Cottage Industries, Salt Industries, Printing, Stationary, Planning, Tourism, Civil Aviation, Government of Gujarat was the Chief Guest for the event.Executives, Business Heads / Top decision makers from renowned leading public and private power sector companies like PwC, IL & FS Ltd., Tata Power, SBI Capital Markets Ltd., Feedback Infra Pvt. Ltd., Tata Power Trading Company, KPMG, Deloitte, GSECL, IEEMA, etc. participated in the event and made ita grand success.
A two day programme the “3rd Oil and Gas Conclave 2013” was organized by SPM on 20th & 21st September, 2013. The conclave provided an amazing platform for sharing thoughts and creating a roadmap contemplating on current and future challenges across the value chain. The conclave had sessions on Exploration & Production Business Dynamics, Pricing Mechanism: The Rubik’s cube for Energy Security, Management Practices in Oil & Gas Projects, Business Management & Marketing Excellence and Talent Management and HR Interventions in Oil & Gas Sector.
International Conference on Energy & Infrastructure (ICEI) Robust infrastructure and sufficiency of energy are fundamental imperatives for development of any economy around the globe. Key determinant of economic and social sustainability is development of energy and infrastructure sector. The biennial ICEI focuses on the dynamics of petroleum sector and the managerial responses to deal with this. It is an attempt to provide a platform to professionals, consultants, academicians, researchers associated with the Energy & Infrastructure (E&I) sector to share their views and discuss issues which are of paramount significance for deliberation and discussions leading to policy making and application.