Ph.D. Research Projects:
- Power System Protection
- Generation & Transmission Planning
- Integration issues of renewable energy sources with Grid
- Distributed Generation: Protection, Stability & Control
- Power Quality : Issues & Mitigation Techniques
- Distribution System Management
- Power System Automation & Control
- Wide Area Measurements and application of the same to mitigate Protection, Stability & control issues
- Micro-grids, Smart Grid and related issues
- Power System Security Assessment & Enhancement / Improvement of System Security
- Use of analytics for efficient operation of Power System
About Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering (EE) Department at School of Technology (SoT) offers B. Tech, M. Tech and PhD programs in contemporary areas. The department aims to impart a strong foundation and hands-on learning to the students, and it, therefore, places greater emphasis on the practical component, industrial visits, industrial internships and projects. The diversity of academic interests is reflected in the breadth of theoretical and laboratory courses offered at undergraduate and post graduate level. The faculty members are highly competent and are actively involved in overall development of the students along with research and developments in various domains of electrical engineering.
B. Tech – Electrical EngineeringThe electrical energy systems of future are expected to be much more dynamic, rapidly evolving, heterogeneous and digitized. B.Tech. program in Electrical Engineering (EE) at School of Technology, focuses to prepare qualified and highly skilled engineers who can develop, operate and control this rapidly transforming electrical energy sector. Moreover, the program aims to prepare the engineers of tomorrow by exposing them to various software, equipment, instruments, components and coding skills to achieve the most reliable, cost-efficient and sustainable energy system.
Studying in Electrical Engineering at SoT places the students at the center of a vibrant and fast-moving discipline of relevance to conventional and modern industries such as Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy, Manufacturing of HV/LV Electrical Equipment, Power and signal Electronics, Renewable Energy, Industrial Automation & Control, Internet of Things, Digital Electronics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Embedded Systems, Electric Vehicles, Information Technology and Communications.
The program is supported by up-to-date curriculum based on needs of industries and national policies. Moreover, the program is unique in terms of interactive teaching-learning pedagogy, experienced faculty and fully equipped laboratories in various domains of electrical engineering. Our strong industrial linkages and curriculum offer opportunities to students for industrial internship and possible work placements during their period of study. The academic course structure is reviewed periodically with input from industrial experts and observing recent global trends to ensure that the modules taught are at the cutting edge.
Salient Features of B. Tech Program- Incorporates developments in industries and promotes research attitude, employability readiness, and entrepreneurial spirit among students
- Hands-on learning through state-of-art laboratories
- Skill development in production, maintenance, design and testing of electrical and electronics components and systems
- Flexibility to choose courses to pursue individual goals
- One to one interaction with faculty in coursework and projects
- Strong linkages with industries to provide excellent opportunities for internships & placements
- Opportunity to pursue full time project in industry during final semester to get exposure of industrial work culture.
- Excellent academic ambience and vibrant campus life
- Ample opportunities for overall development through extracurricular activities
- On-campus Innovation & Incubation Center to support the innovative ideas and entrepreneurial ambitions of the students.
Delivery of sustainable, reliable, low-carbon and affordable energy is one of the biggest global challenge in recent times. The dependency on fossil fuels and the global climate challenge require an urgent technological transformation across all parts of the electric energy system. The existing conventional electric grid in going through the phase of redesigning and restructuring to transform it into smart user-interactive grid. The novel resilient grid will be capable to integrate renewable power generation, energy storage devices and electric vehicles into electrical transmission and distribution systems. The major objective of M. Tech program with specialization in Power Systems is to prepare students for a new era of truly ‘smart’ grids, and is designed to meet the urgent need for specialists in advanced electrical energy systems. The curriculum of M. Tech program is grouped into following thrust areas:
- Power System Modelling, Analysis, Dynamics and Protection
- Power Quality, Power Electronics Converters, Power Electronics Applications to Energy Systems
- Smart Grid, Energy Infrastructure, E-Mobility, Energy Storage
- Renewable Energy Integration, Distributed Generation, Micro grid, Energy Market
The Department of Electrical Engineering strives to inculcate research aptitude in M. Tech students and provide them an opportunity to carry out dissertation with the state-of-art software and hardware facilities to help them carve out a name in the ever evolving domain of power systems. Following are some of the unique points of the M. Tech. (Power Systems) program at PDEU
- The opportunities to learn in a research-led teaching institution
- Dedicated courses to develop research aptitude, technical skills and software skills to develop a strong academic background to contribute in any research organization
- Chance to pursue dedicated courses wherein the students are exposed to most recent developments and futuristic trends in the power system domain
- Availability of software, such as ETAP, PSCAD, MiPower, PSIM, MATLAB/SIMUINK for carrying out dissertation and project
- Accessibility of real time implementation platforms such as dSPACE MicroLab Box and embedded platforms for validating the theoretical concepts and developed ideas
- Exposure to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Optimization, Embedded Systems and similar areas focused by industries and governmental policies
- Funding opportunities under ORSP to carry out dissertation and project work
- Funding opportunities for presenting research papers in national and international conferences
- Scholarships for GATE and Non-GATE students
B.E. /B. Tech. in Electrical Engineering/Electrical and Electronics (Power System)/Electrical and Electronics Engineering/Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering/Electrical and Power Engineering/ Electrical Engineering (Electronics and Power)/Electrical, Electronics and Power, with minimum 60% or CPI/CGPA of 6.5 on a10 point scale.
About CurriculumThe curriculum is designed to provide a deep insight and knowledge, which qualifies the graduate to analyse, design, develop and operate electric energy systems. The program demands the pre-requisite on fundamental knowledge of circuit analysis, power system, electric machines and power electronics. The curriculum of M. Tech program is structured in following three categories:
- Core Courses: The core courses are required for strong theoretical foundation and they cover broad aspects of power system engineering, power electronics, control system engineering and smart grid.
- Elective Courses: The elective courses are focused on emerging areas of energy infrastructure, smart grid control and renewable energy integration.
- Project and Dissertation: Students will undertake a full year project and dissertation work under mentorship of faculties focused on research or can also opt for a full year industrial project. Students graduating the program will have the capability to apply fundamentals and advanced power system concepts to solve research and industrial problem.
To be recognized globally for excellence in education, research and training in the field of Electrical Engineering by preparing graduates for tomorrow creating high societal impact.
- To offer good quality under-graduate, post-graduate and doctoral programmes for preparing globally competitive graduates in electrical engineering.
- To provide state-of-the-art resources that contribute to achieve excellence in teaching learning, research and skill development activities.
- To impart knowledge driven, technologically delivered and research augmented excellent education.
- To motivate the students for life-long learning and to inculcate leadership qualities in an increasingly knowledge driven world.
Mission Element | Mission Component |
M1 | Globally Competitive (Energy and Engineering) |
M2 | Skill Development |
M3 | Excellent Education |
M4 | Life-Long Learning |
M5 | Leadership |
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- To prepare highly competent graduates with strong foundation in engineering and technology for successful career in industries, academics and research organizations.
- To prepare the graduates with ability to identify, analyze, design and solve complex electrical engineering problems, based on application of basic sciences, mathematics and fundamentals of electrical engineering.
- To prepare fundamentally strong graduates having broad knowledge in electrical engineering that can become innovators or entrepreneur to solve industrial and societal challenges.
- To prepare graduates with holistic education approach that they should contribute ethically in multicultural and multidisciplinary groups to develop sustainable solutions for global, environmental and social issues.
Program Outcomes (PO):
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
- Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
- Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
- Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
- Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
- PSO1: To identify, formulate, design and investigate various problems related to electrical circuits, power electronics, electrical machines and power systems by applying fundamental knowledge of engineering and science.
- PSO2: To demonstrate proficiency in usage of modern hardware & software tools to model, design, simulate and analyze electrical systems for solving real world multi-disciplinary problems.
- PSO3: To contribute in development of smart systems, modern grid and clean energy system for societal and environmental benefits.
School of Technology intends to focus on technological education, research and service that anticipates, and meets, the need of tomorrow’s world. It is expected that engineering graduates and post graduates from School of Technology will care about issues that can make difference whether these issues are health, security, economic well-being or sustainability of world and values.
The department of Electrical Engineering has been playing a vital role in producing technologists of highest caliber ever since it was established in 2010. The Electrical Engineering Department, PDEU seeks to establish traditions which will foster creativity and growth of excellence. It has the following broad objectives:
- To provide the best possible educational facilities for training bright students for the career in Electrical Engineering.
- Creativity and research develop technology linked with economic growth and well-being of the country, its citizens
- To provide a creative atmosphere in which higher studies and research thrive both amongst the students and the faculty.
- To organize a short intensive courses, workshop, and seminars on current technological developments which will be of benefit to the surrounding community.
- To provide research and development consultancy which promote contact with and be of service to industries, to government and Civic Organizations.
- To organize quality improvement programmes for faculty members from various engineering colleges.
- To provide leadership in curriculum design and development.
Electrical Engineering department is one of the important departments of the School of technology which was established in the year 2010. Department started with only undergraduate program. After some years, M.Tech programme also started in Power Systems. Currently, department offers both undergraduates and postgraduates with experienced and dynamic faculty and, staff members. The Department has healthy mixture of young and experienced faculty members, all of whom show high levels of enthusiasm and dedication. Apart from teaching and research, the faculties has actively involved in organizing technical workshops, camps and visits at the Institute to create an environment conducive to experiential learning.
Head of Department
HOD & Associate Professor
B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D
Contact: (079) 23275664 (O)
View Profile »
International Relations
The university has collaboration with universities of International repute such as University of Tusla, University of Oklahoma, University of Houston, Ontario (Canada), American Jewish Committee, Texas A & M University (USA), Georgia Tech University, University of Sasksatchewan (Canada), University of Regina (Canada), Georgia Tech Research Corporation.
Industrial Relations
Electrical department maintains close links with the industry to provide the internship and practical exposure for field works. The department has wide range of laboratory experimental facilities. Department aims to provide students with a cordial atmosphere and an opportunity to acquire disciplinary perspective to engineering problems.
Contact us
Department of Electrical Engineering,
School of Technology,
Pandit Deendayal Energy University,
Raisan Village,
Gandhinagar - 382007
Gujarat, India
Phone : (+91-79) 23275410
Course Curriculum
B.Tech Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering Semester - III & IV
Electrical Engineering Semester- V & VI
Electrical Engineering Semester - VII & VIII
M.Tech Electrical Engineering (Power System)
Flow Chart for Course
Flow Chart for UG Course
B.Tech Electrical Engineering UG Course »
Flow Chart for PG Course
Board of Studies MoMs
Department has developed a number of sector relevant engineering laboratories which are well equipped to facilitate the pedagogic and research programs. The practical classes are well integrated into the curriculum, but the school encourages even more extensive use of these facilities to nurture a research led environment. The labs are being continuously upgraded with new equipment, to strengthen the research work of the M. Tech and Ph. D students who rely extensively on experiments to validate their work.
Name of Laboratories
Power system protection is the major area of Electric Engineering concerned with the principles of design and operation of protective relay that detects abnormal power system conditions, and initiates corrective action as quickly as possible in order to return the power system to its normal state. The response of the protective relays must be automatic with correct diagnosis of faults/events/troubles, quick and should cause a minimum amount of disruption to the power system for all possible types of fault or abnormal conditions which may occur in the power system.
Power system protection laboratory provides hands-on learning opportunities to gain technical mastery of how the protective relays function, how they perform, how they are designed and coordinated. The experiments on power system protection are especially unique in terms of their design and implementation. In laboratory, students record and analyze information regarding system parameters for normal system conditions as well as for fault conditions. While working in laboratory, the students feel working in a real substation-like operating environment and get familiar with the fundamentals of protection, learned how different protection schemes are wired and how they operate in a real power system. The laboratory experience will be invaluable to a student who intends to make power engineering his professional career.
The Process Dynamics & Control Laboratory is one of the inter-disciplinary and state of art laboratory in the Department of Electrical Engineering. The Laboratory aims to provide experimental set-ups for experimental validation of various control designs and strategies. Students in the Laboratory can perform simulation and experimental studies on process Modeling, System dynamics, Control system design, Advance process control, etc. The Laboratory is equipped with all testing, measuring (sensing), computing and data acquisition facilities including National Instrument NI DAQ cards. Some of the noteworthy experimental set-ups installed in Laboratory are Process Control Trainers, Single Board Heater Systems (SBHS), Inverted Pendulum, Gyroscope, Mass-Spring-Damper System, Industrial Emulator, PLC dual conveyor workcell, Quadruple Tank System, Solar Tracker, DC motor Control Module, Sensor & Instrumentation System (SIS), etc. The Laboratory is also supported with licensed computational and simulation software like MatLab and LabView.
The Power Electronics and Drives Lab (PED Lab) has been established to support teaching and research activities in area of power semiconductor switches, power converters and their applications. The lab aims to provide state of art research facilities for incubation and practical realization of innovative power electronic technology that can positively impact energy savings, green energy technology, electric transportation, industrial automation, and power quality enhancement. Besides the fundamentals of power electronics and electric drives, the lab presently focuses on (i) control of grid tied inverters for power quality enhancement and distributed generation, and (ii) control of electric drives for electric propulsion. The lab provides the students with an opportunity to analyze the operation of various power converters and electric drives. A prototype test bench for grid tied inverters is also developed in the laboratory. Controller cards and dSPACE MicroLab Box is also available for rapid validation of the developed control algorithms.
Since electrical machines plays a vital role in building the foundation of engineering. Electrical machine is offered as the core course at electrical engineering department. Hand on experience on real machines is essential for student undergoing electrical engineering course. Electrical machines laboratory is fully equipped with conventional and modern various AC and DC electrical machines such as different types of DC motor/generator set, single phase and polyphase induction motors, three phase alternators and synchronous motor, single phase and three phase transformers, special machines like repulsion motor, permanent magnet brushless dc motor, universal motor, variable frequency drives, energy efficient motor, load banks, power supplies, starters etc. Laboratory is having all types of analog and digital devices for measuring various electrical quantities. These facilitates the students for conducting countless experiments and tests and therefore provides ample opportunity to understand, investigate and verify performance parameters as well as characteristics of various electrical machines under different operating conditions.
The renewable energy laboratory is equipped with prototype of wind energy generating system and photovoltaic power generating system. The prototype of wind energy generating system comprises of permanent magnet wind generator setup, variable frequency drive, induction motor, wind chamber, convertor and controller. Through converter inverter topologies the power generation is fed to the standalone AC/DC load. The step up also comprises of battery backup facility. Various experiment can be performed to understand, analyse and control the performance of wind turbine generating systems. The prototype of photovoltaic power generation system comprises of artificial solar radiation generator, tracking system, shading system, convertor/invertor topologies and AC/DC load. Several experiments can be performed to understand the characteristics and evaluate the performance of solar photovoltaic systems during different operating conditions.
Modeling and simulation laboratory enables students and researchers to “live at the intersection between theory and experiment.” The Laboratory is built to train undergraduate and Post Graduate students of the department to visualize complex electrical engineering problems. Computer models of electrical engineering processes and equipment can be developed and worked upon to create engineering marvels in areas of power engineering, machines, power electronics, e-mobility and other design aspects. The Laboratory has good performance computer systems loaded with the following packages
MathWorks - MATLAB & Simulink# 2016MATLAB/Simulink (Matrix Laboratory) provides component libraries for modeling and simulating electronic, mechatronic, and electrical power systems. It includes models of semiconductors, motors, and components for applications such as electromechanical actuation, smart grids, and renewable energy systems.
NI – LabVIEWLabVIEW is a Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench system-design platform which provides extensive support for interfacing to devices, instruments, camera, and other devices that require test, measurement, and control.
MiPower®MiPower software is used to resolve power flow solution problem for a large power system network, consisting of hundreds and thousands of busses. It is driven by a robust power system analysis toolbox covering various aspects of power system studies from steady state analysis to stability and security assessment, including reliability and protection.
PSCADTMPower Systems Computer Aided Design (PSCAD) is used to develop and build electrical circuits run a simulation, analyse the results, and manage the data in a completely integrated, graphical environment. Online plotting functions, controls and meters are also included, enabling the user to alter system parameters during a simulation run, and thereby view the effects while the simulation is in progress
ETAPETAP can be used for developing energy management solutions to design, operate, and automate electric power systems, through simulation, design, monitoring, control, optimization, and automation.
The High Voltage laboratory, sponsored by GSECL, is state of art laboratory with a capacity of 100 kV AC, 140 kV DC and impulse generator of 140 kV. Laboratory is also having facility of testing various insulating materials as per Indian standards.
Major Equipments:
- AC / DC / Impulse test set ( 100 kV AC, 140 kV DC, 140 kV, 0.98 kJ Impulse)
- Partial Discharge measuring unit
- Rod Gap Apparatus
- Electrolytic tank
- 0 to 100 kV oil test kit
- 0 to 100 kV oil test kit
- 0 to 30 kV HV Insulation Tester
- Horn Gap Apparatus
- 2.5 KV Hand Held Insulation Tester (Hand Cranked Operated)
- High Voltage Schering Bridge
Microprocessor, Microcontroller technologies are an exciting, and growing filed dominate the industries in the decades to come. To meet the challenges of this emerging technology one has to be familiar with the programing aspects of the microprocessor and microcontroller. The primary objective of this laboratory is to train students on the 8085 microprocessor and 8051 microcontroller programming. Students also gain knowledge of interfacing different peripherals to the 8085 and develop solutions using 8051 development board for real time problems.
Measurements of electrical parameters is the most important task that anybody has to perform while working with any electrical utility, any electrical industry or doing any research. The main objective of this laboratory is to give hands on experience to the students in measuring very important parameters of electrical engineering like Resistance ,Inductance , Capacitance , DC Voltage , AC voltage , DC current ,AC current, electrical frequency and electrical power along with different parameters of electronic signals like peak-peak value , average value , rms value , frequency and time period. This laboratory gives students a chance to understand the operating principles and construction of different electrical measuring instruments by visually observing each and every instruments. The laboratory consists of the state of art measuring equipment like Digital multi meters (DMM), LCR meters , Resistance measuring bridges- Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin’s double bridge and Carey Fosters’ bridge ,Inductance measuring bridges-Maxwell’s bridge ,Anderson’s bridge ,Hay’s bridge , Capacitance measuring bridges-Schering’ bridge ,Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes (CRO) , Digital Storage Oscilloscopes (DSO) , Moving Iron Ammeters ,PMMC Ammeters , Moving Iron voltmeters , PMMC voltmeters ,Wattmeters ,frequency measuring bridges-Wein’s bridge , potentiometer and different electrical loads like resistive loads, inductive loads along with other auxiliary equipment like batteries ,signal generators ,cables ,connecting wires. The infrastructure available in the laboratory will enable the students to deal with all types of electrical parameters.
The lab is available for electrical engineering students and is well equipped with Analog Circuits system, Digital Electronics Development Systems, Function Generators, Digital Oscilloscope, Multi Output Variable DC Regulated Power Supply and general purpose ICs, etc. for designing and implementation of basic electronic circuits. Experiments ranging from hardware design to electronic circuits’ implementation for synchronous, asynchronous counters, rectifier using general purpose ICs. Basic characteristics of electronic devices such as transistor, diodes, comparators etc. are also analyzed.
This laboratory is well equipped to help second/third year B.Tech electrical engineering students to realise practical concepts of modulation, demodulation, Analog Signal Sampling and Reconstruction, transmission and receiving. The experiments are designed to analyse and examine Amplitude Modulated and Demodulated wave, DSBSC Modulated and Demodulated wave, SSBSC Modulated and Demodulated waves and Frequency Modulated and Demodulated wave. Students also familiarise with angle modulation by developing and analysing characteristics of the pre-emphasis and De-emphasis circuits. Experiments are performed on Delta/Adaptive Delta/Sigma Modulation/Demodulation Trainer kits.
This laboratory is developed for the second year electrical engineering students with a focus to realize practical characteristics, behavior and applications of electronic devices. The laboratory has equipment such as Two Channel Four Trace Microcontroller Based Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Digital Storage Oscilloscopes function generators, regulated variable DC power supply and breadboards for circuit implementation and testing. The experiments focus on analyzing characteristics, biasing and operation of P-N Junction Diode, Bipolar Junction transistors and Junction Field effect transistors. Students also study and verify operation of Diode Half Wave, Full Wave and Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Circuits, Oscillator circuits, Clipper and Clamper circuits using
Network analysis lays the foundation for all the courses in electrical engineering. It is imperative not only to have a solid footing in theoretical aspects of the subject but also to reinforce the theoretical concepts by carrying out hands-on experiments using hardware setups and software simulation. In light of the above requirement, the department of electrical engineering offers an exposure to its students to conduct hands-on experiments encompassing various vital aspects of the course (like experiments on Network theorems, two-port networks, transient analysis). The laboratory experiments are designed carefully to sync with the concepts taught in the classroom so that the students develop a holistic and well-rounded understanding of the subject. The laboratory is equipped with hardware setups to verify different network theorems like- Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem, and Reciprocity theorem. The students also conduct experiments on hardware setups to study and verify the properties and interconnections of a two-port network. Further, the laboratory is equipped with trainers for transient analysis of first-order (R-L and R-C) and second-order (R-L-C) circuits. Moreover, the laboratory boasts of modern equipment like digital multimeters, function generator, and state-of-the-art oscilloscopes. Access to state-of-the-art equipment allows every student in the group to gain knowledge and understanding of the operation of equipment. Last but not the least, students are also exposed to software simulations on MATLAB/SIMULINK and PSCAD platforms.
Tinkering laboratory of the department of Electrical engineering enables students to work upon out of curriculum ideas and projects. The objective of the laboratory is to foster curiosity, creativity and imagination in the minds of students; and inculcate skills such as design mind set, computational thinking, adaptive learning, physical computing etc.
Tinkering Laboratory provides a dedicated work space where students can give shape to their ideas through hands on do-it-yourself mode (with faculty’s guidance); and learn innovation skills. Students get a chance to work with tools and equipment to understand the concepts of Electrical Engineering and Technology. Laboratory is equipped with educational and learning ‘do it yourself’ kits and equipment on – science, electronics, robotics, open source microcontroller boards, and sensors (latest Arduino and Raspberry pi boards, Rechargeable batteries, microcontrollers, motors, solar panels, etc).
PDEU conducts hackathons and students can use Tinkering Laboratory to work upon their own ideas or on project problems given by the reputed industries in the filed on energy and electrical engineering. Students can also, issue, items and equipment from the Laboratory to work on an idea proposed by them. This enables students of the department to create and solve a problem of their own and learn about the complexities of developing and operating a product.
STTP/ Seminar/ Workshop/ Activities Organized/ Coordination
- CP Field project eed_0001
- Industrial Training_Internship_EED_0001
- Internship_RI_CSSI eed_0001
- Major Project _EED_0001
- Project Dissertation_0001
- Organized and conducted a two Days’ Seminar on “Recent Advances in Electrical Power Systems” at PDEU, on 28th and 29th September, 2017.
The Seminar was attended by faculty members, under-graduate and post-graduate students from various Engineering colleges in Gujarat. Moreover, employees of GETCO also attended the seminar. - Organized a two Days’ workshop on “Recent Trends in Renewable Energy Technology, Power Quality Enhancement and Electric Drives at PDEU, during March 8-9, 2018.
B.Tech Project List of Current year and last year
Seminars/ Projects
a) Expert Talk on “Excitation system” 21st April, 2014;
Department of Electrical Engineering arranged an expert talk about the basics of advances in M.Tech. syllabus. Prof. Ragvan K who is an Assistant Professor, was invited to deliver the talk. He explained basic concepts of excitation system and its modeling and use of the same in modern aspects of power system. It was a great experience for the PG students to have the exposure expert regarding such a theoretical concepts and practical one too.
b) Expert Talk on “Smart Grid” 20th March, 2015;
Department of Electrical Engineering arranged an expert talk about the basics of smart grid as far as 2nd semester MTech syllabus. Dr. Bhavesh Bhalja who is an Associate Professor, IIT Roorkee, was invited to deliver the talk. He explained the application of the smart grid and use of the same in modern aspects and concept. It was an enriching experience for the students to have the exposure from an expert regarding such a theoretical concept.
c) Expert Talk on “Power system protection” 5th May, 2015;
Department of Electrical Engineering arranged an expert talk about the basics of advances in power system protection as far as M.Tech. syllabus. Prof. Bhuvanesh Oza who is a retd. Associate Professor, BVM Engineering college, was invited to deliver the talk. He explained the application of the power system protection concepts and use of the same in modern aspects. It was an enriching experience for the students to have the exposure from industrial expert as well as expert regarding such a theoretical concept. Majority he covered dissertation topic.
d) An Expert Lecture on Prevailing Trends in Power System and Challenges By Mr. Ashok Chavda- Executive Engineer- Getco, 10th August 2017
Mr. Ashok Chavda commenced the lecture by sharing very basic reasons as to why Energy, electricity or Power grids are important. He also shared with the students the “Indian Electricity Act of 2003” which states that every person irrespective of the place he/she is living in the country has the right to demand for power in that area. He also shared a lot of real time information and data about various substations in Gujarat and also provided the students with data sheets used by engineers in substations. He broadly discussed on the various topics like Load shedding, cascade tripping, RTF, Smart Grids and GIS and many other important topics along with sharing his views on Industry Institute partnership.
e) An Expert Talk on “Carrier Current Protections of Transmission Lines” By Prof. Bhuvnesh Oza, 30th Oct, 2017
Prof. B.A.Oza is an eminent personality in the field of Electrical Engineering. He has a wide experience of more than 40 years in this field. He has worked with WTPS, in the field of Protection– Automation of power plants. He served in various academic institutes. He is the pioneer in designing realizing the state of the art laboratories of power system protections across institutes in the state of Gujarat. He has written four books which are used as texts in universities & as practical ref. books by Utility engineers. Prof. oza commenced the lecture beginning with the need of protection of lines and elaborated upon the types of carrier current protections. He shared his practical experience and enriched the students with his knowledge.
f) Expert Talk on “Regression Analysis – Data based statistical modelling” 31st October, 2017
Department of Electrical Engineering arranged an expert talk about the basics of a statistical concept on regression analysis. Mr. Ravin Bhatt who is a Senior Manager, Analytics from the EXL consultants was invited to deliver the talk. He explained the application of the concept of regression analysis into electrical engineering. He explained the basics such as covariance, linear and non-linear regression, single and mutli-variable regression and model validation. This lecture was arranged as a requirement of the subject of Modeling & Simulation for 3rd Year B. Tech students. It was an enriching experience for the students to have the exposure from industrial expert regarding such a theoretical concept.
Research Focus
Topics of Research Focus :
- Power Systems
- Power System Protection
- Power Electronics
- Control of Electric Motors
- Renewable Energy Technology
- Power Quality Enhancement
- Electric Vehicles
Research Projects
Ongoing Research Project in the Electrical Engineering Department
Name of Ph.D. Scholar | Topic of Research | Guide |
Mr. Astik Dhandhia | Static security assessment in deregulated power system using artificial intelligence techniques | Dr. Vivek Pandya |
Ms. Meera Karamta | Dynamic State Estimation of Power System with FACTS devices | Dr. Jitendra Jamnani |
Ms. Leena Santosh | Impact of wind power forecasts on revenue insufficiency issue of electricity markets | Dr. Makarand Lokhande Dr. Poonam Mishra |
Mr. Vyas Kaustubh A. | Electrostatic and Electromagnetic fields of EHV/UHV AC power transmission | Dr. Jitendra Jamnani |
Mr. Ashok Chavada | Use SFRA Techniques for condition monitoring | Dr. Vivek Pandya |
Mr. Nirav Karelia | Multi-Converter UPQC System for Inverter Based Renewable Energy System | Dr. Vivek Pandya |
Mr. Botta Ravi | Control and Optimal Operation of High Penetrated PV Based dc Microgram | Dr. Amit Sant Dr. J. G. Jamnani |
Venkata Pavan Kumar T | Micro grid Protection: Problems and Solutions | Dr. Vivek Pandya |
Vipin Shukla | Automatic Control of Plasma Device Using Artificial Neural Networks Technique | Dr. Vivek Pandya Dr. Mainak Bandopadhyay, IPR-Gandhinagar (External) |
Kapil P. | Investigations on Z-Source Inverter for Battery Charging | Dr. Amit Sant |
Dhaval Vyas | Cognitive reasoning for compliant robotic manipulator | Dr. Anil Markana |
Vima Mali | Study of Ultra capacitor Based Hybrid Energy Storage System for Electric Vehicle Application | Dr. Brijesh Tripathi Dr. Omkar Jani |
M.Tech Projects of last 2 year
2017ID No | Name of Student | Name of Supervisor | Name of Co-Supervisor | Title of Dissertation |
17MEE001 | Anal Patel | Dr. Siddharth Joshi | - | MPPT based standalone solar PV system with battery back up |
17MEE002 | Het Bhalja | Dr. Anil Markana | Dr. Amit Sant | Integration of solar and diesel generator with battery backup |
17MEE003 | Ishani Bhatt | Dr. Praghnesh Bhatt | - | Analysis and Model Development for Auxillry Conveter in Railway Traction Vehicle |
17MEE004 | Nirav Joshi | Mr. T. V. Pavankumar | - | Fault Detection and Location Calculation for PV based DC micro grid |
17MEE005 | Veera Joshi | Dr. Bhinal Mehta | - | Real and reactive power control of grid tied inverter under distorted grid conditions |
17MEE006 | Kinjal Lehru | Mr. Ravi Botta | - | Study and Implementation of different MPPT techniques for thermo electric generator under dynamically varying operating conditions |
17MEE007 | Lakshmi Mahiwal | Dr. J. G. Jamnani | - | Design of industrical electrification for chemical industries |
17MEE009 | Monal Patil | Ms. Leena Santosh | Dr. Vivek Pandya | Optimal power flow using particle swarm optimization |
17MEE010 | Priyansh Kumar | Ms. Meeta Karamta | Dr. Anil Markana | |
17MEE011 | Shaiva Raval | Mr. Nirav Karelia | - | Li-ion Battery Charger for Evs using MATLAB-Simulink |
17MEE012 | Riddhi Singh | Ms. Leena Santosh | - | Load Forecasting |
17MEE013 | Gargi Trivedi | - | Dr. Anil Markana | DG allocation in radial distribution system for economical and reliable network operation |
17MEE014 | Niyati Trivedi | Dr. Amit Sant | - | Modeling and simulation of plug in electric vehicle |
17MEE017 | Deepak Vyas | Mr. Vipin Shukla | Dr Praghnesh Bhatt | Coordination of directional overcurrent relay for distribution system |
Roll No. | Name of Student | Guide | Title of Project |
16MEE001 | Chirag Somaiya | Mr. Astik Dhandhia & Mr. A. S. Khopar | Electric & Magnetic Field Produced by 400kV Double Circuit Overhead Line - Measurement & Calculations in Real Lines and Line Models |
16MEE002 | Darji Jitark | Dr. Amit Sant & Dr. S. H. Chetwani | Thermal Loading Monitoring of Distribution Transformer using Hotspot Temperature Evaluation |
16MEE003 | Rana Dushyant | Dr. J. G. Jamnani & Dr. Amit Sant | Design & Implementation of Standalone Micro Wind Energy Conversion System Feeding Domestic Loads |
16MEE004 | Sagar Kshatriya | Dr. V. Rama Raju & Ms. Vinod Patel | Implementation of Certain Control Schemes for Power Quality Improvement using Active Power Filter |
16MEE005 | Milan Kugasiya | Dr. Anil Markana & Mr. Shinto Antony | Development of Drive for Synchronous Reluctance Motor |
16MEE006 | Maitry Naik | Mr. Siddharth Joshi & Mr. Ramesh R. | 3-Phase, 3kW, Grid Tied Solar Inverter |
16MEE007 | Dhairya Patel | Dr. K. Venkatraman | Improvement of Power Quality by use of Shunt Active Filter |
16MEE008 | Dhaval Pitroda | Dr. Vivek Pandya & Mr. Shailesh Modi | Voltage Stability Assessment using Model of Thermal Generation Units for the P/V Analysis |
16MEE009 | Rucha Joshi | Ms. Leena Santosh | Power Dispatch in Microgrid |
16MEE011 | Rishabh Shah | Dr. Ravi Bota & Dr. Amit Sant | Design & Development of Solid State Transformer Interfaced with Wind Energy Conversion System |
Interdisciplinary Research
Thrust Areas of Research and Research Group
Power Systems | Power System Protection |
Electrical Machines | Power Electronics |
High Voltage Engineering | Control & Instrumentation |
HVDC Systems | EHVAC Systems |
Cyber Security of Power System | Power Quality |
Flexible AC Transmission Systems | Distributed Generation |
Smart Grid Technologies | Micro Grids |
Renewable Energy Systems | Electric Vehicles |
Research Group
Area/ Field of Research | Group Members |
Power Systems, Power System Stability, Protection and Electrical Safety, Cyber Security of Power System Network, Smart Grids, Distributed Generation | Dr. Vivek Pandya (L) Dr. Pragnesh Bhatt Mr. Pavan Venkata |
Electrical Machines & Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities, Building Energy Systems | Dr. J. G. Jamnani (L) Dr. Bhinal Mehta Dr. V. S. K. V. Harish Mr. Ravi Botta |
Power Quality Improvement & Reactive Power Management in Power System, EHV AC Transmission | Dr. J. G. Jamnani (L) Dr. Amit Sant Ms. Meera Karamta |
Power Electronics & Drives | Dr. Amit Sant (L) Dr. V. S. K. V. Harish Mr. Nirav Karelia Ms. Vaidehi Deshpande |
Modern Control Systems, Multi objective optimization based Model Predictive Control | Dr. Anil Markana (L) Ms. Leena Santosh Mr. Vipin Shukla |
Renewable Energy Systems (including Solar and Wind Energy Systems) | Dr. Bhinal Mehta (L) Dr. Siddharth Joshi Dr. Amit Sant Ms. Vima Mali |
Mr. Anil Kumar Bhikhabhai Patel
Laboratory Assistant
Mr. Jitendra Kumar R. Prajapati
Laboratory Assistant
Mr. Sanjay Prajapati
Laboratory Assistant
Mr. Vandan Soni
Laboratory Assistant
Mr. Sachin Patel
Laboratory Assistant
Course | Intake |
B.Tech. Electrical Engineering (4 years) | 120 |
M.Tech. Electrical Engineering (Power Systems, 2 Years) |
30 |
IEEE student chapter
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), an association dedicated to advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity, is the world’s largest technical professional society. It is designed to serve professionals involved in all aspects of the electrical, electronic and computing fields and related areas of science and technology that underline modern civilization. The objectives of IEEE student chapter are:
- To foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
- To give an information about Technical work in Professional world.
- To keep the members consistently updated about the new upcoming technologies and inventions.
- To ensure the growth of skill and knowledge of the members.
- To give an exposure to latest techniques in the power sector to all the members.
- To endow with technical meetings, publishing, promoting educational activities, and developing standards.
PDEU IEEE student chapter, its core purpose is to serve professionals involved in all aspects of the electrical, electronic and computing fields and related areas of science and technology that underline modern civilization.
The goal of the IEEE student chapter programs is to ensure the growth of skill and knowledge in mainly the energy-related technical professions and to foster individual commitment to continuing education among members.
ESPA student chapter
Electrical Students and Professionals Association (ESPA) forum’s objectives are to:
- Facilitate communication and cohesiveness among students, faculty, other student organizations, and the university.
- To consider issues and to review, recommend, or formulate policies (as appropriate) in areas primarily or exclusively involving the Student Body.
- To foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
- To give an information about Technical work in Professional world.
- To keep the members consistently updated about the new upcoming technologies and inventions.
- To give an exposure to latest techniques in the power sector to all the members.
- To endow with technical meetings, publishing, promoting educational activities, and developing standards.
Team Sovereign Report 2019-20
Team Sovereign
- Team Sovereign is an interdisciplinary group of about 24 students from Pandit Deendayal Energy University working on Electric Vehicles.
- Team Sovereign participates in E-Baja Competition
- E-Baja SAE is an intercollegiate design competition for undergraduate and graduate engineering students.
- It is organised by SAE (Society of Automobile Engineers) with support of Mahindra & Mahindra group , ARAI, NATRIP and many other reputed industries.
- This platform provides a national exposure to future of the nation by allowing them to showcase their ideas and innovation, helping them gain hands on experience on world class technologies making them capable to compete with the advancing world.
Team Kaizen
- Shell Eco-marathon is a unique global programme for science, technology, and engineering students to design and build ultra-energy-efficient cars for a track competition. Since 1985, the competition has challenged student teams across the globe to develop the most energy-efficient cars which have resulted in students coming up with an entirely new breed of ‘Hyper-Efficient’ cars. It is one of the world’s leading energy efficiency competitions which takes place in three different continents of the world namely, Asia, America, and Europe..
- The Shell Eco-Marathon Challenger events are held in 7 countries of the Eurasian continent which include India, China, Brazil, South Africa, Turkey, France, and The Netherlands.
- India has hosted the competition twice. In 2018, the competition was held at the Madras Motor Race Track in Chennai and in 2019, for the first time ever globally, the competition was held on a Shell site at the Shell Technology Centre at Bangalore on a purpose-built track.
Shell Eco-Marathon
- Team Kaizen from PDEU has been consistently participating in the Shell Eco-Marathon competition from the year 2015. The team has come a long way in building their prototype car and improvising upon it year after year.
- This year, the team participated in the #MakeTheFuture Challenger event held under the flagship of the Shell Eco-Marathon in Bangalore from 19th to 22nd November 2019 and drove their prototype on the first-ever purpose-built track by Shell at Shell Technology Centre.
- Team Kaizen with their prototype car ‘Nakshatra’ ranked 2nd amongst teams from all over India whilst attaining an efficiency of 198.4 km/kWh in the Battery-Electric Prototype category.
- The team comprises of 29 undergraduate students from Mechanical as well as Electrical engineering discipline, who have worked endlessly in designing, manufacturing and testing the battery-electric prototype vehicle, finally giving it an amazing aesthetic aerodynamic design, reducing its weight, enhancing its electrical circuitry sophistication and adding kilometres in their efficiency parameters.
- The team works under the zealous and indispensable guidance of Dr. Amit V. Sant &Dr.Pankaj Sahlot.
About Team Kaizen
For more information visit:
And follow on https:
Team Kaizen 2020 | |||
Sr. no. | Name | Roll No. | Department |
1. | RutvikGhiya | 17BME088 | Design |
2. | Piyush Rathi | 17BME085 | Vehicle Dynamics and Analysis |
3. | DhwanilMody | 17BEE043 | Powertrain & BMS |
4. | Piyush Bansal | 17BEE066 | Motor & Motor Controller Department |
5. | Sumit Singh | 16BME112 | Brakes and Wheels |
6. | Krushnesh Patel | 16BEE075 | Motor & Motor Controller Department |
7. | Maanvendra Singh | 17BME044 | Steering |
8. | Ritik Sharma | 17BEE076 | Sensors & Data Acquisition |
9. | Dhruvkumar Thakkar | 17BEE094 | Sensors & Data Acquisition |
10. | Karan Doshi | 17BEE031 | Motor & Motor Controller Department |
11. | Ojaswini Sharma | 17BEE048 | Motor & Motor Controller Department |
12. | Harshil Pancholi | 18BME028 | Brakes and Wheels |
13. | Neh Pandya | 18BME066 | Brakes and Wheels |
14. | Mihir Raval | 18BME055 | Steering |
15. | MirangDabhi | 18BME059 | Vehicle Dynamics and Analysis |
16. | PriyanshiButani | 18BEE079 | Powertrain & BMS |
17. | Sakshi | 18BEE092 | Motor & Motor Controller Department |
18. | Pranav Pushkar | 18BEE073 | Motor & Motor Controller Department |
19. | Trisha H Parekh | 18BEE104 | Motor & Motor Controller Department |
20. | Mili Mehta | 18ICT068 | Motor & Motor Controller Department |
21. | Abhishek Rawal | 18BEE002 | Sensors & Data Acquisition |
22. | Neel Patel | 19BME081 | Steering |
23. | Harsh Sharma | 19BME032 | Design |
24. | Vivek Singh | 19BEE091 | Sensors & Data Acquisition |
25. | Kunal Jha | 19BEE041 | Powertrain & BMS |
26. | Raghav Sodani | 19BEE057 | Sponsorship |
27. | Achyut | 19BEE002 | Sponsorship |
28. | Mustafa Africawala | 19BCP083 | Sponsorship |
29. | Dhruv Ribbonwala | 19BEE059 | Sponsorship |
Vehicle Information | ||
Sr. no. | Type | Details |
1. | Name | Nakshatra |
2. | Category | Battery Electric |
3. | Total Weight | 48 kgs |
4. | Body Material | Carbon fiber |
5. | Drag Coefficient | 0.0456 |
6. | Steering | Ackermann Geometry |
7. | Tire’s CRR | 0.004-0.005 |
Performance | ||
Sr. no. | Event | Result |
1. | Shell Eco-Marathon India 2019 | Cleared Technical Inspection; Efficiency: 198.4 km/kWh 2nd in India |
2. | Shell Eco-Marathon Asia 2019 | Cleared Technical Inspection; Efficiency: 122.8 km/kWh 12th in Asia |
3. | Shell Eco-Marathon Asia 2017 | Cleared Technical Inspection; Efficiency: 81 km/kWh 16th in Asia |
Campus Recruitment
- TATA Consultancy Services
- Infosys
- Torrent Power
- TATA Power
- L&T Technology Services (Plant Engineering)
- Reliance Industries Ltd
- Worley
- Optimized Solutions Ltd
- Adani Wilmar
- MG Motors
- Mahindra & Mahindra
- Byju’s
The Department of Electrical Engineering stress on exposing the students to the latest trends in Electrical Engineering. Theoretical concepts, current trends and practical studies are covered as a part of the curriculum. Also, industrial experts are invited from time to time to deliver talks on various subjects of significance. In addition to this, it is important to provide the students with the glimpses of how the concepts learnt are put into practice in industries and to provide them with the feel of working of an industry. Hence, as a part of the Industrial Orientation Program, the IV semester students of B.Tech. In Electrical Engineering are provided with an opportunity to visit industry and learn about the practical application of the concepts learnt, understand the working of an industry, interact with the industry experts and broaden their horizon of knowledge. Some of the industries/organizations/labs visited by our students under the Industry Orientation Program are:
- Transformers and Rectifiers (India) Limited, Sanand, Ahmedabad
- Amul Fed Dairy, Bhat, Gandhinagar
- Schneider Electric , Vadodara
- Gandhinagar Thermal Power Station, Gandhinagar
- SardarSarovar Dam, Navagam
- Electrotherm India Ltd., Ahmedabad
- Adani Port and Mega Thermal Power Plant, Mundra
- EncubeFablab, Gandhinagar
Webinar in 2021
![]() Webinar on "Waste to energy generation on circular economy perspective" |
![]() Two-days workshop on "Power System Analysis Software" |
![]() Webinar on "Advancement in Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems and Challenges for their Grid Integration" |
![]() Industrial Webinar on "High Performance Energy Efficient and Low Cost Transformers" |
![]() Webinar on "Road Map to Become a Successful Engineer" |
![]() Two days national workshop on "Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence" |
![]() Session for 3rd and 4th Year Students "Electric Vehicle Overview & Career Opportunities" |
![]() Webinar on "Emerging Technologies" |
![]() Webinar on "Electric Vehicles" |
![]() Webinar on "Renewable Energy" |
![]() Webinar on "Renewable Energy Integrated Smart Electrical Power Systems" |
![]() |
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![]() Virtual Summer School on "Recent Trends in Computer Intelligence & Internet of Things (IoT)" |
Workshop on Research and Development Opportunities for Futuristic Power System
![]( on Research-and-Development-Opportunities-for-Futuristic-Power-System-PDEU.jpg)
Electrical Engineering Brochure
Industry Institute Interface
- Jan'21 - June'21
- July'21 - Dec'21
- Jan'20 - Mar'20
- Apr'20 - Jun'20
- Jul'20 - Sep'20
- Oct'20 - Dec'20
- Oct'19 - Dec'19
- Jun'19 - Sep'19
- Mar'19 - May'19
- Sep’18 – Feb'19
Faculty Advisor List