Chemical Engineering - SOT PDEU formerly known as PDPU
About Chemical Engineering
Chemical engineering is a multi-disciplinary branch of engineering that combines natural and experimental sciences (such as chemistry and physics), along with life sciences (such as biology, microbiology and biochemistry) with mathematics and economics to design, develop, produce, transform, transport, operate and manage the industrial processes that turn raw materials into valuable products. Hence, contrary to other fields of engineering, chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that is a varied field, covering areas from biotechnology and nanotechnology to mineral processing, pharmaceuticals, synthetic fibres, petroleum refining plants and many such more. It uniquely combines the knowledge of Chemistry and Engineering for the production of chemicals and related by-products.
Therefore, we at the Chemical engineering department of PDPU offer distinctive academic programs both at undergraduate as well as graduate levels that prepare our students to master not only the physical, chemical, and biological processes essential to become an ace chemical engineer but also the vital engineering and synthesis skills that are required to creatively shape and solve complex problems.
Our Courses are designed in such a manner that provides students to think beyond the box and classroom teaching and make them competent enough to solve open ended problems of the competitive real world that we all live in. Moreover, the Department is also constantly evolving in recent areas of research and developments to provide the students with first class knowledge by organizing different workshops and seminars. In addition to this, we are proud to host a highly qualified array of dedicated faculty members with eminent teaching, industrial and research experience that are constantly working for the benefit of the students.
Moreover, the department also has the privilege to be located in Gujarat, which is the ‘Petro Capital’ and chemical hub of the country. Thus, the Department has excellent collaborations with different establishments and chemical industries of this region which brings forth innumerous prospects on both, the industrial as well as the academic front for our students. Therefore, our students constantly interact with these companies in the form of summer internships and regular plant visits to acquire the vital necessary industry exposure they need to excel in this field.
In addition to this, we also promote and provide a vibrant and thriving atmosphere to constantly facilitate interdisciplinary research and foster industrial collaborations. Therefore, our primary mission is to educate our students to discover and disseminate knowledge through research and henceforth contribute to solving the technological needs of the global economy and human society.
Thus, The Department is committed to achieving excellence in this field and to be known as one of the premier departments of the country that provides a unique educational and research environment in the sphere of chemical engineering.
To impart quality education in an industry research driven modules to motivate the young chemical engineers for creating knowledge wealth to help generate employability following professional ethics and focus towards a sustainable environment and benefits to the society.
- To facilitate the chemical engineering students with the state-of-the-art facilities with focus on skill development, creativity, innovation and enhancing leadership qualities.
- To nurture creative minds thru’ mentoring, quality teaching & research for building a value based sustainable society.
- To work in unison with the national and international level academic and industrial partners by venturing into collaborations to tackle problems of bigger interest to society.
- To build an encouraging environment for the young faculties and staff by providing safe work culture, transparency, professional ethics and accountability that will empower them to lead the department in right spirit.
- To inculcate the culture of continuous learning among the faculties by encouraging them to participate in a professional development programs and envisage to address the social, economic and environmental problems.
Mission Element | Mission Component |
M1 | Skill Development |
M2 | Nurturing Creativity |
M3 | Solving Societal Problems |
M4 | Leadership |
M5 | Continuous (Life-Long) Learning |
Program Education Objectives (PEOs)
- To acquire the fundamental principles of science and chemical engineering with modern experimental and computational skills.
- Able to handle problems of practical relevance of society while complying with economical, environmental, ethical, and safety factors.
- Demonstrate professional excellence, ethics, soft skills and leadership qualities with life long learning.
- Graduates will be active members ready to serve the society locally and internationally.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
- To analyse and tackle the complex and diverse engineering problems by appropriate experimentation, simulation, data analysis and interpretation, and, provide probable solutions by applying principles of chemical engineering in combination to the fundamental knowledge of basic sciences and mathematics.
- Competence to incorporate socio-economic considerations in engineering practices, including the concept of sustainable development, into chemical engineering practice.
- An ability to work together collaboratively in multidisciplinary teams to tackle multifaceted problems and pursue a bright career in chemical engineering and allied areas by demonstrating professional success at different platforms within industry, governmental bodies or academia.
Programme Outcomes (POs)
- Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
- Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
- Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
- Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with the society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
The Department of Chemical Engineering was established in 2011 with an undergraduate programme in chemical engineering. In the initial years of the newly established department, emphasis was given on developing the undergraduate curriculum and laboratories. However, with significant time, the department has succeeded in establishing a unique course structure along with well-developed laboratories for undergraduate students to prosper and grow to the best of their capabilities.
Our Courses are designed by a board of studies in such a manner that provides students to think beyond the box and classroom teaching and make them competent enough to solve open ended problems of the competitive real world that we all live in. Moreover, the Department is also constantly evolving in recent areas of research and developments and generating facilities for R&D. Besides this, The Department also has a highly qualified array of dedicated faculty members with eminent teaching, industrial and research experience. Hence the Faculty members along with research scholars and undergraduate students are setting up a trend to build a strong alliance with the academia as well as the industry by constantly organizing different workshops and seminars.
Moreover, the department also has the privilege to be located in Gujarat, the ‘Petro Capital’ and chemical hub of the country. Besides this, The Department has collaborations with different establishment and chemical industries of this region, bringing forth umpteen prospects on both, the industrial as well as the academic front. Thus, our students are continuously getting the benefits of interacting with these chemical companies and acquiring real life industry experience through summer internships and regular plant visits to further enhance their skill sets and knowledge.
Head of Department
Dr. Swapnil Dharaskar
HOD & Assistant Professor
Ph.D, M.Tech., B.Tech.
Email :
Areas of Interest: Ionic Liquids, Desulfurization Process, Nanotechnology, CO2 separations, Wastewater treatment etc
Brief Profile: Dr. Swapnil Dharaskar is currently working as Assistant Professor & Head in Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Technology at Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. He has around 08 years of teaching and research experience. He worked as SERB-overseas postdoctoral researcher in Laboratory of Green Chemistry, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland. He has published more than 30 research papers in international repute journals. He has attended 22 International and 25 National conferences. He has guided 03 (On going), 10 MTech, and more than 40 B.Tech students. He is the Editor and reviewer of several high repute international journals. He has received several professional awards.
Message From Head of Department
It gives an immense pleasure to introduce the Department of Chemical Engineering (DCE) of Pandit Deendayal Energy University, the integral part of the School of Technology.
The Department of Chemical Engineering adopts a philosophy of ‘Discovery Learning to Generate Knowledge through Experience and Innovative Ideas’. DEC focuses on comprehensive course curriculum with immense practical exposure to the students which enable them take up challenging professional careers in various fields such as product manufacturing, process engineering as well as design in chemical industries and allied sectors such as oil and natural gas, petroleum and petrochemicals, fine and heavy chemicals, coal chemicals, fertilizer and agrochemicals, plastics, polymers etc. Apart from this the comprehensive course structure capacitate the students to deal with problems pertaining to energy conservation and environmental pollution.
DCE believes in building strong interaction with the academia as well as with industry in order to serve society in a better way. Such interaction fosters new and existing partnerships essential for quality R&D studies, developing the state of the art research infrastructure, avenues for professional development of faculty and students, updates in the current trends in technology and research.
UG program of DCE is further committed to produce the class of engineers and technologists with competitive professional skills including computations, experimental as well as design skills. Department is having young and energetic faculties dedicated to impart the quality education to students and train them to develop the skill sets like team work, problem solving abilities etc.
International Relations
- Prof.ChanagYoo, Departmental of Science and Environmental Engineering, Kyung Hee NATIONAL University, Seoul, South Korea.
- Prof. Mika Sillanpaa, Professor & Director, Department of Green Chemistry, LUT, Finland.
- Prof. Mohammad Khalid Graphene& Advanced 2D Materials Research Group (GAMRG), School of Science and Technology, Sunway University, Malaysia
- Dr. Rashmi Walvekar, Associate Professor, Department ofChemical Engineering, Taylors University Malaysia
- Prof. Meihong Wang, Professor of Energy Systems, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, The University of Sheffield
- Prof. Sankar Bhattacharya, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University, Australia
- Dr. James Hall, Carbon Clean Solutions Ltd, UK.
- Prof. Rahul Bhosale, Department of Chemical Engineering, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar.
Industrial and Academic Relation
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pune
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between PDEU, Gandhinagar and National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pune is intended to undertake collaborative, contractive and consultancy research work in the areas of mutual interest. The MoU will also facilitate exchange and deputation of staff (faculties and research scholars) for research programs, sharing facilities at the institution, joint PhD supervision and project works for student. It will promote to have joint workshops/conferences/short term courses with mutual consent.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Institute of Chemical Engineering (ICT), Mumbai
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between PDEU, Gandhinagar and Institute of Chemical Engineering (ICT), Mumbai is intended to facilitate cooperative activities in research, and exchange of faculty and research scholars. MoU was intended towards collaborative research in areas of faculty training, student’s internship, joint PhD program, teaching and outreach and may involve any discipline to the extent that individuals are able to locate suitable counterparts at the other institution.
MoU between PDEU and GCA
Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU) and Gujarat Chemical Association (GCA) have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) commemorating a beginning of a fruitful alliance between the two establishments, bringing forth umpteen prospects on both, the industrial and academic strata. MoU promises to create an interactive platform to help students develop a practical aptitude through industrial experience. GCA shall also offer its membership to students, faculty members and professionals of PDEU along with organizing various faculty training programmes, and help in alleviating the department in reaching new heights in the area of engineering.
Laboratories donated by GACL
Department has collaborated with Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals Limited, Vadodara, which has supported to set up state of the art and well equipped laboratories.
Contact us
Department of Chemical Engineering,
School of Technology,
Pandit Deendayal Energy University,
Raisan Village,
Gandhinagar - 382007
Gujarat, India
Category Code | Course Code | Course Name |
Semester 1 | ||
BSC | 20MA101T | Mathematics - I |
ESC | 20CP101T | Programming with C++ |
ESC | 20CP101P | Programming with C++ Lab |
ESC | 20CH101T | Chemistry |
ESC | 20CH101P | Chemistry Lab |
BSC | 20ME102T | Element of Mechanical Engineering |
BSC | 20ME102P | Element of Mechanical Engineering Lab |
ESC | 20IC101T | Basic Electronics |
ESC | 20IC101P | Basic Electronics Lab |
ESC | 20ME101P | Engineering Graphics Lab |
HSC | 20HS102T | Environmental Studies |
HSC | 16SP101/102/103 | NCC/NSS/Sports |
Semester 2 | ||
BSC | 20MA102T | Mathematics – II |
BSC | 20CP102P | Programming with Python |
BSC | 20HS101P | Communication Skills-1 |
ESC | 20PH101T | Physics |
ESC | 20PH101P | Physics Lab |
ESC | 20EE101T | Elements of Electrical Engineering |
ESC | 20EE101P | Elements of Electrical Engineering Lab |
ESC | 20CE101T | Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics |
ESC | 20CE101P | Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics Lab |
HSC | 16HS109T | Professional Ethics & Human Values |
HSC | 16ME103P | Workshop Practice |
HSC | 16SP101/102/103 | NCC/NSS/Sports |
HSC | TP110 | Civic services and Social Internship (Summer Break) |
Semester 3 | ||
BSC | 20MA201T | Maths- |
PC | 20CH202T | Chemical Process Calculations |
PC | 20CH201T | Fluid Mechanics |
PC Lab | 20CH201P | Fluid Mechanics Lab |
PC | 20CH203T | Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I |
PC | 20CH204T | Mechanical Unit Operations |
PC Lab | 20CH204P | Mechanical Unit Operations |
OE-1 | 20CH205T | Nanomaterials |
OE-1 | 20CH206T | Environmental Engineering |
HSC | 20HS201P | Communication Skills - II |
Semester 4 | ||
PC | 20CH207T | Chemical Process Technology |
PC Lab | 20CH207P | Chemical Process Technology Lab |
PC | 20CH208T | Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II |
PC | 20CH209T | Elements Heat Transfer |
PC Lab | 20CH209P | Elements Heat Transfer Lab |
PC | 20CH210T | Mass Transfer 1 |
PC Lab | 20CH210P | Mass Transfer 1 Lab |
PC | 20CH211T | Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II |
OE-2 | 20CH212T | Fundamentals of Colloidal and Interfacial Science |
OE-2 | 20IF201T | Molecular Simulation |
IND | 20IF201P | Industry 4.0 |
Project | TP210 | Industrial Orientation (3 weeks-summer break) |
Semester 5 | ||
PC | 20CH301T | Mass Transfer II |
PC Lab | 20CH301P | Mass Transfer II Lab |
PC | 20CH302T | Chemical Reaction Engineering I |
PC Lab | 20CH302P | Chemical Reaction Engineering I Lab |
PC | 20CH303T | Process Equipment Design |
PC Lab | 20CH303P | Process Equipment Design Lab |
CE-1 | 20CH304T | Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals |
CE-1 | 20CH305T | Material Science & Engineering |
CE-2 | 20CH306T | Fuel & Energy Technology |
CE-2 | 20CH307T | Sustainability & Green Chemistry |
OE-3 | 20CH308T | Waste management |
OE-3 | 20CH309T | Safety & Risk Analysis |
HSC | 20HS301P | Communication Skills - III |
Semester 6 | ||
PC | 20CH310T | Instrumentation & Process Control |
PC Lab | 20CH310P | Instrumentation & Process Control Lab |
PC | 20CH311T | Chemical Reaction Engineering II |
PC Lab | 20CH311P | Chemical Reaction Engineering II Lab |
CE-3 | 20CH312T | Nano Technology & Energy Storage |
CE-3 | 20CH313T | Membrane Processes |
CE-3 | 20CH314T | Piping Design |
CE Lab | 20CH312P | Nano Technology & Energy Storage Lab |
CE Lab | 20CH313P | Membrane Processes Lab |
CE Lab | 20CH314P | Piping Design lab |
CE-4 | 20CH315T | Pharmaceuticals Technology |
CE-4 | 20CH316T | Corrosion Engineering |
CE-5 | 20CH317T | Polymer Science & Technology |
CE-5 | 20CH318T | Bio-chemical Engineering & Bioenergy |
OE-4 | 20CH319T | Novel Separation Processes |
Project | 20TP310 | Industrial Training/ IEP (6 weeks-summer break) |
Semester 7 | ||
PC | 20CH401T | Process Modeling & Optimization |
PC Lab | 20CH401P | Process Modeling & Optimization Lab |
PC | 20CH402T | Plant Design & Process Economics |
PC | 20CH403T | Transport Phenomenon |
CE-6 | 20CH323T | Catalysis & Surface Sciences |
CE-6 | 20CH324T | Computer Aided Process Design |
CE-6 Lab | 20CH404P | Catalysis & Surface SciencesLab |
CE-6 Lab | 20CH405P | Computer Aided Process Design Lab |
CE7 | 20CH406T | Dyes & Pigments |
CE7 | 20CH407T | Process Plant Safety Health & Hygiene |
CE7 | 20CH408T | Project Management |
CE-7 | 20CH409T | IPR |
Project | 20TP410 | Seminar |
Semester 8 - Project - 20TP420 | |
Code | Component |
HSC | Humanities & Social Science Including Management Courses |
BSC | Basic Science Courses |
ESC | Engineering Science Courses including Workshop, drawing, Basic of Electrical, Basic of Mechanical, Computer etc… |
IND | Industry 4.0 Course |
PC | Professional Core Courses |
CE | Professional Elective Courses related to chosen specialization |
OE | Open Elective Subjects from Other technical/ emerging subjects |
Project | Project work, Seminar or Internship in Industry or elsewhere |
Teaching Labs
Chemical Reaction Engineering Lab
Chemical reaction engineering labs are intended to facilitate undergraduate students to the areas of chemical kinetics, reactor design and operations. Some of the experiments are related to chemical kinetics, interpretation of reactor data and correlations. Operation of reactors such as Isothermal Batch Reactor, Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR), Plug Flow Tubular Reactor and multiple reactors in series are available. Experiments related to dynamics of reactor, RTD studies of various reactors and its performance are an integral part of many experiments.
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Environmental Engineering Lab
This lab focuses on both environmental sciences and engineering. A wide range of experiments illustrating basic principles of air, water and waste water analysis with pollution parameters are available. BOD incubators, COD and SPM analyzers, laminar flow chambers, autoclave, pH meter, conductivity meter, UV spectrophotometer, TSS analyzer, DO analyzers, Jar test Apparatus etc are also available. Other facility include muffle furnace, precision weighing balance, dust sampler, noise meters etc.
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Computer Aided Process Design Lab
The lab has 60 personal computers, servers and workstations hosting a variety of software used in chemical engineering. Students are given training on software like ASPEN PLUS, HYSIS, MATLABS, ANSYS POLYMATH etc. to cater the development of process modeling, flow sheeting, material and energy balance, Simulation, Optimization and synthesis techniques for chemical and environmental engineering processes.
Fluid Flow Operations Lab
Fluid Flow Operations lab deals with experiments focused on measurement of fluid flow properties like fluid viscosity, density, velocity and its distribution; study of fundamental experiment, Stokes Law are also performed. Various experiments are available to estimate frictional losses and minor losses in circular pipes, annular sections, various pipe fitting and valves. It has flow device measurement devices such as Venturimeter, Pitot Tube, Orificemeter, Weirs and Notches, Centrifugal pump etc. Models of pumps, pipe fittings, valves, plumbing system are also available.
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Mass Transfer Lab
Mass Transfer Labs are equipped with some of the most important experimental facility for stage wise separation and purification such as sieve plate distillation, steam distillation, Plate and Packed bed absorptions, wetted wall contactors etc. Important experiments include gas absorption, extraction and leaching, crystallization, air-water humidification operation, drying etc. Apart from this, basic fundamental mass transfer principles like gas diffusion, liquid diffusion are also studied.
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Process Heat Transfer Lab
Heat Transfer Lab helps the students to understand the mechanism of Conduction, Convection and Radiation which are the basic modes of heat transfer. To enhance the practical knowledge of industrial equipments, students perform experiments on heat transfer equipments like Double Pipe Heat, Shell and Tube Heat, Plate and Finned Tube Heat Exchanger. They also study of heat transfer coefficient of single effect evaporator, horizontal and vertical condensers.
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Solid Fluid Operations
The laboratory is well equipped for study of various unit operations in process industries, which are essential for cleaning and preparation of raw materials. These operations include size reduction, size separation, clarification, kneading, solid fluid separation etc. All basic experiments for fluid particle mechanics like Jaw Crusher, Ball Mill, Hammer Mill, Sigma Mixture, Plate and Frame Filter Press, Vacuum Filter, Cyclone Separator, Froth Flotation, Batch Sedimentation, Sieve Shaker, Hydrodynamics studies of fluidization are available in this laboratory.
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Chemical Processs Technology
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Reasearch Labs

Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry
Location: E108 (CRE Lab)

UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
Location: E108 (CRE Lab)

Location: E009 (MUO Lab)

Location: E109 (MTO Lab)

High-speed Refrigerated Centrifuge
Location: F003

Orbital shaking Incubator
Location: F003

Gas Permeation Unit with Online GC
Location: E009 (MUO Lab)

Deionized water system (Merck-Millipore)
Location: E109 (MTO Lab)

Hollow Fibre membrane casting machine
Location: F003

UV Membrane setup
Location: F003

Automatic Tensiometer
Location: F003

Programmable Tube Furnace
Location: F003

Digital Hot Air Oven
Location: F003

Vacuum Oven
Location: F003

High pressure autoclave
Location: E009 (MUO Lab)

Digital balance
Location: F003

Onion Star™ pH/ISE Bench top Meter
Location: F003

Particle size analyser
Location: F003

Karl Fischer Titrator
Location: F003

ABBE Refractometer
Location: E109 (MTO Lab)

Photochemical Reactor
Location: F003
Board of Studies
- Minutes of meeting BOS 10-06-2020
- Minutes of meeting BOS 26-02-2021
- Minutes of meeting BOS 26-05-2022
- Minutes of meeting BOS 30-11-2021
Seminar & Projects
Seminar List
B.Tech. Seminar
- Batch 2018-22 Seminar list
- Batch 2017-21 Seminar list
- Batch 2016-20 Seminar list
- Batch 2015-19 Seminar list
- Batch 2014-18 Seminar list
- Batch 2013-17 Seminar list
- Batch 2012-16 Seminar list
- Batch 2011-15 Seminar list
Projects List
B.Tech. Projects
- Batch 2018-22 Projects list
- Batch 2017-21 Projects list
- Batch 2016-20 Projects list
- Batch 2015-19 Projects list
- Batch 2014-18 Projects list
- Batch 2013-17 Projects list
- Batch 2012-16 Projects list
- Batch 2011-15 Projects list
M.Tech. Projects
- M.Tech. 2020 Projects list
- M.Tech. 2019 Projects list
- M.Tech. 2018 Projects list
- M.Tech. 2017 Projects list
- M.Tech. 2016 Projects list
Innovation in Teaching & Learning
Innovations by the Faculty in Teaching and Learning
Chemical engineering department is committed to impart the outcome based education to transform the graduates to become future ready as stated in the department mission statement. Teaching and learning methodology used by faculties plays an important role.
- Recorded Lectures: Faculties have uploaded their self-recorded lectures on "SOT You Tube Channel" as an additional part of teaching. (Video links are available in separate sheet of annexure II)
- Mini projects: Students are given some class projects to understand and apply the teaching knowledge.
- Online teaching tools: Kahoot, MS team, Zoom, Google meet.
- Use of networking tools: Whatsapp, Facebook, Google classroom.
- Flip class room: Faculties encourages student engagement on ‘mixed mode of teaching and active learning, where a student becomes an instructor. This provides a teacher a better opportunity to deal with mixed levels of student difficulties, and differentiated learning preferences during in-class time.
- Teaching pedagogy: The teaching pedagogy used by the chemical engineering department is as follows:
- Learning objectives and expected outcome of the course/s are shared to the students via email prior to the starting of the course lectures lecture.
- Faculties provide the lecture notes to the students for every lecture taught and also summarize in same at the end of class. Faculty members summarizes previous lecture delivered before staring of regular lecture to make the student understand the relevance of topics.
- Students are encouraging to ask doubts, questions for which at-least 5-7 min giving them once the topic/lecture has been delivered. The same is also encouraged during the office hours apart from teaching hours, which is specified in the course hand out.
- Faculty member randomly choose the students (One or two) to summarize the lecture in two to three minutes for quick evaluation of their understanding.
- Teaching topics are connected with surrounding (daily happenings) thing/objects to enhance interest and critical thinking process in the subject. This initiates interest and also raises questions from student’s side.
- Faculties are encouraged to introduce to the research level problems related to the subject.
- Faculty members are encouraged to use library and also do online courses to enhance the teaching
- Faculty members are encouraged to follow these steps in conceptual teaching:
(a) Conversion of the concept must be first asked into question
(b) connect the same with background knowledge (students already having that)
(c) Encourage the students to think and give answer
(d) appreciate them for their attempt
(e) Finally deliver the concept. - Teaching Tools: Faculty members are encouraged to use various digital tools to make teaching effective and efficient.
- Faculty members use all the effective mode of teaching with white board, power point presentation, animations and videos for better understanding.
- Classrooms are employed with modern teaching aids like projectors, computers with internet connections and other IT tools.
- Office hours: Student teachers meeting other than the class-Students have given extra hour per weeks for the discussion or asking the queries apart from the lecture time.
- Ethical guidance: Faculty members encourage students to develop and improve as good human being; to create social awareness about the role of engineer for society; implication of new technology and recent developments.
- Emphasis on Industrial and Real life complex problem:
- Faculty members are encouraged to cover industrial problems based case studies, real life problem solving.
- Faculties use system approach (Theory plus practical) during course teaching.
- Real life complex problem based assignments are given to the students which required knowledge of multi subject.
- Faculties encourage lateral thinking by giving them take-away problems.
- Open book exam: Faculty members encourage the concept of the open book exam during their Internal Assessment.
- Student centric teaching: Faculty members follow: Making the students solve the problem once the hints are given. Weak students are identified, and then one to one explanation is done during this time. Fellow students are encouraged to help the other students solve the problem. This also helps them work and learn in groups.
- Evaluation: Transparency and strictness are followed during evaluation of internal assessments; continuous evaluation as per the schedule. After examination, faculty members solve and discuss exam papers in lecture.
- Each faculty maintains regularity of class schedule.
Program offered
- B.Tech in Chemical Engineering
M.Tech in Chemical Engineering
M. Tech (Chemical Engineering)
Chemical engineering occupies a unique position at the interface between molecular sciences and engineering. Intimately linked with the fundamental subjects of chemistry, biology, mathematics, and physics — and in close collaboration with fellow engineering disciplines like materials science, computer science, and mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering — Chemical engineering offers unparalleled opportunities to do great things.
- Gujarat is the hub for Chemical Engineering with a wide range of Chemical Process Industries: Petrochemicals, Natural Gas, Fertilizers, Textiles, Polymers, Paints Dyes, & Pharmaceuticals, Bio-chemicals, etc
- There is always a high demand for efficient, bright and skilled Chemical Engineers in these industries.
- The Chemical Engineering at PDEU provides a global platform for the dissemination of knowledge and practice in Chemical Engineering discipline as well as imparting the research insight.
Why M.Tech at PDEU?
- Master’s education is aimed at developing each student's ability to conduct scientific research and perform chemical engineering tasks independently. Our graduate curriculum provides a sound understanding of engineering fundamentals and practices. Thus, the aim is to make them versatile, productive, and successful in their career
- We offer a broad range of research opportunities at PDEU that apply traditional chemical engineering principles and modern science to solve some of today's most pressing problems like carbon capture, clean water technology and energy. Department also focus on the following research areas such as catalysis and reaction engineering, porous materials for drug delivery, energy and environment, biodiesel, biochemical engineering, and nanotechnology.
- Strong National & International Collaborations with Industries and Research Labs.
- Curriculum Based on Industrial Needs.
- Qualified Faculties from Premier Institutions/Industries
- Student Exchange Programme with good universities and live projects in industries.
- Fully Equipped experimental & simulation Laboratories with Research Facilities
- Financial Support for Research projects and Paper Presentations
- Assured Placement assistance
M.Tech in Energy and Environmental Management
M. Tech (Energy and Environmental Management)
Energy and Environmental Management is a multi-disciplinary branch of engineering, which seeks to efficiently use energy and to maintain the environment. Energy and Environment engineers require knowledge across many. Careers include work in the built environment, renewable and traditional energy industries. It seeks to explore cleaner, more efficient ways of using fossil fuels, while investigating and developing systems using renewable and sustainable resources, such as solar, wind and wave energy.
The objective of this program is to form project leaders or supervisors capable of managing complex engineering projects in the domain of the environment and energy conversion systems within an international context. It also offers a balanced program of management skills and engineering techniques for environmental and energy projects. The technical content of the course concentrates on technology and process engineering as well as process modelling, simulation, and control
As a Masters in energy and environmental management, you can work nationally and internationally to create energy efficient products and systems. Solid knowledge of environmental engineering, energy processes is necessary to create energy-efficient systems. Your ability to see environmental and energy systems from different perspectives is necessary to develop processes and products that promote sustainable development. Your broad expertise in this course can be used in many different areas of work, and is therefore of great value to many different types of businesses as well as governments and international contacts
Why M.Tech at PDEU?
- Master’s education is aimed at developing each student's ability to conduct scientific research and perform chemical engineering tasks independently. Our graduate curriculum provides a sound understanding of engineering fundamentals and practices. Thus, the aim is to make them versatile, productive, and successful in their career.
- We offer a broad range of research opportunities at PDEU that apply traditional chemical engineering principles and modern science to solve some of today's most pressing problems like carbon capture, clean water technology and energy. Department also focus on the following research areas such as catalysis and reaction engineering, porous materials for drug delivery, energy and environment, biodiesel, biochemical engineering, and nanotechnology
- Strong National & International Collaborations with Industries and Research Labs.
- Curriculum Based on Industrial Needs.
- Qualified Faculties from Premier Institutions/Industries
- Student Exchange Programme with good universities and live projects in industries.
- Fully Equipped experimental & simulation Laboratories with Research Facilities
- Financial Support for Research projects and Paper Presentations
- Assured Placement assistance
Faculty Publications
Research focus
Department research focus is on recent scientific development and contributes to the main stream of chemical engineering research. Research is going on in the area of
Advanced Separation Process
Separation processes are integral unit operation in most of the modern chemical, pharmaceutical and other process plants. Among the separation processes, some are standard and conventional processes, like, distillation, absorption, adsorption, etc. These processes are quite common and the relevant technologies are well developed and well studied. On the other hand, newer separation processes, like, membrane based techniques, chromatographic separation, super critical fluid extraction, etc., are gaining importance in modern days plants.
Membrane Science and Applications
Membrane processes are currently gaining a lot of interest in separation technology. Separation operation, in fact, occupies a key position in process industries that include foods, pharmaceuticals and other industries.
The department is currently working on synthesis and characterization of noble additive for fouling mitigation of polymeric membranes and application of these membranes for purification of industrial waste water contaminated by mainly dyes stuff and heavy metals.
Water Purification and Waste Treatment
Providing clean and affordable drinking water is one of the modern-times challenges. Therefore, it is crucial to develop and implement innovative technologies for treating water at high efficiencies and low energy consumption. Nanotechnology based adsorption technology has provided better solutions for water purification. Nano-material adsorbents are useful to enhance the efficiency and adsorption capacities of removing contaminants from wastewater. Nano-materials have many unique morphological and structural properties that qualify them to be used as effective adsorbents to solve several environmental problems.
In addition to this, the present society is also facing a serious challenge for the effective management of the increasing amount of produced Industrial and agricultural solid wastes. We will be focusing on advanced technologies for the conversion of solid waste into value added products.
Present scenario of energy crisis and depending economy on fuel/petroleum market embarks the need of alternative source of energy. Development of sustainable technology by balancing environmental, energy and social objectives is one of the main focuses of research in the department.
Today’s world is confronting with environmental issues like increasing global warming, waste water treatment etc. Chemical engineering processes provide efficient solution in abatement of the pollutants.
Understanding of a chemical reaction and mechanism of catalyst interference in the reaction plays an important role in the designing of chemical industries. Catalyst preparation, characterization and application are fusion of basic science with chemical engineering.
Modeling and Simulation:
Process modeling and simulation has given a new dimension in understanding transport and kinetics of a process and scaling of chemical engineering processes. Basically it deals with three aspects, namely; Modeling of chemical engineering processes, parameter estimations and application of numerical methods for solution of models
Research Projects
Topics for Prospective Ph.D Students
Micellar-enhanced ultra filtration (MEUF) is a membrane based separation technique mainly investigated for wastewater treatment that allows dissolved matter, e.g. organic molecules or ions, to be rejected by an ultra filtration membrane due to molecular weight enlargement using surfactants. Above the critical micelle concentration (CMC), surfactant monomers spontaneously aggregate into micelles, whose size is in the same order of magnitude as the pore sizes of ultra filtration membranes. By selection of an appropriate membrane for the ultra filtration process, the micelles can be rejected by the membrane whereby the surfactant monomers pass through. The main advantage of MEUF over conventional ultra filtration is that even at lower concentrations molecules usually too small to be rejected by ultra filtration membranes can bind to the micelles because of ionic or hydrophobic interactions and subsequently separated together with them in the ultra filtration step. The performance of MEUF is not based on simple relations; moreover, MEUF is a very complex process that depends on a variety of parameters, e.g. membrane type, surfactant type, operating conditions, and added solutes. Many studies have been carried out to investigate the performance of MEUF and how it is influenced by these different parameters. Commonly, there are no universal experimental conditions that can be applied to MEUF experiments. In fact, experimental parameters have to be selected based on the individual system.
The contamination of natural water resources by man-made organic chemicals is certainly a critical issue that the recent water framework directives are trying to address in order to ensure good water quality status and healthy ecosystems. Industries such as textile, cosmetic, paper and pulp, leather, light-harvesting arrays, agricultural research, photo electrochemical cells, pharmaceutical and food produce large volumes of wastewater polluted with high concentration of dyes and other components. Considering both volume generated and effluent properties, such as chemical stability, non-biodegradability, and toxic and carcinogenic characteristics, industrial wastewater containing organic and dye stuffs is ranked as the most polluting sector. Therefore, treatment of wastewater containing organic pollutant is a prerequisite to its release into water streams. Various treatment methods have been widely applied to remove colour and organic pollutants from wastewater using biological, physical, chemical methods, and their combination. However, till the present, most of these methods have been insufficient in terms of removal efficiency and economic burden. On the other hand, in recent years, the electrocoagulation process has attracted great attention as one of the promising and powerful ways to treat pollutants from wastewater, due to its unique advantages, such as its lack of chemical additives, simple operation, high efficiency, reduced sludge production, and robustness to various wastewaters.
Liquid phase oxidation of hydrocarbons has been used for decades for converting the available feedstock to commercially viable products of importance in petrochemicals and polymer industry. Different hydrocarbons; alkanes, alkenes, alcohols and glycols are selectively oxidized to required intermediates using different homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts. Liquid phase cyclohexane oxidation reaction takes place by a radical chain mechanism with the initiation of reaction by the hydrogen abstraction from the substrate by the C-H cleavage. Initial product oxidation is cyclohexylhydroperoxide which in turn oxidize to primary mono oxygenates of cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone and later to secondary oxygenates of mono and dicarboxylic acids, and mono and diadipates. While the final over-oxidation leads to the formation of carbon dioxide and water. A mixture of cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone (KA oil) are the initial reactant for getting adipic acid and ε-caprolactum that acts as the precursor for nylon. Hydrocarbon oxidation is targeted for getting the alcohol and ketone selectively that can be further directed to required products. Selective oxidation of hydrocarbon using the designed catalyst will be the part of project. Catalyst synthesis, characterization, kinetic study experiments and kinetic modeling are the different aspects to be studied.
CO2 Capture and Utilization; Post Combustion CO2 capture using activated/blended solvents. Equilibrium thermodynamics and Kinetics study; Physico-chemical properties study; Study of Process modelling, simulation and configuration, Process economic analysis and optimization, Energy and safety analysis, Pilot plant data validation using Aspen Plus etc. Process Greenhouse gas analysis study using Aspen/Hysys software.
Project Approved by Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)
- Project Title -Hydrophilic modification of PSF membrane for wastewater treatment. (Ongoing)
Project No -ORSP/R&D/SRP/2017/HPBS
Ms. Bharti Sani - Project Title -Wastewater treatment using fouling resistant membrane. (Ongoing)
Project No -ORSP/R&D/SRP/2017/DVBS
Ms. Bharti Sani - Project Title -Study of Oxygen Carrier Material (OCM) for Effective Combustion Via Chemical Looping Combustion (Ongoing)
Project No -ORSP/R&D/SRP/2017/ABSD
Dr. Sukanta Dash and Dr. Ashish Unnarkat - Project Title -Study for decrease the decomposition activity of Hydrogen Peroxide and enhancing oxidation performance. (Ongoing)
Project No -ORSP/R&D/SRP/2017/APAU
Dr. Ashish Unnarkat - Project Title -Co/ZIF Catalyzed Oxidation of Cyclohexane using Hydrogen Peroxide. (Ongoing)
Project No -ORSP/R&D/SRP/2017/YGAU
Dr. Ashish Unnarkat - Project Title -Preparation and Modification of fouling resistant UF membrane for the removal of heavy metal ions by micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration (Ongoing)
Project No -ORSP/R&D/SRP/2017/AVMS
Dr. Manish Kumar Sinha - Project Title -Synthesis of ZIF 11 and its application in biodiesel production from waste cooking oil (Ongoing)
Project No -ORSP/R&D/SRP/2017/PMSS
Dr. Surendra Sasi Kumar Jampa and Dr Pravin Kodgire - Project Title -Development of sequential process intensification reactors for biodiesel production using catalyst free insitu transesterification (Ongoing)
Project No -ORSP/R&D/SRP/2017/KTPK
Dr Pravin Kodgire and Dr. Surendra Kachhwaha - Project Title -Synthesis and characterization of PVDF membrane for waste water treatment (Completed)
Project No -ORSP/R&D/SRP/2016/TPBS
Ms. Bharti Sani - Project Title -Preparation and characterization of Polysulfone (PSF) membranes by blending water soluble polymer - Poly Ethylene Glycol Methyl Ether 5000 (PEGME) in different concentrations for dye effluent treatment (Completed)
Project No -ORSP/R&D/SRP/2016/JBBS
Ms. Bharti Sani - Project Title -Development of an adsorption led solar cooling technology (Completed)
Project No -ORSP/R&D/SRP/2016/YKSD
Dr. Sukanta Dash
*ORSP is Office of Research and Sponsored Programs that grant funds to PDEU fraternity to carryout Students Research Projects
Visiting Faculty
Dr. S.V.Dharwadkar
Dr.S.V.Dharwadkar is privileged to have all his professional education including post-doctoral at world renowned Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai. He has 21 years of Industrial experience followed by 15 years of academic experience to his credit.His research interests are Green chemistry,sustainable technologies and multiphase reactor design.

Lab Assistant
Chemical Engineering
View Profile

Lab Assistant
B. E. Chemical Engineering

Lab Assistant
Diploma in Chemical Engineering,
B.Sc. Chemistry,M.Sc. Chemistry

Raj Sinha

Shishir Raut

Naitik Patel

Het Patel

Kishan Patel

Nisarg Shukla

Mihir Patel

Smit Thummar

Tirth Bhingradiya

Kedar Dave

Vraj Shah

Yash Kapadia

Aayush Patel

Shagun Patel

Yami Patel

Vinit Parmer

Cheril Parmar

Bhagyadip Kathariya

Prit Patel

Madhav Prajapati

Yash Vaddoriya

Diya Acharya

Jainil Bhavsar

Ashish Choudhury

Brijesh Ribadiya

Sanskruti Pandey

Krish Patel

Bhavi Panchal

M.Tech Department

Rohan Roychaudhury

Rajat Chauhan

Tejas Sawant

Janki Jagani

Saptarchita Datta

IIChE Student Chapter
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE) is a confluence of streams of professionals from academia, research institute, and industry. It provides them the appropriate forum for joint endeavors, hand-in-hand, to work for human beings throughthe application of chemical engineering and allied sciences.
Student Chapter of the IIChE under the Ahmedabad Regional Centre is formed at the Chemical Engineering Department, Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU) which has its undergraduates and master’s students with departmental faculties as an integral part of the unit.
The Student Chapter guides its members in career choice by arranging lectures, seminars, short courses, plant visits, etc., at regular intervals to better equip and empower the students when they come out of their academic precincts. Academic activities apart, Student Chapter also organizes cultural events and sports activities for its members.
Current Office Bearers of the IIChE Student Chapter at PDEU are,
- Faculty Coordinator : Dr. Anirban Dey
- Secretary : Sanskar Pandya (5th Sem)
Nevil Ramani (5th Sem) - Joint Secretary : Sivi Pal (5th Sem)
- Event Management Head : RakshitVadera (5th Sem)
Rahi Mehta (5th Sem) - Public Relation Head : ZeelGajera (5th Sem)
- Technical Head : DevamBhadaniya (5th Sem)
- Documentation Head : Vanshika Jain (5th Sem)
ShrinidhiPadaki (5th Sem) - Design Head : Deep Kotadiya (7th Sem)
Madhav Joshi (5th Sem)
- Event Report 2018-19
- Event Report-Expert Lecture-16 Sep 2019
- Event Report-Expert Lecture-23 Aug 2019
![]() Aditi Chopra Growth Head, FamPay Growth Consultant, NLSIU Bangalore and MP Govt UNLEASH Fellow |
PDPU is a glorious amalgamation of modern education and traditional learning's. Throughout my four years at PDPU, I've not only learnt the ins and outs of Chemical Engineering, but had a wholesome experience which involved - International Research Experiences on and off campus (Summer Internships at Cornell and Lamar University)- Applied Subject Learning (Industrial visits to prominent chemical plants)- Management Lessons (Organizing and participating in different fests, sports, and community work) - and most importantly, Life Lessons that I got from my teachers and friends which have been instrumental in shaping the person that I am today and the work that I do! |
![]() Jatin Lakhani Reliance Industries Ltd |
PDPU provided the platform to study, excel, complete and explore my potential. Motivational teaching , making projects, learning at internships helped a lot in understanding the technical aspects & clearing the job interviews. The training & placement cell Of PDPU helped me in acing through the campus placements and I got my first job offer in Reliance Industries Ltd, Dahej, Gujarat at Post of Manager In Operation Domain. All I want to convey is that graduation certificate is just a piece of paper which makes us eligible to sit for recruitment process but what makes us strong enough to complete for those exams is the quality of journey we go through to get graduated. Be it University professor, we All have someone who inspires us to explore our potential. Faculty who taught me at PDPU are not only teachers but mentors for life. I extend my heartfelt thanks to my Mentors for their selfless efforts. |
![]() Kushal Shah Assistant Manager – Jubilant Life Sciences |
I wants to tell you that you all are lucky enough that you going to join one of the best premium institute in Engineering. If I talk about my experience at PDPU, it was filled with great learning and full of happiness. PDPU has best faculties in all branches having great teaching experience, along with that there are tremendous opportunities for extra curricular activities. There are various clubs, festival celebration, sports facilities that makes the student afresh along with studies. So my final words are take best advantages of world class faculties but also participate in other activities to groom yourself in all areas of your life. |
![]() Jay Mehta Economic Planner & Scheduler, Nayara Energy Limited |
I often become nostalgic when i think about 2012-2016 : life @ PDPU. It was magnificently fascinating in all aspects not just because I achieved gold medal but because of numerous tangible & intangible gains & perks it offered. In very transient period, PDPU made its huge brand image surpassing other state level institutions and thereby strengthening its student's CV either for further study or campus placement. Wishing great luck for upcoming sine qua non phases of life - College Campus to Company (C2C) |
![]() Vaibhav Vaghani Process Engineer - L&T, Hydrocarbon Engineering Division |
PDPU has provided me very good platform for technical as well as non technical support of my field, which helps me a lot during my worked life. Faculties are technically so strong and supportive that I could have managed to crack GATE exam as well as L&T technical Interview. |
![]() Yash Gokani Assistant Manager - Jubilant Life Sciences Ltd. |
I had a wonderful experience studying in PDPU, especially the faculties are amiable and very obliging. The concepts about the subjects taught by them were very helpful for me clearing my interview during placements and because of which I got recruited from the campus. Talking about the college it has one best campus among engineering colleges and cultural functions organized are very beautiful. I enjoyed my span of 4 years to the fullest. |
![]() Jay Sorathia Master's Candidate at NJIT, USA. |
Along with a good Technical side, PDPU was the ocean of opportunities for me. Grabbing them has contributed a lot in my overall development. It was a perfect joyride for me in those 4 years. |
![]() Harsh M Patel Master’s Student, ICT, Mumbai |
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University is a Reservoir of Knowledge and Ocean of Opportunities as there are faculties with different expertise and knowledge for Technical field and also Mentors for co-circular activities and clubs It’s just that you need to explore yourself and grab the opportunity. |
![]() Amit Vaghasia Protiviti - Dubai |
It's not just the subject knowledge but the problem solving skills acquired during these 4 years which come more handy. My advice would be to get oneself acquainted with interdisciplinary knowledge and its application. Learn not just because it would help you in your exams but would help you in the long run. All the best for the promising years ahead! |
![]() Khanjan Kapadiya Process Engineer - L&T Technology Services |
It's been a wonderful & knowledgeable journey of last 4 years of my life with PDPU, always be grateful to this organization for providing such a platform from where I have accomplished my life goals. |
Campus Recruitment
Recruiters for 2016 Batch – Year 2020 | |
Recruiters for 2015 Batch – Year 2019 | |
Recruiters for 2014 Batch – Year 2018 | |
Recruiters for 2013 Batch – Year 2017 | |
Recruiters for 2012 Batch – Year 2016 | |
Recruiters for 2011 Batch – Year 2015 | |
Industrial Internship
- Industrial Training Batch 2016-20
- Industrial Training Batch 2015-19
- Industrial Training Batch 2014-18
- Industrial Training Batch 2013-17
- Industrial Training Batch 2012-16
- Industrial Training Batch 2011-15
• To expose students to various operations of oil and gas industry for enhancing their understanding about application of science and engineering principles studied in first two years of B. Tech programme.
• To develop students’ understating about oil and gas industry operations to facilitate their academic and research learning for the 3rd and 4th year B. Tech programme.
• To create border understanding of oil and gas value chain.
• To expose students to upstream, midstream and downstream operations of oil and gas sector.
Batch 2018-22 | |
1 | Bayer Crop Science, Himmatnagar |
Batch 2017-21 | |
1 | Gujarat Alkalis and Chemicals Limited, Vadodara |
2 | IFFCO, Kalol |
3 | Reliance Industries Limited, Vadodara |
Batch 2016-20 | |
1 | Reliance Industries Limited, Vadodara |
2 | IFFCO Kalol |
3 | Jay Chemicals, Vatva |
Batch 2015-19 | |
1 | Gujrat Alkalis and Chemicals Limited, Vadodara |
2 | Meghmani Dyes and Intermediates |
3 | Reliance Industries Vadodara |
4 | Nirma, Alindra Plant |
Batch 2014-18 | |
1 | Gujrat Alkalis and Chemicals Limited, Baroda |
2 | Meghmani Dyes & Intermediates |
3 | Reliance Industries, Baroda |
4 | Nirma Alindra Plant |
Batch 2013-17 | |
1 | Meghmani Industries, Vatva |
2 | Nirma Alindra Plant |
3 | AmulFed Dairy, Bhat |
4 | Milestone India, Naroda GIDC |
Batch 2012-16 | |
1 | IFFCO, Kalol |
2 | Bayer Cropscience |
3 | Green Enviro |
4 | Godrej Industries |
5 | Meghmani Organics |
Batch 2011-15 | |
1 | JK Lakshmi Cement |
2 | IFFCO, Kalol |
3 | Essar, Hazira |
R & D / Consultancy
Project Details:
Sr. | Title | Duration | Agency | Amount (Rs) |
F.Y. 2020-21 | ||||
1 | Smart steam disinfection system to fight COVID 19 in public places for the support challenges posed by COVID-19 under Gujarat STI policy | 3 Years | GUJCOST | 1804000 |
F.Y 2019-20 | ||||
1 | Structure, Interaction and Process for Energy Efficient CO2 Separations Using Novel Ionic Liquids Supported Membranes | 3 Years | DST, India | 30,00,000 |
2 | Molecular Simulation of Novel phosphonium based ionic liquids | 0.3 Year | DST, India | 10000 |
3 | Integrated Design and Demonstration of Intensified CO2 Capture with Cost Effective- advanced Process. (INDIA-CO2) | 3 Years | DBT, India | 6500000 |
F.Y 2017-18 | ||||
1 | Extractive Desulfurization of liquid fuel using Novel ionic liquids | May 17-Jan 2018 | SERB, DST India | 1513864.0 |
2 | Geothermal Exploration grant | 1 Year | ONGC Energy Center | 300000 |
Consultancy Details:
Sr. | Title | Duration | Agency | Amount (Rs) |
2020-21 | ||||
1 | Campus to Corporate Training for Torrent Gas | Oct 12-18, 2020 | Torrent Gas | 300000 |
2019-20 | ||||
1 | Development and analysis of CO2 capture system using chemical solvents | Apr 1, 2019 – Mar 31, 2020 | Carbon Capture Technologies Pvt Ltd | 703079 |
2018-19 | ||||
1 | Development and analysis of CO2 capture system using chemical solvents | Apr 1, 2018 – Mar 31, 2019 | Carbon Capture Technologies Pvt Ltd | 432664 |
2 | Synthesis of Colored Bitumen Via Synthesis of Artificial Bitumen Route | Apr 1, 2018 - Mar 31, 2019 | TikiTar Industries | 792000 |
3 | Environment Audit | - | Gujarat Pollution Control Board | 835881 |
F.Y. 2017-18 | ||||
1 | Development and analysis of CO2 capture system using chemical solvents | Apr 1, 2017 - Mar 31, 2018 | Carbon Capture Technologies Pvt Ltd | 269040 |
Recent Publications
- D. Chandran, M.Khalid, R. Walvekar, N. M. Mubarak, S. Dharaskar, W. Y. Wong, T.C.S.M. Gupta, “Deep eutectic solvents for extraction-desulphurization: A review”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 275, 312-322, 2019.
- S. Dharaskar, S. Natesan “Optimization and extraction of pharmaceutical micropollutant norfloxacin by using green emulsion liquid membrane”, Desalinationand Water Treatment.
- Bharti Saini, Snigdha Khuntia, Manish K.Sinha “Incorporation of cross-linked poly (AA-co-ACMO) copolymer with pH responsive and hydrophilic properties to polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane for the mitigation of fouling behaviour”, Journal of Membrane Science, 572 (2019), 184–197.
- Snigdha Khuntia, Manish Kumar Sinha, Bharti Saini “An approach to minimize the ozone loss in a series reactor: A case of peroxone process”, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 6 (2018) 6916–6922.
- Kanubhai K. Parmar, G.Padmavathi and Sukanta K.Dash, “Modelling and simulation of naphtha cracker”, Indian Chemical Engineer.
- Abhishek Yadav, E. John Hinch and Mahesh S. Tirumkudulu, Capillary-Induced Motion of Particles Bridging Interfaces of a Free-Standing Thin Liquid Film, Physical Review Letters (Accepted on Feb 1, 2019)
PhD Graduates
AY 2020-21
- Mrs. Parwathi Pillai (17RCH001) successfully defended her PhD thesis titled "Removal of Fluoride Contamination from ground water using nano-absorbent" under supervision of Dr. Swapnil Dharaskar on May 31, 2021.
- Mrs. Anvita Sharma (13RCH003) successfully defended her PhD thesis titled "Studies on Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil using Process Intensification Techniques" under supervision of Dr Pravin Kodgire and Prof Surendra Singh Kachhwaha on Mar 10, 2021.
- Mr. Himanshu Choksi (13RCH002) successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Synthesis of Heterogeneous Catalyst for the Production of Biodiesel and Its Optimization Study" under supervision of Dr. Sivakumar P. on Nov 09, 2020.
AY 2019-20
- Mr. Anirban Dey successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Experimental and Modeling study on the CO2 absorption using blended amine solvent" under supervision of Prof B.P. Mandal, IIT Guwahati. He did his work in PDEU under co-guidance of Dr. S. K. Dash.
- Mrs Bharati Saini (14RCH03P) successfully defended her PhD thesis titled "Synthesis and Characterization of anti-fouling ultrafiltration membranes and its application in wastewater treatment" under supervision of Dr. Manish K. Sinha on Jun 09, 2020.
Faculty Events and Participation
Year 2018 | |
International ConferenceAnnual Conference on Green Calaysis and Sustainable energyDate: 15 - 16 Nov, 2018 Venue: Dubai, UAE Organized by: Dr. Swapnil Dharaskar |
ParticipationDr. Sukanta Kumar DashDate: 08 Dec, 2018 Venue: Vadodara Organized by: Reliance industries, MS university and GIS. |
ParticipationNational ConferenceDate: 23 - 24 February, 2018 Venue: PDEU Organized by: SPE student Chapter Participated by: Dr. Swapnil Dharaskar and Dr. Ashish Unnarkat |
ParticipationAnnual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (CHEMCON -2018)Date: 29 December, 2018 Venue: NIT JALANDHAR Organized by: Dr. Lubhani Mishra |
EventHEMFUGE - The Quizzing ExtravaganzaDate: 26 Oct, 18 Venue: PDEU Organized by: Mr. Anirban Dey and Dr. Swapnil Dharaskar |
Expert LectureTalk on Optimization: Engineering applications by Dr. Nitin Padiyar, Chemical Engineering Department, IIT GandhinagarDate: 11 Oct, 18 Venue: PDEU Organized by: Ms. Sweta Balchandani |
Expert LectureTalk on Fertilizer Technology by Mr. Alok Jaiswal,Manager,IFFCO Kalol.Date: 26 Oct, 18 Venue: PDEU Organized by: Ms. Bharti Saini |
Expert LectureExpert talk and University Visit by Dr. R. R. Sonde Executive President, Research, Innovation and technology center & Member on board ofDate: 20-24 Nov, 2018 Venue: NIT Warangal Organized by: Dr. Sukanta Dash, Asst. Prof., Chem. Engg. |
Guest VisitRashmi Valvekar from Taylors University, Malaysia visited the department and interacted with faculties.Date: 26 Dec, 2018 Venue: PDEU Organized by: Dr. Swapnil Dharaskar |
Guest VisitProf. Parimal Parikh from SVNIT Surat visited the department and witnessed with faculties.Date: 27 Dec, 2018 Venue: PDEU Organized by: Dr. Swapnil Dharaskar |
Students Achievements
- Mr. Nilaksh Kakadiya got admission at the University of the West of Scotland.
- Mr. Nikunj Agarwal qualified for the CAT exam with 99.09%.
- Mr. Kushal Shah, Mr. Zeel Asti, Mr. Tanmay Sanghvi, Mr. Brijesh Khunt, Mr. Chirag Shir, Ms. Avani Makhesana, Mr. Vinod Suthar, Ms. Shreya Singh, Ms. Chahat Jain, Ms. Shrushti Barvaliya, and Mr. Neilansh Saxena qualified for the GATE 2021.
- Ms. Yashvi Sheth got admission to the Ph.D. program at IIT Bombay.
- Ms. Anvita Sharma was awarded the Ph.D. degree.
- Ms. Parwathi Pillai was awarded the Ph.D. degree.
- Mr. Yagna Hirappa secured the Prof. M M Sharma Doctoral Fellowship in Jul 2021.
- Ms. Shreya Singh was awarded by Engineer's Association in Sep 2021.
Conferences/ Workshops
- Ms. Parwathi Pillai (PhD Scholar), Swapnil Dharaskar (PhD Supervisor) Presented paper on “Rice husk derived silica nano doped on calcium peroxide” for fluoride removal from ground water” in 2nd International Nano-symposium organised by Dr Tapas Sen, University of Central Lancashire (Uclan) UK during 14 to 15th July 2020
- Dr. Abhishek Gupta guided 4 teams for “Lets’s Hack COVID-19 Edition”, organized by IIC, PDPU. Among these two teams led by Ms. Srushti (B.Tech 4th year) and Mr. Parth (M.Tech 2nd year) entered the final 30 teams and presented their ideas.
- Dr. Dadi Suriapparao guided 4 teams for “Lets’s Hack COVID-19 Edition”, organized by IIC, PDPU. Among these one team led by Vinod Suthar on “Electromagnetic irradiation of hospital biomedical waste” was selected in the top 30 teams.
- Yashvi Seth and Aishwarya Mathur guided by Dr. Swapnil Dharaskar on “To Create a roadmap towards building a happier and safer world” during the LET’S HACK COVID-19 selected in the top 30 teams.
Projects Proposal (Submitted)
- Mr. Hamzah Abdul Menem (M.Tech Scholar) submitted project proposal titled, “Utilization of phase change materials for energy efficient water heating system”, faculty guide Dr. Rajat Saxena and Dr. Swapnil Dharaskar, under ISHRAE Student Project Grant – ISPG Post Graduate 2020-21 Scheme, August 2020
- Chaitanya Patel, Medavi Pandya, Manish Firke and Parush Banwasi were awarded with Gold medals during convocation at PdPU in November 2020.
- Sidhh Bhatt secured 3rd Rank in garVIT-20 an international Techno management carnival organised by VIT Vellore during 01st -04th October 2020.
- Anjali Thaker worked as Campus Ambassador for National level Chemical engineering quiz (CHEM-O-PHILLA) organised by IIT Mumbai on 24th October 2020.
- Shikhar Srivastava secured 1st position in National level Chemical engineering quiz (CHEM-O-PHILLA) organised by IIT Mumbai on 24th October 2020.
- Harsh Pancholi secured 2nd Position in National level Chemical engineering quiz (CHEM-O-PHILLA) organised by IIT Mumbai on 24th October 2020.
- Jimit Patel secured 3rd Position in National level Chemical engineering quiz (CHEM-O-PHILLA) organised by IIT Mumbai on 24th October 2020.
- Avani Makhesana and Prachi Desai got 1st rank in Chemfluence quiz event during SPE Fest 2020 organised by SPT PDPU from 5th November to 8th November 2020.
- Mr. Abdul Raheman from Egypt joined as an International Intern under AISEC programme to carry out research in Chemical Engineering Department, School of Technology, PDPU, Gandhinagar.
Workshops/ Conferences
- Mr. Arpit Patel and Mr. Vaibhav Bhandari, Final year B Tech students attended ‘2 nd Edition Industry 4.0 Summit on ‘Improving Competitiveness in Manufacturing Using AI & LOT’ on 12th September, 2019 Hotel Crown Plaza, Ahmedabad.
- Mr. Shubham Kalan (M.Tech 2nd Year) Presented a poster on “Ethybenzene oxidation using cobalt oxide supported over sba-12 and kit-6” at 2nd Conference on “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICNAN-2)” at VIT Vellore. The work is supervised by Dr. Ashish Unnarkat.
- Avani Makhesana, Prachi Shah, Kaushik Jain and Mumtaz Alizara participated in “Smart Gujarat for New India hackathon 2019-20 under the challenge of developing insulator brick or layer for Kiln of Ceramic Industries”
- Chirag Mehta and Mayank Makwana attended a conference on “Industrial Catalysis ICAT-2019” on 23rd November 2019. It was held at MS University, Vadodara.
- Prachi Shah working under Dr. Bharti Saini received best poster presentation award in “Students Chemical Engineering Congress SCHEMCON-2019” during 17-18 October 2019 organised by Shroff S R Rotary Institute of Chemical technology.
- Mr. Dhwanil Vaghani, Mr. Arpit Patel and Mr. Raj Pindoria working under Ms. Bharti Saini, received Best Poster presentation award in “Students’ Chemical Engineering Congress (SCHEMCON-2019)” during 17-18 October 2019 organized by Shroff S R Rotary Institute of Chemical Technology.
- Ms. Parvathi Pillai Ph.D stuet under Dr. S Dharaskar presented oral paper in International Conference IMMT-19 at BITS, Dubai in November 2019.
- Parwathi Pillai (PhD Scholar) and Swapnil Dharaskar “Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Calcium Peroxide as Low Cost adsorbent for fluoride removal from aqueous media" Journal of Water Chemical Technology, September 2019 (Accepted). (Q2 Journal, Springer)
- Parwathi Pillai, Swapnil Dharaskar, Surendra Sasikumar, Mohammad Khalid, “Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 Nanoparticle: A Novel Adsorbent For Effective Fluoride Removal From Aqueous Solution” Applied Water Science, 9, 150-158, 2019. ( Scopus, Q2 Journal, Springer.
- Parwathi Pillai and Komal Desai(PhD scholar), Yogesh Lakhtaria (UG student) Swapnil Dharaskar, Mohammad Khalid “Removal Of Fluoride Using Modified Iron Oxyhydroxide Coated With Rice Husk From Aqueous Media” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-10, 2019. (Q1 Journal, Springer, I.F. 2.9)
Comprehensive Projects (CP)
- Ms. Medhavi Pandya is selected for “Research Internship Awards 2019-20” at IIT Bombay with 10K Fellowship for CP. She will be working with Prof. Partha S. Goswami in Chemical Engineering Department for her Internship. Dr. Ashish Unnarkat has guided her through the process.
Events Conducted by Students
- Mr. Jainish Shah and Medhavi Pandya, Final Year Chemical Engineering Students Conducted “CHEM-O-PHILLA” A National Level Chemical Engineering Quiz at Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University during 21st November 2019.
Research Fellowship
- Mr. Tushar Patil Joined as Junior Research Fellow under Dr. Swapnil Dharskar and Dr. Manish Sinha on DST Sponsored Project.
List of students placed in the current session (2019-2020)

- Mr. Maharshi Joshi, Mr. Harsh Patel and Mr. Amit Vaghasia (final year students) attended 5 day workshop GIAN workshop on Advanced Computer Aided Modelling of Chemical & Biochemical Processes at NIT Warangal during 3 rd to 7 th September 2018.
- Mr. Harsh Patel, Ms. Krusha Patel, Mr. Maharshi Joshi and Mr. Dhwanil Vaghani, working under Ms. Bharti Saini, presented a paper in Students’ Chemical Engineering Congress (SCHEMCON-2018) during 26th-27th October 2018 organized by Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai,.
- Mr. Amit Vaghasia and Mr. Maaz Maniar, final year students, working under Dr. Manish K. Sinha, presented a paper and poster in Students’ Chemical Engineering Congress (SCHEMCON-2018) during 26th-27th October 2018 organized by Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai
- Mr. Jay Bhalala and Mr. Harsh Patel (M.Tech students) and Mr. Dhwanil Vaghani, Mr, Nishant Gajjar, Mr. Raj Pindoria and Mr. Madhav Karia (pre-final year students) attended one week GIAN course on Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling of Fluidized beds at NIT Warangal during 12th to 16th November 2018.
- Ms. Parwathi Pillai, Ph.D. scholar, working under Dr. S. Dharaskar, presented a paper in International Conference on Advances and Challenges for Sustainable Ecosystems (ICACSE 2018) during 6 th-8 th December 2018 at NIT, Tiruchirappalli, India.
- Mr. Amit Vaghasia, final year student, working under Dr. Manish Kumar Sinha, was selected for Gouri Dutta Award for the best paper presentation at Students’ Chemical Engineering Congress (SCHEMCON-2018) during 26th-27th October 2018 organized by Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai,.
- Mr. Maharshi Joshi, Mr. Harsh Patel and Mr. Amit Vaghasia (final year students) secured excellent grade in GIAN course on “Advanced Computer Aided Modeling of Chemical and Biochemical Processes” during 11th to 15th November 2018 organized by NIT Warangal, India.
- Ms. Saloni Solanki (2 nd year student) won the most coveted SOT- Best Speaker Award and Brian (1 st year student) won the 1 st runners-up award held on 27th November 2018.
- Mr. Manav Agarwal secured AIR – 3 (Score : 77.34) in GATE 2019 (Chemical Engineering) which is a remarkable achievement for the department.
- Mr. Dhvanil Vaghani, Mr. Arpit Patel and Mr. Raj Pindoria (3rd year) were awarded 2nd prize in poster presentation at CHEMTECH Student Outreach Program’19 under the guidance of Ms. Bharti Saini.
- Mr. Amit Vaghasia selected for 4th and final phase of the economic times campus star. He is one of the 281 candidates who are just one step away from making it to the India’s most coveted list of India’s brightest engineering students.
Ph.D Thesis
- Mr. Kanubhai Parmar, Ph.D. student of Dr. S. K. Dash, has successfully defended his PhD thesis titled” Strategies for Performance Improvement in Thermal Cracking Process” on 6 th May, 2019. Dr. Parmar is the first Ph.D. awarded candidate from the Department of Chemical Engineering, SOT, PDPU.
- 4th Doctoral Committee Review of Mrs. Parwathi Pillai, Ph.D. Student under the supervision of Dr. S. Dharaskar was successfully completed on 15th May 2019 in the presence of Prof. Sameer Dalvi, Head, Chemical Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar.
- Dr. Kanubhai Parmar, RIL, Vadodara (Ph.D. student of Dr. S. K. Dash) was bid farewell by the department faculties after successful completion of his Ph.D. dissertation.
- Newsletter July - September 2021
- Newsletter January - March 2021
- Newsletter September - December 2020
- Newsletter March - August 2020
- Newsletter December 2019 - March 2020
- Newsletter October - November 2019
- Newsletter August - September 2019
- Newsletter June - July 2019
- Newsletter April - May 2019
- Newsletter January - March 2019
- Newsletter October - December 2018

- Call for Papers for "International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Clean Technologies" to be held on 2-4 Sep, 2022.
Click here for detailed brochure. - Indo Canadian Research Conclave on Sustainable Approaches to Carbon Capture Sequestration and Utilization (ICRC-CCSU) from 12th - 13th March 2021.
Abstract Format for ICRC-CCSU - New Frontiers in Energy and Environment Sustainability, NFEES-2021 from 27th - 28th February 2021.
Industry Institute Interface